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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Paranormal Activity 5 - Ugh. No point recounting the plot, as it's the same as the others, and the only differences would count as possible spoilers (I guess). I like this series of films; the first three are, to varying degrees, pretty entertaining, and I enjoyed the Hispanic Activity spin-off too, which was well made and had likeable characters (along with a decent throwaway tie-in to the main plotline). #4 had a few interesting elements, but was generally poor, although still significantly better than this.

Couldn't care less about any of the characters in this film. The ties to the other films are pretty uninspired and poorly-done; as an ending to the series, it's hard to imagine anyone being anything other than disappointed. Not only that, I ended up in a 3D showing as it's all that was available all day, and the 3D is atrocious; the movie toddles along happily in 2D for 20 minutes at a time, before suddenly switching to 3D for a single scene to telegraph "SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN", and the "something" in question is almost always an artless jump-scare as there's nothing creepy or unsettling about the film at all. Even worse, the brief 3D scenes are combined with the '80s camcorder effect that the film's logic dictates is necessary, which makes what little there is to see look terribly unimpressive. Frankly, I felt cheated at paying the 3D premium for a 2D film with occasional inserts - it basically shouldn't have been given a 3D release.

Probably a good thing that this series is (in theory) over now, as the whole thing comes across as very tired, and has a "will this do?" feel to rounding off the story. They'd have been much better off letting it sit until someone had a better idea of where to go.

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I think they're shite tbh. IMO 'shaky cam' films are done. It was a nice idea and it worked well for a couple of them; The Blair Witch and Cloverfield being the two that spring to mind but it's time for them to go. The last one I watched was Creep. It had an amazingly shocking ending but up until that point I was bored outa my tits. I only stuck with it as I had heard the end had a good twist. But one major scene couldn't save it as a whole.

I just find these kind of films boring now and don't think anything original is being produced. Just my opinion of course, but to me these films are always made to look creepy and good in the trailers but what we see in the trailer is literally the only worthwhile things that occur during the film and the rest feels like filler.

There's obviously still a market though as PA has somehow got to 5/6 films. But for me, Time To Go Shaky Cam :P

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Watched a few in the last month or so

Jurrasic World - 7/10

Was decent enough entertainment. I thought the dinosaurs looked a bit ropey at times though. I also wish they had more of a shock value as to who was going to get munched. Pretty much called every characters death within 10 seconds of them being on screen.

The Equalizer - 5/10

Taken 4 starring Denzel Washington. Some good action scenes.

John Wick - 5/10

Keanu Reeves plays a retired assassin who kills about 150 people because somebody pannelled his dug! Again, some good action scenes.

Draft Day - 2/10

A boring film about the NFL draft. Oooh the suspense. Pish

Nightcrawler - 9/10

Loved this. Jake Gyllenhaal as the creepy main character is brilliant

Edited by wirez
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Inside Out

I've almost had this movie forced down my throat by a couple of my friends, who have swen this movie about five times now. It is a good movie and I understand why some people will claim it's the greatest kids movie ever made, however, it did feel rather overhyped.


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Watched Mud on Friday enjoyable enough film though the 14 year old boy cracking about 4 people was pretty random. The shoutout at the end let it down a bit did why none of the bad guys go after the old boy that was picking them off? Still good though 7/10

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Denis Villeneuve is quickly establishing himself as one of the best directors around. This is a very dark movie about Mexican drug cartels. Without giving too much away, there are three masterful set pieces in the first half of this movie; the scene where the team enter Juarez reminds me of 'Apocalypse Now', the soundtrack's ominous low frequency rumble signifying that we're entering the heart of darkness, and the scene on the bridge crossing back into El Paso was brilliantly staged. It's a visceral experience of a movie, claustrophobic, immersive and tense. The director skilfully drip feeds information about the mission and the characters. Like the female protagonist, the audience is kept on a strictly 'need to know' basis for much of the journey. Benicio del Toro is brilliant in this, his best performance for ages, and is ably backed up by Josh Brolin and the rest of the cast.

Can't wait for Villenueve's take on Blade Runner.


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I think they're shite tbh. IMO 'shaky cam' films are done. It was a nice idea and it worked well for a couple of them; The Blair Witch and Cloverfield being the two that spring to mind but it's time for them to go. The last one I watched was Creep. It had an amazingly shocking ending but up until that point I was bored outa my tits. I only stuck with it as I had heard the end had a good twist. But one major scene couldn't save it as a whole.

I just find these kind of films boring now and don't think anything original is being produced. Just my opinion of course, but to me these films are always made to look creepy and good in the trailers but what we see in the trailer is literally the only worthwhile things that occur during the film and the rest feels like filler.

There's obviously still a market though as PA has somehow got to 5/6 films. But for me, Time To Go Shaky Cam :P

I still like them. The hit rate isn't great, but then that's true of the horror genre in general. IMO, the conceit makes the mediocre seem a bit more immediate and compelling, and I can think of more recent FF horror films I'd give a thumbs up to than the traditionally filmed variety. The thing that surprised me was that it took so long to catch on as a genre after The Blair Witch Project - after its release, all the critics talked about how that film would be ripped off mercilessly, but it didn't really happen until a good five or six years afterwards.

Best example of a dishonest 'found footage' trailer I can think of was Catfish, which did its best to made the film look like the protagonists were going to meet with a sticky end (and, indeed, that it was a found footage film at all), despite that clearly not being the case :lol:

Thinking about it, I'm surprised at how many found footage films I've really enjoyed over the past five years or so. Can't think of many traditional horror films at all.

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The Drop - 5/10. Just a strange film all round for me. The premise is pretty simple but the back stories and themes are a little off and/or pointless. Usual performance from Gandalfini in his last movie but a strange, almost unhinged performance from Hardy which is obviously deliberate but not sure if it is needed. Not unless he was written that way.

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Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie.

Garbage with a smattering of chuckles here and there.

Good god man! I trust you knew it was gonna be, total, jobbies. What, in earth, possessed you?

If you lasted the entirety of the film. Fair play, mate. You're one of the hardest c***s I Ken.

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Good god man! I trust you knew it was gonna be, total, jobbies. What, in earth, possessed you?

If you lasted the entirety of the film. Fair play, mate. You're one of the hardest c***s I Ken.

I quite liked the TV shows but the movie was utter shite. I watched it just to say I did. Fell asleep with about twenty minutes to go.

Fair play to him for making a go of it, likes.

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The Theory of Everything 6/10

Let me start by saying that the performance of Eddie Redmayne is astonishing - 10/10. His physical deterioration is almost painful to watch at times.

The film itself is just ok. The pacing is iffy and the supporting characters such as extended family or the secondary themes such as infidelity are given lip service rather than being explored properly. (The extended families assumption that Stephen's 3rd child wasn't his own and the ramifications of this weren't even explored at all).

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