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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I spent last sunday in bed hungover to fuckm, watching shit movies on justin tv. Here's the rundown

G.I Joe Retaliation 5/10

Prob the best of them in that it did exactly what was expected of it. Effects laden hollywood blockbuster starring the rock. If you saw the original G.I. Joe SPOILER ALERT!!!! Then you'll know that the president got captured and replaced by a lookalike. So now we have the lookalike setting up the GI Joe unit and basically massacaring them leaving only the rock and a couple of his buddies surviving. It got a bit hard to follow who was who not because of any plot complexities, just because it never really explains who is who and there was stuff from the first film that I had totally forgotton which you probably need to know.

So the fake pres gathers the world leaders to his bunker then sets off all his nukes. While all the other world leaders start panicking and firing their nukes, the fake pres sits and plays Angry Birds, no joke, I actually laughed. Once all the nukes are launched fake pres detonates his in mid air, and this leads to everyone else also doing the same, leaving a nuke free world (er fallout anyone????) Now Cobra have world domination as they have a big weapon in space that destroys london. Cant really remember the end scenes and how it all finishes, but it all works out for the best. Yay.

The World's End 2/10

Urgh, I can't believe I watched all of this, changing the film seemed too much effort. This started out as the ultimate LAD night out. No joke the LADdage was off the scale, 3-4 mins of bonkers banter about a night out back in the day, with good, but ultra-cliched soundtrack. Then it fasts forward to today where a bunch of middle aged comedians (Simon Pegg et al) are arranging a reunion back to the town of their crazy night out. Martin Freeman brings the extent of his acting (the Martin Freeman face, you know the one) to the table. It turns out like a shit episode of Doctor who (which I hate) so this one really wasn't for me.

Olympus has Fallen 3/10

What can I say, woeful acting, terrible plot, inept US armed forces, off-duty Gerard Butler saves the day. Bullshit.

Oblivion 5/10

For me, this film didn't quite know what it was going for and ended up in the no mans land between Hollywood blockbuster and strange, thoughtful sci-fi (e.g. moon, 2001) As a result it didn't really entertain or provoke any thoughts. It was watchable and it might come across as deep or insightful if you hadn't seen any other sci-fi films before, but to me it was unoriginal and pretty poorly executed. The ending in particular annoyed me.

2/4 of these movies had Morgan Freeman in them, he doesn't half get around. Another had Martin Freeman in it, only 4 letters difference between them!

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Compliance - 6/10

It's a film based on an utterly bizarre true story.

The story is based on a series of incidents which happened more than 30 times across the USA in which managers of small companies receive a call purportedly from a police officer informing them that a member of their female staff has stolen money. The caller then asks the manager to perform a strip-search on the member of staff to try to find the money. The caller is a hoax caller pretending to be a police officer (not a spoiler, it's on the front cover).

The film-maker focuses on one incident in a fast-food restaurant which brought this to the public's attention. It is quite difficult to watch because you are all the while bemused at the way in which the characters behave and, if it wasn't for the fact that it's a true story, you simply would not believe any of it. This is the part of the film which holds the interest. Otherwise, I was thinking there might be some comment on technological change, mistrust in society, issues of power / gender, even modern low-pay capitalism in sectors of the economy, but there is no real attempt as far as I can perceive. I think the film needed this to offset the narrative and achieve a greater gravitas. The story is disturbing, but I feel it could have been more powerful a statement. It may also have worked better as a documentary.

The film has also been criticised for being potentially exploitative, but I didn't get this impression. I think the film-maker managed to stay just on the right side of decent, while still demonstrating the vulnerability of the victim. I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, but it was an interesting watch. Perhaps not the film to chill-out to at the end of a busy week.

Edited by ScotlandGer
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Seen these movies over the past few days.

R.I.P.D. 5/10

A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him.

Stars- Ryan Reynolds, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Bacon and Mary-Louise Parker

It's a bit like Jumper, in the fact that the idea of the movie was great and the action was okay, however something just didn't work with it. Many of the jokes fell flat and I felt that Kevin Bacon and Mary-Louise Parker were underused.

