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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Bloody boring first hour of a film that could have been better if it wasn't Disney-fied. Most of it's points are for John Williams' brilliant score.


Edited by SaltyTON
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The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford

Coming back to this one. Watching it again, there's a lot of subtle changes in the character that were definately missed on the first viewing that were caught up on, and it's actually a much more rewarding experience as a result. So can I go the full whammy this time ? No. It still drags which is the main thing that kept it at the 9 last time, and some of the narration is suspect. I can't justify going lower than 9 for a movie this good though.


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dont mess with the zohan

0/10 and i'm being generous.

only went cos my flat mate got free tickets to a preview showing through his work. i thought it'd be bad but not that bad. arguably the worst film i've ever seen. awful on all accounts

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Blade Trinity


I'd have given it 4, but the whole iPod thing loses it a few points - what a load of shite.

The Blade movies are definetely proof of the law of diminishing returns.

Blade: Brilliant

Blade 2: Meh

Blade Trinity: Oh God please make it stop! Take my eyes!!!

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The Blade movies are definetely proof of the law of diminishing returns.

Blade: Brilliant

Blade 2: Meh

Blade Trinity: Oh God please make it stop! Take my eyes!!!

Triple H doing wrestling moves in a 'horror' movie was hilarious though! :lol:

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Memento (2000)

A very good movie, that is quite difficult to follow (especially as I have the same condition, albeit a less severe form) as Leonard.

Although if you know that the black and white scenes are in chronological order, and the colour ones are in reverse then it makes it easier to follow.

Very good film with brilliant performances by Carrie Ann Moss and Guy Pearce, and the very talkative Teddy (John Pantoliano), as well as a rather disconcerting cameo from CSI and ER's Jorja Fox.


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Memento (2000)

A very good movie, that is quite difficult to follow (especially as I have the same condition, albeit a less severe form) as Leonard.

Although if you know that the black and white scenes are in chronological order, and the colour ones are in reverse then it makes it easier to follow.

Very good film with brilliant performances by Carrie Ann Moss and Guy Pearce, and the very talkative Teddy (John Pantoliano), as well as a rather disconcerting cameo from CSI and ER's Jorja Fox.


I thought it was a great film too. Guy Pearce is excellent :D

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Memento might well be a full score movie for me. Watching it in the right order is interesting too, if not revealing anything new.

Reign Over Me

Something I need to get off my chest here. The message that this movie seems to convey is all sorts of wrong IMO. The idea that there's some things that are better left alone. That's a dangerous stance to take, and for reasons that are actually revealed in the movie itself. However, it's the movie I'm rating, so the message itself isn't going to take away from the rating I'll give.

I don't get the whole Adam Sandler being serious thing. He has very much the same traits as he does in other comedy movies that he does. The anger, gay jokes, tit jokes and stuff. However, in the role that he's playing here, it's actually pretty gripping stuff even if not the master role that some people seem to see it as. It's still excellent though and goes to show that the idiocy of Sandler does have a place in more serious movies. The anger comes in crazy outbursts and means something in the context of the movie while the jokes are funny where they might not be in your average comedy.

The story, as much as it annoys me, is told very well. The one thing that does get me, and this DOES effect the rating, is the ignorance and selfishness played out by some of the characters. There's no reason for Don Cheadle's wife to show as little understanding as she does, and the step-parents of Sandler's characters are ignorant to the point of completely ignoring their son-in-law's wishes. This hurts the movie, but only a little. It's a hell of a tale and one that's well acted and scripted.


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Got the Bourne Ultimate Collection boxset in HD from Play the other day, so I sat and watched

The Bourne Identity

Brilliant start to the series and you can really see why the Bond franchise had to be revamped to compete. The violence is brutal but over very quickly. The car chase through Paris is tremendous and up there with the best. It all sets it up brilliantly for whats to follow.


(It loses a mark because at the start you have to shout "MAAATT DAAMON" just to get it out your system.)

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Freaks ( 1932 )

Really good stuff here, which is basically summing up everything that is wrong with bullying, even if it's in a bit of an exaggerated way. The leading woman is one very manipulative person, and exploits the trust of the "freaks" every chance she gets. It's short by movie standards, so they don't waste much time with stupid things. You have the main plot and nothing else.

The climax of the movie is a sight for sore eyes to be sure.


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