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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Hamilton on Amazon Prime. 5 stars. I reckon the writer used to do the scripts for The Professionals. The acting's of a similar calibre. Keeps you watching though so 4/10.

Edited by welshbairn
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Big Hero 6. Brilliant animated film although I'm a sucker for most of them.

Went to see Hatful Eight at the pictures last week and thought it was 'no bad'. However in terms of expectation of a film compared to what it actually delivered, it's up there as one of the worst for me. I get the feeling Tarantino thinks he can do whatever he likes and make a film excellent. Sadly not in this case. Would not recommend.

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An American Werewolf In London. Looking pretty dated now, in all fairness, but still worth watching for the pure radiance that is a young Jenny Agutter. I'd totally forgotten the Nazi zombie dream, for some reason, and also how abrupt the ending is. The cinema scene is still pretty funny, as is the return from the zoo. Still a solid seven.

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Pulp Fiction:

I thought it was absolutely fantastic. The story goes off in a whole load of different directions but comes together brilliantly which is helped out by some great acting. One thing I noticed is how long the takes were in it. At times it would just be two people sitting there talking an the camera wouldn't move at all to keep it a flowing conversation. I think I'd need to watch it again to pick up on everything but, all in all, it was a wonderful movie.


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Pulp Fiction:

I thought it was absolutely fantastic. The story goes off in a whole load of different directions but comes together brilliantly which is helped out by some great acting. One thing I noticed is how long the takes were in it. At times it would just be two people sitting there talking an the camera wouldn't move at all to keep it a flowing conversation. I think I'd need to watch it again to pick up on everything but, all in all, it was a wonderful movie.


Was that the first time? What have you been doing with your life? I'd recommend Jackie Brown next.

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Was that the first time? What have you been doing with your life? I'd recommend Jackie Brown next.

I've been doing a bit of a G_MAN (at least I think it was him) of late in terms of watching critically acclaimed movies that I've missed over the years.
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I've been doing a bit of a G_MAN (at least I think it was him) of late in terms of watching critically acclaimed movies that I've missed over the years.

Good idea. If you like the still camera on conversations thing you will love Jackie Brown. It's from an Elmore Leonard novel, like Get Shorty.

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Good idea. If you like the still camera on conversations thing you will love Jackie Brown. It's from an Elmore Leonard novel, like Get Shorty.

Thanks. I'll certainly give it a go. I was having a look on Netflix to see whether there was anything that jumped out at me as that's where Pulp Fiction was but it was to no avail so I'll watch Jackie Brown next :)
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Dirty Grandpa.

100 minutes of immature vulgarity, profanity and toilet humour from Robert De Niro and Zach Effron.

Wont be up for any awards but drew a few laughs. 5/10

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Jackie Brown definitely grows on you. It seemed a wee bit of a disappointment after Tarantino's first two films, but I saw it again a while back and it was much stronger than I remembered. Makes me want to see it again, actually.

Has anyone seen Four Rooms recently, and was it anything other than a bowl of poo soup? :P

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Ant-Man - good throwaway fun, and probably a lot better than you might expect Marvel to be making at this stage of the game. There's definitely a similar feel to the second half of Iron Man, but very enjoyable nonetheless.

Poltergeist - pointless remake that chucks in some superfluous digital effects and tries to remove any subtlety from the original. Hopefully Sam Rockwell got a decent wedge that'll see him through some better roles.

Meet the Spartans - yikes. You could literally watch 300 while reading a list of trashy, long-forgotten pop culture events from a decade ago, and it would be more amusing than this. Still, at least yon Irish laddie from Eastenders will have been able to tell the lads back home about the time he spent staring at Carmen Electra's rack without having to use the internet.

Kudos to Carmen Electra for establishing a career as the Playboy model who'll turn up in your movie and not get her tits out, BTW. Quite impressive, in its way.

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