Kickass 2 7/10

Kickass joins a group of normal citizens who have been inspired to fight crime in costume, in order to defeat The Motherf**ker.

Stars- Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Jim Carrey

It's not as good as the first movie, but I still really enjoyed it. Jim Carrey is great in this as Colonal Stars and Stripes, while Mintz-Plasse puts in a good role as the main villain.

Drinking Buddies 3/10

Two close co-workers - both already in relationships - struggle with their feelings toward one another.

Stars- Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick and Ron Livingston

An independent movie which easily becomes very boring as it goes on. It gets 2 marks for having Olivia Wilde and Anna Kendrick in it. :wub:

The Bling Ring 2/10

A group of teens break into Celebrities' homes.

Stars- Emma Watson, Katie Chang, Claire Julien and Israel Broussard

Seen this with my Girlfriend, if you like seeing teens breaking into houses and try on hats of about 20 minutes then this is the movie for you.

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The other thing with Compliance, when you're talking about it being criticised for how exploitive it is, is that things actually unfolded as you see them in the movie. It stays fairly close to the facts of the case.

The other point about potential exploitation was that the film didn't have the full blessing of the victim or the family, as I understand it. I think that criticism could certainly be warranted.

I wonder if events unfolding as they really happened is part of a recognised approach for such a film dealing with real-life crime. I think the film-maker hoped this would give greater weight to the film's impact. I just wasn't convinced that this was conveyed as the film unfolded.

A lot of the criticism that I've read concerns the nudity and audience's reaction to the depiction of the ordeal. In terms of the viewing of the film, I didn't find any of the nudity exploitative as such because it helped to give a visual sense of the vulnerability of the victim. So I would disagree with that part of the criticism of the film.

Out of interest Dom Dom, how would you you rate it?

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Everyone involved was incredibly stupid. The fact that it took so long for anyone to even question what was going on was an embarrassment.

I don't even think inbreeding can explain that amount of stupidity from that amount of people.

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Everyone involved was incredibly stupid. The fact that it took so long for anyone to even question what was going on was an embarrassment.

I don't even think inbreeding can explain that amount of stupidity from that amount of people.

That's how I felt about about it. I don't want to take anything away from the film makers because they did a decent job of presenting the scenario but I felt fucking angry at everyone involved in the real incident.

My mate tried watching it but switched off after about 45 minutes because his blood was boiling.

It's an effective and provocative film but it's too whacked out to be entertaining.

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Everyone involved was incredibly stupid. The fact that it took so long for anyone to even question what was going on was an embarrassment.

I don't even think inbreeding can explain that amount of stupidity from that amount of people.

That's the thing that kept my interest, though, and is possibly the only successful thing about the film. The fact that this really happened, and happened more than two dozen times across the USA, suggests it is far more than stupidity and there is something really bizarre about human behaviour.

The film fell down for me, though, insofar as it not only didn't come up with any answers (which isn't normally a problem with such films), but didn't really seem to ask any questions.

I agree with Tongue Tied Danny, it was probably an admirable failure as a movie.

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Mud - 7/10

I've really enjoyed McConaughey's recent films. This is probably one of the best of the lot. It has invited a lot of comparisons with Stand By Me which probably is more to do with the child actors who are really good. There is a strange, underlying supernatural element to this film which gives a slight atmosphere of unease and the plot moves with good pace. I would definitely recommend this film.

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That's the thing that kept my interest, though, and is possibly the only successful thing about the film. The fact that this really happened, and happened more than two dozen times across the USA, suggests it is far more than stupidity and there is something really bizarre about human behaviour.

The film fell down for me, though, insofar as it not only didn't come up with any answers (which isn't normally a problem with such films), but didn't really seem to ask any questions.

I agree with Tongue Tied Danny, it was probably an admirable failure as a movie.

I believe that it only went that far once though.

While it may be an very extreme example it didn't surprise me that much. Many people are overly suspicious of others and are far too quick to assume the worst. How many rumours have you heard about people that may or may not be true but quickly grow arms and legs?

Edited by tongue_tied_danny
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