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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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13 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I can't wait to see this. Sounds right up my street

It's been out from around the start of the year. Just in case you're waiting to see it pop up in the cinema listings! Are you perhaps thinking of something else? It's nothing like Wicker

Edited by Christophe
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8 minutes ago, Christophe said:

It's been out from around the start of the year. Just in case you're waiting to see it pop up in the cinema listings! Are you perhaps thinking of something else? It's nothing like Wicker

I meant to say it's on Sky on Demand, Amazon etc. Don't worry - will leave turning up to films on the wrong date to my missus (who bought her ticket and tried to get in to Bridget Jones last Friday). 

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I was just trying to undermine the detailed critique given by Chris - we just weren't in the mood for it at the time but I will watch it again and probably enjoy it.

It's kind of a slow burner - Kermode wrote in his blog that a lot of people had criticised the marketing of the film, the trailer and poster made it look a bit more like the Conjuring, Insidious type of film but it really isn't.

The similarities to Wicker Man are in the atmosphere of the film, the pacing, the way it builds up to the climactic scenes, although obviously nothing can match The Wicker Man for its ending.

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39 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

It's kind of a slow burner - Kermode wrote in his blog that a lot of people had criticised the marketing of the film, the trailer and poster made it look a bit more like the Conjuring, Insidious type of film but it really isn't.

The similarities to Wicker Man are in the atmosphere of the film, the pacing, the way it builds up to the climactic scenes, although obviously nothing can match The Wicker Man for its ending.



The (original) Wicker Man is magnificent - I watched the documentary that tells how the studio's official cut of the movie omits some important scenes that would have been in the director's cut - while I don't really agree with the company interfering with the director's vison for the movie, I'm not convinced it would be any better with the additional scenes included.

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I much prefer the Nicolas Cage remake myself. Did Edward Eoodward ever punch an old woman in the face?

Bending the rules a bit for tonight's horror show, with Let The Right One In. It isn't *really* a horror film but I can see how it's characterised that way. This is one of my favourite films, really well played and poignant, with two of the most amazing performances from child actors I think you'll ever see.

For those who haven't seen it, it's a Swedish film telling the story of an awkward bullied 12 year and the effect his new neighbour, a young girl called Eli has on his life.

I won't go into too much detail in the plot but the relationship between Eli and Oskar is so well written and acted that you are drawn into the story and the drama. The portrayal of bullying is picture perfect as well, especially the fact that most of the bullies are clearly scared and don't really know what they are doing or what is happening. My experience of childhood bullying certainly chimes with that.

The prominent adult characters are well drawn as well - Oskar's parents are deliberately left in the background, emphasising his isolation but Eli's "guardian" is devotedly creepy (SPOILER - in the novel the fact that he is a paedophile is made plain) and Lacke, whose life is basically destroyed by Eli and Oskar is cast in shades of grey rather than as a villain.

It's really a great film about the relationship between two isolated children and very touching and warm, despite being set in four feet of snow and ice. Oh, and it features the most feel-good mass child killing in cinema history.

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The remake is a cracking watch too although for significantly different reasons.[emoji38]

I went to see the remake but I can't remember that much about it.

Chloe Mortez seems to me to be a talented actor searching for a really defining role. She wa brilliant in Kick Ass but has kind of kicked around a bit since, doing the remake of Carrie as well as Let Me In. I think she was in a fairly big budget sci-fi teen film as well that did OK.

She's only 18 though so plenty of scope for growth.
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3 hours ago, GrahamJags said:

Hell Or High Water - 8/10. After spending the first 5 minutes trying to get used to Jeff Bridges' mumbled country speak, I really enjoyed this. Good humoured and a great storyline.

I'd go for a 9 on this. Close to perfection. It's absolutely wonderful. Chris Pine is especially great.

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A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night.

