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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Les Miserables - 10/10

Any film is going to struggle to top that for me this year. I thought it was fantastic, even better than expected. I'm not a huge fan of musical films but I really enjoyed it. I even cried once or twice. ph34r.gif I can forgive Crowe and his voice due to the fact that every song was recorded live on set. It does however seem that they were interested in Paul Bettany before they decided on Crowe.

Edited by Sooky
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How excellent was Guy Pearce in Lawess...played an absolute c**t to perfection.

You're spot on here. Thouight he was terrific.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World ( 2012 )

The rating this is going to get will get scoffed at. f**k it. I wasn't sure if I'd like it as I've seen a LOT of people shit on it. I think where it falters just a bit is when it goes a bit wild with going from scene to scene. Feels a bit all over the place. IIt's held together brilliantly by Steve Carell, who slowly but surely is making me a believer. Keira Knightley reminds me sort of Lindsay Bluth in Arrested Development at times with her performance. Which isn't a bad thing. The plot is great, and the way the different people deal with it is great stuff. I particularly love the ending, which is just brilliantly played out. I'm going to forgive the flaws because of just how involved in the movie I was. That's the point of the exercise, and this is one of the more entertaining movies I've seen.


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Les Miserables - 10/10

Any film is going to struggle to top that for me this year. I thought it was fantastic, even better than expected. I'm not a huge fan of musical films but I really enjoyed it. I even cried once or twice. ph34r.gif I can forgive Crowe and his voice due to the fact that every song was recorded live on set. It does however seem that they were interested in Paul Bettany before they decided on Crowe.

Agreed. This is a total marmite film though I feel. It's quite over the top at times, and some of the music will grate on some people, but I absolutely loved it. The performance from Hathaway, Crowe and Jackman were splendid, although I felt Jackman's range wasn't on the same level as the rest. Another strong performance from Redmayne too - he's had a few now too. Impressive stuff - a must see IMO.

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New York, I Love You - Usually American versions of European films are gash but gave it a go based on it having a brilliant cast (plus Orlando Bloom and Hayden Christiansen). Meh. The Painter bit with the Burt Young cameo and the restaurant segment with Robin Wright were fairly interesting, rest didn't do it for me.


Dans Paris - Saw it a shop and picked it up, based on it starring Romain Duris, who I rate as one of the best actors working today. Again meh. Good charismatic lead performances but little else.


Not a movie, but been watching an RTE series my cousin put me onto called Love/Hate. Dublin gangster drama with Aidan Gillen and the Irish guy from Misfits. Apparently based on real life well kent faces in the South Side but that may just be cousin pretending he hangs about with famous gangsters. Often RTE make BBC Scotland look like HBO but this is pretty good.

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Life of Pi

As I expected going in, it's a visual masterpiece. I didn't see it in 3D but even in 2D, it looked great. I didn't think I'd get anything less than that though. I was pleasantly surprised by the story part of it though. It was very entertaining and even the stranded at sea parts were kept at a high enough pace. Pretty fantastic debut performance from Suraj Sharma.

Still a bit too style over substance for me but not to the extent I was expecting.

8/10 - a good solid film with some spectacular looking scenes. Don't think I'd be rushing out to see it again though.

I saw it in 3D, and would recommend anyone going to see it pays the extra few quid. It's one of those films which is enriched by the 3D effects.

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Well, this has been a good day.

Beasts of the Southern Wild ( 2012 )

The surprise hit of the Oscar nominations. So... is it worth it? Well, it's the best movie of 2012, so I'd fucking hope so. One of them movies which sort of stay with you when it's done. It's billed as a fantasy movie, but it's really not. It's essentially a movie about a little girl growing up in some ramshackle community. How Dwight Henry didn't get a nomination for this is astonishing. It's brilliantly made, and the way it's shot almost MAKES the movie. I thought Ang Lee was a shoe in for best director, but now I'm not so sure. It's powerful, it's intense at times, and it's always fascinating.

I think the last time I felt this way after watching a movie was Pan's Labyrinth. This is just an incredible movie, and I'd urge people to watch it.


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just watched: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

quite enjoyed the first 2 MI's, 3 was a bit of a letdown but this one was back to the levels of the first 2 i thought

Nothing special about it mind you, its like a tin of ronseal in that it does exactly what it says it will do, worthwhile time filler until MOTD kicked off


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The Hobbit - 6/10 Was Ok, I just felt that I'd kind of seen it all before with LOTR. The end kind of bugged me too. Didn't help that we had to sit at the very front on the cheap seats. Sitting in an uncomfortable seat for 3 hours isn't fun.

Project X - 6.5/10 Better than I thought it would be, but didn't have much hope for it. Good soundtrack but not much to the film itself. A Ronseal film. Actually made me a wee bit sad that my party days are behind me. No more all weekend parties, police warnings or flame throwers. sad.gif

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Although Russell Crowe is by far the worst singer in Les Mis, reminiscent of Pierce Brosnan in Mama Mia. He does look impressive in a uniform.

In comparison to the Stage Show, this was easier to follow and visually stunning. It seemed to drag on a bit in the middle especially on uncomfortable Odeon Dumfries chairs but otherwise a great film. There were a lot of tissues being pulled out for this one.

Edited by Sloop John B
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