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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Love Guru - 3/10. I knew it had been panned by critics, I knew it wasn't a box office hit but I thought I would give it a chance, largely down to the fact there was fcuk all else on. Really cringeworthy jokes, if you can call them jokes. Only got 3 marks for some decent one liners from the 'Guru' i.e Mike Myers and the inclusion of Jessica Alba.

Sleepers 8/10 - Excellent film.

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Analyse This 6/10 - Decent watch. I am watching The Sopranos at the moment so there were a couple of familiar bits except it obviously played out more comedy. I thought Billy Crystal played an excellent part. Not a big fan of De Niro though. The ending was all a bit meh.

What do people make of:

The Rock

The Watcher

Rock Star

All three are on my Sky+ so will be getting watched over the next few days.

havent seen the watcher or rockstar but i have seen the rock. I think it's a really good film and i'd recommend it.

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The Godfather Part 2 ( 1974 )

If ever there was a perfect example of perfect epic movie making, this is it. Everything from the way it was shot to the amazing acting was inch perfect. The first was over-rated to the high heavens but this movie is every bit as good as people say it is.


It insists upon itself.

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Analyse This 6/10 - Decent watch. I am watching The Sopranos at the moment so there were a couple of familiar bits except it obviously played out more comedy. I thought Billy Crystal played an excellent part. Not a big fan of De Niro though. The ending was all a bit meh.

What do people make of:

The Rock

The Watcher

Rock Star

All three are on my Sky+ so will be getting watched over the next few days.

Seen The Rock and Rock Star. Both a bit dogger really. Shocked a few liked The Rock mentioned in earlier posts. 4/10 and 3/10.

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It's a Lars Von Trier film. You ought to know it's bound to be crap before you go. Beastly man, dire films.

Just reading the reviews of it put me off. It sounds like it's twisted for the sake of it, but pretending to be art so that the kind of weirdos who'd want to see it can pretend to be doing so for any other reason than because they're total freaks.

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Friday the 13th (2009)

Yes, I knew it was going to be clichéd, but it was almost exactly the story I wanted from the original and although it was more predictable than the dialogue of a Graham Norton show it more than outdid the very aged 1980 film.

The only that spoiled it was the ending, I thought they were going to let it be a one-off, but sadly left it on a cliffhanger...

None-the-less, a respectable 7/10 which is decent for a horror remake. :)

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It's not a bad movie. Haven't watched it in a while though. People seem to mistake it for a bad movie because of the preceeding Godfather movies.

I just can't stand the way it tramples on the story of the first two films.Calo was killed in the explosion that killed Michaels wife Appollonia,then is resurrected in pt3 to kill Lucchese.also Lucy Mancini was only seen getting pumped up against a door by Sonny.

taken away from the other films I suppose its watchable,maybe it shouldn't have been call GF pt3.

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Just reading the reviews of it put me off. It sounds like it's twisted for the sake of it, but pretending to be art so that the kind of weirdos who'd want to see it can pretend to be doing so for any other reason than because they're total freaks.

Bingo. Even though it isn't a Dogme film, it's an accusation you can make of all of Von Trier's films.

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high fidelity 6/10

was average, with a couple of moments of brilliance. Watching the part where cusack imagined what he was going to do to robbins, and then the fact that he bottled was a great reflection of how most of us would bottle a situation like that.

thank you for smoking 6/10

Another okay film, wish i could debate as well as he does.

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The Game Plan (2007)

If you didn't like this then you have no soul! So heart warming, okay a tad clichéd but it's Disney, it's what you expect.


Edited by SaltyTON
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Gran Torino

Very impressive film. I've never seen any Clint Eastwood films from his younger days but might have to look some up. I've seen this and Million Dollar Baby and thought that both were incredible.

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Gran Torino

Very impressive film. I've never seen any Clint Eastwood films from his younger days but might have to look some up. I've seen this and Million Dollar Baby and thought that both were incredible.

The Outlaw Josey Wales - Get it!

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Friday the 13th (2009)

Yes, I knew it was going to be clichéd, but it was almost exactly the story I wanted from the original and although it was more predictable than the dialogue of a Graham Norton show it more than outdid the very aged 1980 film.

The only that spoiled it was the ending, I thought they were going to let it be a one-off, but sadly left it on a cliffhanger...

None-the-less, a respectable 7/10 which is decent for a horror remake. :)

Is this just relased? Haven't seen or heard anything about it.

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Started off badly, tailed away in the middle and the least said about the end the better <_<

1/10 and thats being generous

Someone please tell me the new one is better than this?

Last Crusade was the worst of the three, but Crystal Skull is a million times worse.

When he goes in the fridge you will be thinking about turning off the TV.

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Last Crusade was the worst of the three, but Crystal Skull is a million times worse.

When he goes in the fridge you will be thinking about turning off the TV.

I cant imagine anything worse than Last Crusade that doesnt involve physical pain to my nether regions!

Maybe I'll just give Crystal Skull a miss then :lol:

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