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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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No Way Home

Tim Roth is always good value and no exception here where he plays the part of a recently paroled prisoner who goes back to his childhood home to live with his older brother (James Russo) and his wife who he married while Roth was in prison. Roth plays the vulnerable character brilliantly while Russo is getting out of his depth in drug dealing which leads to an almighty bloodbath at the end. Very good film.



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Into The Abyss -- 9/10

Cheery viewing for a Friday night. Werner Herzog's documentary about the death penalty. I didn't expect to be as moved as I was with Death Row pastor's response to Herzog's instruction, "Please describe an encounter with a squirrel." So two kids want to steal a car and in doing so stupidly manage to kill three people. One of them gets the death penalty, one gets life. The film interviews the two killers and many people related to the crime. Herzog's blunt, continental mannerisms somehow manage to eek the most honest of responses from his subjects. Hugely engaging and moving while maddening that so many lives can be ruined in a moment and it's not always obvious that all the participants appreciate that.

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On 22/03/2017 at 23:02, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I was really enjoying it up to that point anyway. Easy to forget now, considering everyone expects a M. Night film to have a twist, but you didn't walk into that film thinking there'd be some final act turnabout that would make you re-think the rest of the film. It would've been a decent movie without it.

Night made a film that had a terrific turn, unfortunately you couldn't watch it more than twice, the second time just to see the twists!

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16 hours ago, wellinwigan said:

Ghost in the shell


Bit meh to be honest saw it in 3d.Plus point for scarlett 

Yeah, I just saw that. It was visually stunning, the setting looked really good and Scarlett Johansson is always very watchable but the storyline was instantly forgettable.

I'd give it 5/10

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On 26/03/2017 at 10:02, Christophe said:


The Nice Guys 9/10

I thought this was fucking brilliant. 70s pls solve a crime. That's it. Crowe and Gosling have never been better imo

Evolution 8/10

A young boy living in some weird French seaside town discovers a dead body, but actually he doesn't and the only people in the town are young boys and female medics that do weird stuff at night. Gorgeous French film by the same woman that made Innocence. Utterly stunning and compelling


Been meaning to watch Evolution for a while now.  Going to give Nice Guys a try tonight.  You post some good films on here.

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12 hours ago, The Diabolical One said:

Been meaning to watch Evolution for a while now.  Going to give Nice Guys a try tonight.  You post some good films on here.

Let me know what you think on both!


Ellen 5/10

Fairly engaging film, Huppert was superb but by the end I was like "what was point", loads of just really arbitrary plot points. In conclusion not sure what the fuss was all about

Personal Shopper 6/10

Disappointed because I loved this guys previous film 'Clouds of Sils Maria' and this one felt like it could be as good as that for a while but actually really similar to 'Elle' in that everything felt a bit arbitrary and contrived after a while. Bit better than 'Elle' though

Edited by Christophe
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Ghost in the Shell: 5/10

Looked great (Always appreciate a Clint Mansell soundtrack as well), and Johansson is a reliably good  genre actor. However, the original anime was driven by an original and thought provoking philosophy, not just on individual identity but on how you define a human being. All of that was thrown away in favour of a reheat of Robocop, a diet Philip K. Dick story about memory, which, on it's own was interesting enough but it's no where near the brilliance of the stories the anime movies and series were telling.

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5 hours ago, renton said:

Ghost in the Shell: 5/10

Looked great (Always appreciate a Clint Mansell soundtrack as well), and Johansson is a reliably good  genre actor. However, the original anime was driven by an original and thought provoking philosophy, not just on individual identity but on how you define a human being. All of that was thrown away in favour of a reheat of Robocop, a diet Philip K. Dick story about memory, which, on it's own was interesting enough but it's no where near the brilliance of the stories the anime movies and series were telling.

I'm going to see it tonight.

My big worry is that as a fan of the original Masamune Shirow manga, the Mamoru Oshii anime and the subsequent series, it simply cannot match up to my love of the source material. I know I should judge it as a movie on its own merits. Hopefully I can but part of me knows that my view on the film will be influenced by my views of the source material.

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Just watched 'An Inspector Calls' with David Thewlis for a second time.  Fantastic screen interpretation of a brilliant play.

A social commentary that sadly still has relevance.

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Alright. Ghost in the Shell. 7/10

It was always going to be a big ask to take a very well regarded original work and turn it into a big screen movie. The manga ran for several years and the first anime eventually became a series of movies and shows. My biggest problem with the live action movie is that it tries too hard to take bits from the anime but doesnt do them quite well enough. The sequence where we see the Major being created - it's almost (but not quite) the anime sequence but with an audio track that isnt anywhere near as good. The first action sequence where Major breaches the room through the external window? Another lift from the original anime movie but just not quite there. The sequence where she's fighting the bin lorry driver? Close but another near miss. Fighting the spider tank? Another close call but the anime did it better (and it's either a Fuchikoma or a Tachikoma. Not a spider tank). The sea diving sequence was a total lift from the anime.

The best bits of the live action movie are the bits where they're brave enough to try to move away a little bit from the source material. 

I also dislike the way they shoehorned in the Major's name (not a spoiler since I'm not saying what it is and anybody who hasn't experienced the original source won't know).

Casting is decent enough. Batou is pretty decent. Togusa is really good. The Major is fair enough. Aramaki is just wrong though. It feels like they shoehorned Takeshi "Beat" Kitano in there because he's Japanese. Having him speak Japanese when every other character speaks English is just a complete waste of time. He's in there to provide a recognised name for the Asian market and for no other reason. I also thought Juliette Binoche was really poor.

I know I've just listed the things that I thought either fell a little bit short of the original source material or the things I flat out didn't like but that doesnt mean that I didn't enjoy it. As a stand alone movie it's actually really pretty good. It's just a shame that it's burdened by all the associations that the name carries and that the writers and director weren't brave enough to do their own thing a little bit more often.

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Watched 'Hacksaw Ridge' on the plane just there and stereotypical depictions of the Japanese aside, it was a tremendous film. One of best war flicks for a long time.

Also saw Rogue One. Enjoyable enough albeit with some iffy plot points and character development

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