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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Man On Fire......Denzel Washington in Mexico City, a former assassin swears vengeance on those who committed an unspeakable act against the family he was hired to protect.....Excellent performances all round especially Washington and Dakota Fanning....8/10


Defiance....Daniel Craig in true story as one of the four Bielski brothers who led thousands of jews to escape the Nazis and live in the woods of Belarus for 3 years during WW2.....8/10

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The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Case

The sequel to the first, obviously. This time The Warrens head to Engerland to investigate the possession of a young girl, or more they are sent to make sure it isn't a hoax and the family aren't after a quick buck following the publicity the Amityville horror received. A slower start this time around and it has two running stories at the beginning but they do well at combining these things throughout the film (without giving spoilers).

It has the expected Wan jump scares and one in particular had the whole cinema jumping it appeared :lol: Jump scenes apart I quite liked the story and thought the cast put in solid performances, the possessed lass in particular.

James Wan continues to impress me. Easily one of my favourite directors. I love the way he tries to do extended scenes without cuts. He makes good use of the zoom function both in and out and gets the camera into some strange angles that work really well in horror.

If you want a horror with plenty of jumps and a decent storyline then I'd recommend giving this a view. If you enjoy the film then stay put at the end to see real pictures and the actual recording of the young lass.

A lot of folk are saying it's better than the first. I personally still have a lot of love for the first and it's probably my favourite horror, so it's a no from me, just. A solid film either way.


It would have been good if Sky hadn't shown the exact same case in a three-part special with Timothy Spall about six months ago.

The subtitle was unbeknownst to me beforehand; probably wouldn't have bothered if I'd known.

It also took on some of the rather bizarre ideas from The Babadook which were, well, just bizarre.

The first film was genuinely terrifying at times; this just had a feeling that you'd already seen it before. About six months ago to be exact.

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The Conjuring 2 - 4/10. Horrendous acting throughout (although this is to be semi-expected in most modern horror films), but there wasn't any really scary moments.


Elvis & Nixon - 7/10. Didn't think Michael Shannon was particularly brilliant as Elvis, but was saved by a great supporting cast and great script, which made for a thoroughly enjoyable film.

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The Conjuring 2 - 4/10. Horrendous acting throughout (although this is to be semi-expected in most modern horror films), but there wasn't any really scary moments.

Horrendous acting is something I can't agree with. The little girl possessed put in an excellent performance to say the least. Wilson and Farmega were passable. Nothing exceptional but certainly nothing horrendous. The subject matter is ridiculous at times so the acting can only be as good as that.

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Horrendous acting is something I can't agree with. The little girl possessed put in an excellent performance to say the least. Wilson and Farmega were passable. Nothing exceptional but certainly nothing horrendous. The subject matter is ridiculous at times so the acting can only be as good as that.


I thought Farmiga was shocking, Wilson was passable though. I think it was just the over-acting of the English family that annoyed me. Just seemed to me like bad Oliver cast auditions.

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Was the book any good? I remember reading the synopsis when it came out and thinking it came across like a bit of a Stephen King parody, like Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Also that he'd been watching a lot of Korean horror.

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BigFatTabbyDave, on 28 Jun 2016 - 23:43, said:

Was the book any good? I remember reading the synopsis when it came out and thinking it came across like a bit of a Stephen King parody, like Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Also that he'd been watching a lot of Korean horror.


Think there's some good stuff when they leave the city. The movie loses 1) interesting characters 2) most of the best parts of the plot and 3) much better callers, with a cracking evolution of them.


I think it's pretty good. The movie is very different, and it's awful. Especially John Cusack who's been utterly shit in a lot of his recent stuff.

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The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Mist, Stand by Me, The Running Man, Misery, Apt Pupil and Carrie are all pretty decent I reckon.

I'd add Needful Things, 1408, Salem's Lot (Or was that a mini-series? To be fair, it's aged terribly), Pet Sematry, Christine and Cujo (Another that's not aged well at all) to that list too.

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Salem's Lot was a mini-series that was later re-edited into a film. Directed by Tobe Hooper, and was surprisingly good when I caught it on TV about a decade ago.


Same goes for IT, which never quite captures the horror of the book, nor the absolute metaphysical mentalness of the end, but is still a pretty entertaining watch. Tim Curry's the man, and I think the decision to cut out the pre-pubescent gangbang was probably a smart move, despite what most of you BEASTs will be thinking   <_<


Edit: or, what he said  ^^^



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1/10. Utter utter shite.

Why can't they make a decent film out of Stephen King's books (The Shining aside)?

The Shining is a decent enough film but by no means does it even come close to being on a par with the book in terms of sheer fright, IMO.

I've not read The Green Mile book (or passages, the way he released them) but King has stated that of all his book to film adaptions he personally think that's the most faithful to his work.

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The Shining is a decent enough film but by no means does it even come close to being on a par with the book in terms of sheer fright, IMO.

I've not read The Green Mile book (or passages, the way he released them) but King has stated that of all his book to film adaptions he personally think that's the most faithful to his work.


Very much agreed re: The Shining. Probably fair comment about The Green Mile too, although IIRC the first part was mainly concerned with the initial crime that Coffey was convicted of, and felt much more raw and unpleasant than the film.


Buying those when they came out was an interesting experience at the time; certainly left me eager for the next chapter to come out. Funny to think that used to be a popular way of releasing books. I don't think King ever revisited the idea, but it's certainly all the rage in the video games industry these days.

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The Shining is a decent enough film but by no means does it even come close to being on a par with the book in terms of sheer fright, IMO.

I've not read The Green Mile book (or passages, the way he released them) but King has stated that of all his book to film adaptions he personally think that's the most faithful to his work.

I love both the film and the book. I prefer the film tbh. I'm also a massive fan of the Tv mini-series although I know that's not well loved on here.

There's one bit in the book that's not in either adaptation though that I think is terrifying. Danny's playing in the sandpit, and he gets hauled down into it and it's a dead boy staring back right at him trying to smother him in the sandpit. It's been years since I've read it so the details may well be a little off but that was the 'sister in Pet Sematry' moment for me.

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