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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Raging Bull - 7/10. Decent enough but wasn't overly impressed tbh so don't understand the hype. Made Jake seem like a right cunto.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - 8/10. It was a really good western, as I'm not a huge western fan, but very enjoyable.

Schindlers List - 7/10. I'll probably take stick for not rating it higher. It's a good film, and one that had to be made but I'm not a big Spielberg fan in general and I guess it's just not my type of film.

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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Schindlers List - 7/10. I'll probably take stick for not eating it higher. It's a good film, and one that had to be made but I'm not a big Spielberg fan in general and I guess it's just not my type of film.

Don't worry, no one will criticise you for not eating it...

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Yeah I actually thought Angela Riseborough was the hotter of the 2

I felt the same way. I thought Olga Kurylenko looked pretty good but Andrea Riseborough looked fantastic in it. Her character was also the most interesting by a long way. It's a pity that the film is determined to make her into essentially a stepford wife, before eventually deciding to ignore her altogether.

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Has anyone seen The Place Beyond The Pines yet? I thought it was really quite good but would have maybe worked better as a three-part TV series or something rather than a film in the 'acts'. Enjoyed it though.

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Has anyone seen The Place Beyond The Pines yet? I thought it was really quite good but would have maybe worked better as a three-part TV series or something rather than a film in the 'acts'. Enjoyed it though.

apparently it was originally meant to be a series which HBO considered taking on but decided against it , they said it would be a little hard to believe and was too cheesy for them.

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May I Kill U - Kevin Bishop as a frustrated copper who starts dispensing "justice" and becomes a Net celebrity, before it all goes predictably tits up. Not a bad watch for a weekend "ironing movie", but could have been a lot better if the director had decided whether to go with black comedy, social commentary,drama or suspense. Ended up as a bit of a mish-mash - watchable, but too changeable in tone for me. 6/10

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Has anyone seen The Place Beyond The Pines yet? I thought it was really quite good but would have maybe worked better as a three-part TV series or something rather than a film in the 'acts'. Enjoyed it though.

Just back from seeing it and I fully agree.

Each "act" was very good but I'm not sure about how they merged together, it felt very much like three separate blocks. Gosling and Cooper was very good and the rest of the other cast were similarly good. Nice to see Ben Mendelsohn turn up, the un-aging man was great.


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Watching Spider Man 2 right now.

The CGI does not hold up well

I watched terminator last night. Still a cracking film but cgi has dated badly.

Also watched terminator 2, the jump in cgi standards are amazing.

Although furlongs squeaky voice irritates and his age on the timeline seems out

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Spring Breakers - 7/10

When buying my ticket for this, the girl behind the counter asked me if i realised it was an "arty" film with a lot of nudity, because they'd been asked for a lot of refunds by people who had walked out, shocked by it.

It's a strange film. A lot of the dialogue is repeated 3 or 4 times while the camera moves from girl to girl, or taking shots of a sunset. It really does look beautiful. Things get really interesting when James Franco turns up. He's brilliant in this. There's a scene when he serenades 3 of the girls with a Britney Spears song on the piano which is just terrific.

Vanessa Hudgens is a right wee dirty!

I saw this last night and I loved it.

Some great dialogue and plenty of gratuitous tits and violence.

And yeah, James Franco was hilarious.

One a side note, would a cinema refund your ticket if you thought the film was shite? I've never heard of this before.

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Olympus Has Fallen - Spectacularly bad, none of the plot (North Koreans take over the White House and kidnap the President) is remotely plausible. Gerard Butler's character is a psychpath whom the audience applauded when he killed. Utter shite.


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I'll echo what others have said about Place Beyond the Pines. Very engaging, but I would have liked more crossover between each act, rather than it splitting very sharply through each one. Gosling was superb, Cooper was good, and it was a very well made film that people should make the effort to go see (only the DCA in Dundee are showing it, which meant no Nachos :()

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I really enjoyed Place Beyond the Pines, I thought it was a really interesting film. I can see where the criticisms about it are coming from but I kind of enjoyed the way that the film had definite splits, that it focussed on the outcome of actions in different circumstances, across the generations.

Obviously this was helped by fantastic performances from the main cast, especially Ryan Gosling. I thought Bradley Cooper gave a good performance as well, especially in the early sections that he is in the film. Ray Liotta just played himself, Eva Mendes was pretty good and the younger actors in the final section were also good. The thing that I enjoyed about it was it was a different sort of the crime film, I kind of went in expecting a linear film about Bradley Cooper trying to catch Ryan Gosling but it was a lot more subtle than that.

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Lockout. Mike from Neighbours and Shannon from Lost fight prisoners in a space jail and escape safely. 2/10

Have to admit that film was a bit a guilty pleasure for me, the "Scottish" nutter who was the guy from Misfit played his part brillantly and GP did a good job a well. Def a popcorn no brainer flick but good none the less

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I felt the same way. I thought Olga Kurylenko looked pretty good but Andrea Riseborough looked fantastic in it. Her character was also the most interesting by a long way. It's a pity that the film is determined to make her into essentially a stepford wife, before eventually deciding to ignore her altogether.

Yeah was a bit of shame, she played her part well as well. The scene with her inside herself was very good, tho thank god for the pool scene :-)

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