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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Man who Never Was (1956) on BBC2 yesterday.

Cracking WWII film based on the true story of how a dead body was floated ashore to Spain, carrying fake documents implying that the target for a forthcoming invasion was somewhere other than the actual one, leading to the Germans strengthening their defences in the wrong place.

The second half of the film, with the Irish spy trying to establish whether 'Major Martin' was real or not, is totally fictional but a tense ending nonetheless. 

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12 hours ago, patriot1 said:

I watched Let The Right One In for the second time and still think it's fantastic.

It's the most touching horror film I've ever seen.

Yeah, it's great.

Have you (or anyone else) seen the American remake? If so, is it worth watching? 

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46 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

Yeah, it's great.

Have you (or anyone else) seen the American remake? If so, is it worth watching? 

I've heard good things about it but I object to Hollywood remaking great foreign films to accommodate those who are too lazy to read subtitles.

Let The Right One In should have had a much wider release in the US instead.

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Tunes of Glory (1960)


In the immediate post war years Alec Guinness, a hard drinking, popular officer, who commanded from “El Alamein to Cassino and from Normandy to Berlin” is replaced as commanding officer of his regiment by John Mill, Eton and Oxford educated and a man who spent the 30s in Whitehall and the war in a Japanese POW camp, a stickler for the rules and gentlemanly conduct. They don’t get off on the right foot and it descends from there. Raises interesting questions about loyalty and who did what (or contributed the most) in the war. I found myself having a lot of sympathy for both characters.


Of it’s era and some dodgy accents.





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Mission Impossible - Fallout

Was looking forward to this but thought it was disappointing. Didn’t really care about any of the characters and it is at least 20 minutes too long. Some of the action scenes in last half hour are impressive but felt like it has been seen before.


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On 7/23/2018 at 04:36, Crroma said:

Watched La La Land on Saturday night. Didn't enjoy it one bit. The opening song gave me instant vibes that it would be an alright experience at best and honestly the film peaked there and went downhill. Music numbers were completely forgettable and for a musical the audio mixing was atrocious. If the entire point of your film is to blend a story with songs then a good first step is to make your lyrics intelligible. The sets had a great look to them and Ryan Gosling playing piano is impressive but when even the lovely Emma Stone can't hold my attention then somebody fucked up. Run time was 40 minutes too long, despite Goslings musical ability his acting wasn't selling that he was as a down on his luck musician. I love musicals but this is just the usual Oscar w**k that Hollywood loses their shit for and then a norm on civie street comes along 2 years later and only sees garbage. Utter shite.

This is a good summary.
The singing were the parts I enjoyed least.

The camerawork, the jazz, Gosling's piano playing were good but the essence of the movie was the banter and relationship between Gosling and Emma Stone.
Once that hits the skids the movie turns to pish. Everything after the Griffith Observatory scene is pretty terrible.

It's maybe not shite but it could have been better.

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2 hours ago, Saigon Raider said:

Mission Impossible - Fallout

Was looking forward to this but thought it was disappointing. Didn’t really care about any of the characters and it is at least 20 minutes too long. Some of the action scenes in last half hour are impressive but felt like it has been seen before.


I just saw in 4DX and thought it was bloody brilliant, it's just a big daft action movie and it's absolutely perfect for the 4DX experience. The obligatory motorcycle chase and the end sequence were amazing in those chairs, it's the closest you'll come to a 2.5 hour rollercoaster ride. 9/10.

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15 hours ago, Tommy Nooka said:

I just saw in 4DX and thought it was bloody brilliant, it's just a big daft action movie and it's absolutely perfect for the 4DX experience. The obligatory motorcycle chase and the end sequence were amazing in those chairs, it's the closest you'll come to a 2.5 hour rollercoaster ride. 9/10.

From speaking to mates today it definitely feels that me and the wife and are in the minority by not really liking it.

Can't get over how creepy Tom Cruise actually is (maybe it is from watching Going Clear) - no need for White Widow to kiss him - he is probably 25 years older than her!! Not sure how many years he has got of doing movies like this although he is a fantastic runner!!!


Both of us looked at each other as the screen went white at the end and said "I hope he didn't make it"...


