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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I missed this when it came out at the cinema. Finally caught up with it the other day. Jack Black is on fantastic form as Bernie Tiede, the Mr Nice Guy funeral director who falls under the spell of Shirley MacLaines twisted old rich widow. Done in a semi documentary fashion, it is interspersed with comment from local people (some actors, some actual locals) who talk about the two main characters and events. Some great little comments from them, my favourite being the hick who spoke of Mrs Nugent tearing someone a new "three bedroom, two bathroom asshole."

Black is also in great singing voice throughout the film, and it's well worth watching. 8/10.

As is my wont after watching "true" stories I googled the events to find the real Bernie has been released on bail under the condition he lives with the director of the film... A bizarre film with a bizarre twist!

Edited by jester
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Seen three films this past week at the cinema -

Gone Girl - 9/10 - Exceptional stuff. Intense, weird, powerful, it just keeps you hooked all the way through. David Fincher really is a genius.

The Equalizer - 6/10 - Standard action stuff from Denzel, it is an entertaining enough way to spend a couple of hours in the cinema.

Walk Among the Tombstones - 3/10 - Pretty dreadful. A B-movie that feels outdated and disjointed. Really did not like it.

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Not the best adaptation of the comic but it'd be impossible to be IMO. Perhaps in the top 5 greatest superhero films though?


Never read the comic but I love this, probably my favourite superhero film of all time. Just amazing.

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It's not my genre of choice but Watchmen was still a major disappointment to me: I thought it was too long, over-indulgent and cheaply directed, with way too much slow motion and one of the least original soundtracks in recent years.

I enjoyed parts of it but I hated the Manhattan stuff, much of which was pure soap opera drivel. What took the biscuit completely, though, was Snyder taking the Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo, used to wonderful effect in Raging Bull, and using it for a slow-motion gang assault. As well as that, while I'm not an expert on the material I felt the "muggers" scene was out of character for Owl and Jupiter, there was far too much gore for the sake of gore. There's also a sex scene which is painfully untasteful.

I really liked the stuff with Rorschach, who was easily my favourite character, and the authenticity of the Cold War paranoia, but those are saving graces in a very flawed film.

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Lol, perv alert. Watching a film just now on the Horror channel called Bare Behind Bars. It is a badly dubbed piece of shite that is set in a women's prison. It's full of naked women with very hairy muffs. It reminds me of most of the films that I watched in my misspent youth in the old Classic cinema in Edinburgh back in the 70's.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 4/10

I went in expecting to be disappointed, and I was. Not spoilers as such but:

I don't like what they've done with Donatello, and Shredder - as was clear from the trailer - was massively over the top. The pish from Raphael near the end was embarrassing. Michelangelo wasn't too bad, though.

The Equaliser - 7/10

Good stuff. It's a long film that didn't feel it; was pleasantly surprised.

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Gone Girl

Exceptional film, if a touch drawn out. Harsh to flaw it on that though, really is a top drawer engrossing story.


The Equalizer

Basically, Denzel Washington being a badass for 2 and a bit hours. And who can do badass better than Denzel? It really is by the book filmmaking here, but it is the Denzel show. Enjoyable fare.


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Mik, on 12 Oct 2014 - 10:20, said:

Annabelle 0/10

Very disappointed with this. Cant think of anything I liked about it to be honest!

Seems to be one of those recent influx of horrors launched since the success of Paranormal Activity and Insidious that don't actually do horror very well, but instead look for the cheap thrills and pop with overuse of the jump scare.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 4/10

I went in expecting to be disappointed, and I was. Not spoilers as such but:

I don't like what they've done with Donatello, and Shredder - as was clear from the trailer - was massively over the top. The pish from Raphael near the end was embarrassing. Michelangelo wasn't too bad, though.

I actually liked the Turtles film. Went to see it yesterday and I am glad they didn't try to make it dark and more for adults like they did with Transformers. It was a kids franchise originally so should be aimed at kids and in that sense I thought it was good, harmless fun. I was worried that that the turtles themselves would look a bit too weird but they looked pretty good. It could have been a bit funnier, Will Arnett's character was underused, and I was personally disappointed not to see the Casey Jones character.

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Watched Gone Girl today. Its almost two different films :lol: have to be honest that it all got a bit "stupid" and seemed like the writers started desperately shoving things at us to force us towards the ending. Was incredibly tense though, and id watch it again

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Gone Girl was for the most part excellent, even if it became a bit Basic Instinct towards the end. 8.5/10.

Maps to the Stars. Normally love Cronenberg, didn't love this movie. Populated exclusively by repellant characters, the movie doesn't engage sympathy or empathy at any point, which I guess was deliberate. Like watching bugs crawling about under a rock for a couple of hours. 6/10.

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Gone Girl: I guess I'm alone on here - thought it was ridiculously contrived and was unsympathetic to every single character within.

Is that not the point of the film? Neither of them are supposed to be likeable IMO.

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Gone Girl: I guess I'm alone on here - thought it was ridiculously contrived and was unsympathetic to every single character within.

That was something I admired about the film: the development of an emotional line to someone who we know is morally impaired, through the manipulable eyes of modern media. As Ben Affleck’s character says, “There are two sides to every story,” and we’re blind until we’ve seen the mystery from both sides of the marriage. I thought Fincher was very clever with the structure and the perception of the characters, particularly Amy, and would consider the lack of one-dimensional sympathy a strength, not a flaw.

"Contrived" wouldn't be the first adjective I'd use to describe the plot- I thought it was one of the most original movie mysteries in recent years. It's perhaps convenient in places, but to good effect and within the boundaries of creative licence. My biggest complaint is with the dialogue, some of which you definitely could describe as "ridiculous".

It's easy to overlook because it's a Fincher guarantee, but Gone Girl is another technical masterclass: visually meticulous, superbly-acted and another triumph from the chaps from Reznor and Ross in the music department.

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