Billed as the worlds first Iranian vampire western, this is a slightly odd film. It tells the story of an odd romance between a struggling young man and a vengeful female vampire in a fictional town in Iran, Bad City. The town s corrupt to the core, the main authority figure being a manipulative drug dealer, prostitutes openly selling their wares and, in a slightly odd sequence, a large pit filled with corpses situated on the outskirts of town.

The young man spends his time working and trying to look after his heroin addicted father and his paths cross with the vampire as she launches nocturnal, chador-clad revenge missions against those she sees as wronging the women of the town.

It's a very singular film, beautifully shot in black and white. I watched it as part of my horror odyssey but it isn't a horror film. It's got a rye sense of humour, there's social commentary underneath it all but it doesn't beat you about the face with it and it has a tremendous performance from a cat.

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Creed - 6/10 but was getting a 4/10 at the halfway stage.

Apollo Creed's annoying illegitimate son noises up boxing legend Rocky until he trains him. He also stalks a pretty singer then has sex with her. Then he fights some scouse fighter in Liverpool and loses. But he loses well. Watchable but not a classic.

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I see a few posters must listen to Kermode and Mayo.. 

Occasional stand-in Edith Bowman is doing a weekly podcast with a film directors talking about music in their films. It's called Soundtracking With Edith Bowman. Ben Wheatley, Jon Favreau, Todd Phillips feature so far.

Good listen as she is clearly passionate and knowledgeable about the subject matter and the directors seem to really enjoy something different to the usual press interviews they have to give. 


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I see a few posters must listen to Kermode and Mayo.. 

Occasional stand-in Edith Bowman is doing a weekly podcast with a film directors talking about music in their films. It's called Soundtracking With Edith Bowman. Ben Wheatley, Jon Favreau, Todd Phillips feature so far.

Good listen as she is clearly passionate and knowledgeable about the subject matter and the directors seem to really enjoy something different to the usual press interviews they have to give. 

That sounds good, I really like Ben Wheatley. Will check that one out.

Next on my horror marathon, I watched You're Next on Amazon Prime.

The plot is simple - a (dysfunctional) family reunion in an isolated house is interrupted by a gang of merciless home invaders, who attack the house and begin to pick off the family in a merciless fashion. The film tells the story of what happens as the attack progresses.

In the early scenes you see the bickering and familial tensions that clearly bind the plot together but this isn't a film you watch for the in depth character development or clever script. It moves quickly into crunchy set pieces of horrific gore and violence with a streak of dark humour through it.

The violence in it is well done, brutal but fitting for the film. The attackers, clad in animal masks are well played with a real sense of menace. The reveal of one is the only bona fide chill in the whole film.

As the story develops it's clear the strength is in the gore - it's fairly predictable and there isn't a twist that you don't see coming. The nastiness of some of the demises is practically chewy, with one of the climatic scenes edging into all out comedy. Sharni Vinson gives a meaty performance as the main protagonist and this really helps you stick with the film.

One point I really liked was the sound - the actual soundtrack itself was well done and Carpenter-esque and there's a great use of music in a couple of scenes. I also thought they did the creaky floorboard trope very well and the crunch of bones and slice of flesh really jumped out the speakers. It's interesting because the director of this has done the forthcoming Blair Witch film and I've heard that the sound in that is practically weaponised. I'm looking forward to that, although I doubt Mrs Chris will go with me.

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Hell or High Water 10/10

Jeff Bridges voice takes getting used to, a bit similar to his Rooster Cogburn. The script is fantastic and I'll probably give it another watch, loads of little one liners that had me chuckling.

An outstanding modern day western, this is a must see.

Can't recommend it enough.

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11 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Next on my horror marathon, I watched You're Next on Amazon Prime.

The plot is simple - a (dysfunctional) family reunion in an isolated house is interrupted by a gang of merciless home invaders, who attack the house and begin to pick off the family in a merciless fashion. The film tells the story of what happens as the attack progresses.


Sounds like the Cup Final all over again!

Edited by GordonD
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