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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Nice Guys 9/10

I thought this was fucking brilliant. 70s pls solve a crime. That's it. Crowe and Gosling have never been better imo

Evolution 8/10

A young boy living in some weird French seaside town discovers a dead body, but actually he doesn't and the only people in the town are young boys and female medics that do weird stuff at night. Gorgeous French film by the same woman that made Innocence. Utterly stunning and compelling


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The Sixth Sense
M Knight Symalamaladingdong just annoys me with his name alone. My daughter, 11, likes creepy/horror films and this is a very low-end 15 so I knew it wouldn't phase her. It's very gentle with a just a few ghosts that pop up now and again. Not sure I understand why it has such a high IMBD rating. A very Meh response from us both. 6.5/10

I think it's funny that you have only just watched this for the first time.
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4 minutes ago, throbber said:


I think it's funny that you have only just watched this for the first time.


Not really up to my standards throbbs, just try to find scary films my 11 y/o daughter can watch. Terminator is up next.

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Whisky Galore

Only vaguely remembered this from when I was a kid and just watched it again the other day. Really excellent. Yes it has some clunkiness as you'd expect of an Ealing comedy but much of the humour is sharper and blacker than I was expecting. A bit Father Ted meets Wicker Man. 

"Spare the rod and spoil the child". 

It's a celebration of the dubious merits of a good bevvy and generally subversive and witty. Well worth seeking out. 


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On Tuesday night I watched :

Patriots Day:
Believe it or not, I didn't actually know the Boston marathon bombings was a real event, I never watch the news, don't read newspapers and if it was mentioned in work, then I obviously wasn't paying much attention as I have the memory of a sponge at the best of times, but anyway....
Thoroughly enjoyed this film, I really like Mark Wahlberg but he annoyed me in this film for some reason. I get the NEED for Hollywood to have a main hero, I really do, but I was more entranced in the story and the subsequent chase of the terrorists. The use of the actual CCTV of the bombers is very good as well, esp the kidnapping and the actual 911 call from the Chinese fella.
The last 10 mins when they show the real people involved was very interesting also.

8/10 - will watch again.

I watched this the other day and i was very impressed. I knew it was a real event but i wasnt aware of how it all unfolded. One of the best films ive seen in quite some time..... im a sucker for those types of films tho. Wont say much about it but its a very very good watch.

8 - 10
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As Above, So Below, 5/10

Had been meaning to watch this for ages, it cam out when I was over in paris, and having spent a while using the underground, thought it may tie into this.

sadly it didn't, but starts of with a Lara Croft esque lead looking for ancient relic, mixed in with some urban explorers. The first hour i found really watchable and one of the better "found footage", films, but didn't really pull off the horror part in the last 30 minutes, in the main her running back to the chamber alone was pretty woeful. 


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Annie Hall 7.5/10

Never watched any of his movies so wasn't sure what to expect. Felt quite aimless in spells but some genuinely laugh out loud points. Some great one liners throughout.

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Rogue One

Decent enough but didn't need the needless cameos or constant reminders of the other films. It started off really well then ended up with all the usual guff. Needed more originality, it's an entire galaxy ffs.


The Way Back

Was surprised at this, pretty decent watch but some strange accents and Ed Harris just deciding not to even attempt one.



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Falls into a couple of overly obvious 'space film clichés' near the end but I absolutely loved it. Great fun. Bit of the Deep Blue Sea vibe to it with one scene in particular ;)

Really really enjoyed it. A lot of the plot has been done before but it was just done very well.


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