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On 7/23/2018 at 12:36, Crroma said:

Watched La La Land on Saturday night. Didn't enjoy it one bit. The opening song gave me instant vibes that it would be an alright experience at best and honestly the film peaked there and went downhill. Music numbers were completely forgettable and for a musical the audio mixing was atrocious. If the entire point of your film is to blend a story with songs then a good first step is to make your lyrics intelligible. The sets had a great look to them and Ryan Gosling playing piano is impressive but when even the lovely Emma Stone can't hold my attention then somebody fucked up. Run time was 40 minutes too long, despite Goslings musical ability his acting wasn't selling that he was as a down on his luck musician. I love musicals but this is just the usual Oscar w**k that Hollywood loses their shit for and then a norm on civie street comes along 2 years later and only sees garbage. Utter shite.


16 hours ago, Cerberus said:

This is a good summary.
The singing were the parts I enjoyed least.

The camerawork, the jazz, Gosling's piano playing were good but the essence of the movie was the banter and relationship between Gosling and Emma Stone.
Once that hits the skids the movie turns to pish. Everything after the Griffith Observatory scene is pretty terrible.

It's maybe not shite but it could have been better.

The Wicker Man is usually as close to musicals as I'll get but I really liked La La Land. Felt like a good follow-on from Whiplash from the director and also reminded me quite a bit of Swingers. I'm probably not in a position to say what makes a good musical but I was sold on it and thought the scene at the pool party with Gosling angrily playing I Ran whilst scowling at Stone for enjoying it was one of the most memorable things I've seen. 

Edited by Shandon Par
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7 minutes ago, Saigon Raider said:

From speaking to mates today it definitely feels that me and the wife and are in the minority by not really liking it.

Can't get over how creepy Tom Cruise actually is (maybe it is from watching Going Clear) - no need for White Widow to kiss him - he is probably 25 years older than her!! Not sure how many years he has got of doing movies like this although he is a fantastic runner!!!

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Both of us looked at each other as the screen went white at the end and said "I hope he didn't make it"...



I don't hold his mentalness against him, he's still a fine action hero but he is getting a bit old for these movies.

I still listen to Beck and he's one of those mentalists too but I draw the line at Travolta (shudder).

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Path Of Blood.....8/10.

Documentary about Saudi authorities crackdown on Al Qaeda cells during 2003 to 2009. Half the footage is from videos shot by the terrorists themselves and subsequently recovered which shows them to be a bunch of naive amateurs albeit murderous savages. The rest of the footage is from the Saudi security services and news reports. Pretty graphic throughout  and sometimes easy to forget it's all actually real. 

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In Which We Serve 5/10

1942 propaganda film about the navy directed by David Lean AND Noel Coward, starring Noel Coward and written by Noel Coward, christ. I suppose one thing I like about the artistic end of British war propaganda is it didn’t shy away from death. The story here begins with Noel Coward’s ship engaged in battle off Crete and get bombed and thrown overboard. The different sailors have flashbacks to Britain and their story in the navy of how they got to this moment: marriages, pregnant loves left at home, turbulence, love of queen and country etc. It’s a well made film but it’s slight and Noel Coward’s vision of the navy is run like a kitchen in Downton Abbey, a few peppy educated prigs browbeating some plucky plebs. Couple of unintentional laughs as well that undercut what are meant to be the serious moments of the film. It was fine. (DVD)

A Ghost Story 4/10

Trying to catch up on some of last years films, from the annual ILX poll, that I missed. Seen this one on Netflix so watched it. Included some really shit earnest indietronica songs. 

Kronos 3/10

American sci-fi about a giant robot that lands on earth. Terrible script, awful acting, on a Plan 9 From Out Of Space. BUT the giant robot and most of the effects are brilliant. Would work much better recut as a silent film (although there are some nice moments in the soundtrack). (YouTube)

The Earth Dies Screaming 6/10

British sci-fi/horror. Based in a village where the only survivors of a nationwide gas attack hold on in an inn and try to survive an alien attack. A very interesting production with more nuance and subtlety than the b-movie production values at first suggest. A precursor to zombie-genre films and maybe an inspiration for some sections of Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later and a host of other similar horror/sci-fi. Totally let down by the shit robot aliens. Great soundtrack by Elisabeth Lutyens. (YouTube)

Basically, had the special effects team from Kronos had worked on The Earth Dies....you would have something really special. 


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