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I am not sure if I could believe Cusack as Walt. Especially for the the scenes where he turns a bit psychotic. Broderick would have been a joke.

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I must have missed all Cusack's sinister roles. I shall look out for him playing sinister. Any recommendations DomDom? To be fair to Brian Cranston he does lose the plot a good few times in Malcolm In The Middle. He also cameoed in the X Files playing a nutter.

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You see a more maniacal, if not a sinister side, in The Raven. It's more desperate maniac though. In The Contract you can see the sinister though. I'd recommend the latter but not the former. The Raven is fucking crap.

Identity is a belter for that side of him as well actually, and yes, get that. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is also quite good, but it's only got a bit of Cusack's darker side in it. Still well worth getting.

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On the latest episode:

When Saul, Mike, Jesse and Walt all came together to find somewhere new to cook, it reminded me so much of a Grand Theft Auto mission. The main character(s) plus a crooked lawyer and a guy who knows "the business", coming together to do one big job.


That's exactly what I thought.

Mike has one of the greatest voices in TV. At times it reminds me of Roger Meyers from The Simpsons aka Itchy and Scratchy's creator.

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I'm not sure how they continue to do it. The episode was already a hell of a ride before we reached that ending which was just amazing.

The final 10 or so minutes of this episode, is honestly some of the greatest television I have ever seen.

I get the feeling that Walter will react the complete opposite to Jesse and Mike. I think Walter will be impressed that Todd is willing to kill a child for him.


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Aye, I think that not seeing Walt's reaction was completely deliberate, so as we're all left guessing. I'd say at this point, it makes sense for Walt's character not to be as phased, but Jesse has looked a bit apprehensive all the way through the season, as if the events of the last season are getting to him a bit.

I can't for the life of me see where this is all going. Although I do think Walt will murder Pinkman.

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I think the most interesting thing is how Mike will react. It's pretty much a stick on that Jesse will be outraged and Walt will argue that Todd did what had to be done.

I reckon Mike will be raging, because of the affect it has on the "mission". Having to get rid of a body is hassle they don't need. Discussing it last night, my mate's view was that Mike will be angry from a morale standpoint, because of his granddaughter etc. I'm not so sure.

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So what the f**k are we talking about in here?!?! This thread has been like the fucking briefcase in Pulp Fiction for me, constantly gazing upon its orange glow without ever once peeking in or knowing what was going on. Let's talk Breaking Bad, motherfuckers.

I have mixed feelings on being caught up. It means I don't have to avoid spoilers on here and Facebook at every time, I can look stuff up online and just generally talk about it, but on the other hand... No more Breaking Bad til Monday dry.gif

What a fantastic show though. Enjoyed the first season but wow, season after season it just gets better and better - seasons 4 and 5 have been amazingly good. The end of season 4 :blink: The train episode :blink:

The approach the show takes to "good" and "bad" characters is really interesting; the shift in the main character from protagonist to antagonist. At this point I don't think Walt can be described as a good guy. The character development (well, certainly of the main characters) on the show is fantastic; Walt's journey from the pathetic chemistry teacher in the first episode to a potential drug lord has been frightening. It's a little like The Sopranos, where Tony was never really the character you were ultimately rooting for. I really root for Hank.

Quite like Jesse too - obviously he's had his dodgy moments but he's almost going in the opposite direction from Walt. In the beginning he was happy to take Walt's money for the RV and f**k people over whereas now he's a lot more conscientious.

Saul and Mike are the best characters in it, and Walt is obviously a fantastic character too, but you couldn't say that you're always genuinely rooting for him. He's been too much of a c**t. Interesting to see how the drug business takes its toll on Walt and everyone else as the effects ripple.

Anyway, now that I can Google the shit out of it, I've found quite a few cool things. Check this foreshadowing from season 4 episode 8

And on a related note:


Also, while I was watching that video, this came up as a related video:


Also, this is incredible:

"Yeah bitch!!"

Roll on Monday.


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