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Breaking Bad


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Just watched it, brilliant episode yet again.

That scene at the end had the lot. You thought it was a setup for a game of cat and mouse until Walt's face turned and he turned back to face Hank. The dialogue between the two and the tension was amazing and Walt's line about treading carefully wasn't only chilling, it's yet another instant classic line which people will probably be using in pop culture for years to come.

His attempts to convince Jesse about Mike still being alive were also very unsettling, especially as Jesse isn't even close to convinced.

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I don't want to be that guy who blows it for people :lol: . The Walking Dead thread was a bit of a nightmare for that.

I do like the Hank suicide theory. I wonder if they are setting it up for that and double bluff us and its Jessie who tops himself?

He didn't take the young boys being murdered well at all and is a recovering junkie.

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Also, I love Sauls security guard. He's such a lazy useless bag of shit. Always on the verge of keeling over. Brilliant wee bit of comic relief.

The odd shape of his head only adds to the comic affect.

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Did anyone else get overally excited when there was the slow delay in the garage door closing as you knew what was coming? It does help how quickly Walt can shift personalities like that, very unsettling

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I loved everything about this episode.

"Hello Carol."

The directing behind Hank's immediate reaction to finding out about Walt in the car was tremendously done.

Walt transforming in Heisenberg in front Hank's very eyes. I liked that he couldn't help himself, he had to confront him and how unkindly he took to Hank stating he take the kids to his house.

The show does have a year of cramming to go into throughout these eight episodes but I loved that it didn't feel like it was rushed at the same time.

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Also, I love Sauls security guard. He's such a lazy useless bag of shit. Always on the verge of keeling over. Brilliant wee bit of comic relief.

I loved how he suddenly sat up when Saul opened the door so it looked like he was just about to do some work. Quality skiving act down to a tee.

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