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Evil Neighbours Thread

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6 minutes ago, Snobot said:

If it is below 6 feet in height he can do nothing. Over 6 feet needs planning permission. 5’ 11 and 14/16 is fine.

That's mostly true, part of it fronts the road though so shouldn't technically be more than a meter. I went 1.8m across the back of my garden dropping to 1.2m from the line of my house out to the pavement, then alongside the road. So technically it is a planning breach, but to enforce it they'd have to prove it was either a safety hazard or out of keeping with its surroundings, and loads of folk round about have 6ft fences fronting the road so they'll do nothing about it.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Why would someone buy a house and immediately make enemies for life of their neighbour by doing that?

Our street is all shared lawns and there's no fuss, take turns doing the mowing etc, apart from when my Dad in the depth of his Alzheimer's tried to do the whole street thinking it was all ours and made a bit of a mess. Anyway, someone moved into the next house but one and dug up her property line on the lawn and planted wee shrubs as a boundary marker. My neighbour's an easy going guy but this left a yard wide lawn on his side that looked really stupid. I suggested he build a barbed wire fence and a couple of pretend gun emplacements, but he ended up ripping up the turf and laying tiles. The mean streets of Suburbia. 

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8 hours ago, die hard doonhamer said:

My neighbor is an arse, but nothing to the scale of what has been mentioned in here. I put a fence up to enclose my garden (I'm at the entrance to a cul-de-sac, so my garden backs on to his drive), he didn't want us to because it would "spoil" his view. He's an arrogant c**t who now just doesn't even acknowledge me if I pass him (I'll make a point to still cheerily say hello). He said he was going to complain to the council about the fence, but haven't heard anything on that.

Is he American? If so, be nice, he might have a gun.

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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Our street is all shared lawns and there's no fuss, take turns doing the mowing etc, apart from when my Dad in the depth of his Alzheimer's tried to do the whole street thinking it was all ours and made a bit of a mess. Anyway, someone moved into the next house but one and dug up her property line on the lawn and planted wee shrubs as a boundary marker. My neighbour's an easy going guy but this left a yard wide lawn on his side that looked really stupid. I suggested he build a barbed wire fence and a couple of pretend gun emplacements, but he ended up ripping up the turf and laying tiles. The mean streets of Suburbia. 

In a previous house, my neighbours across the road detested each other.  One had short man syndrome, and also worked in an office for the cooncil, in some non-job like counting bus stops or whatever, so needless to say could be a petty arsehole.

Their 2 drives were separated by a wee strip of grass about 2 foot wide, so could be cut by basically mowing up and back. 30 seconds work.  Yet, neither would cut the others' side, just cut their own half.  

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17 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

There are some funny sorts right enough. When we moved in we parked one of our cars down the street a bit and the curtain twitcher whose house it was came and banged on our door at 9pm to tell us to move as it was 'her spot' even though it's unrestricted parking. I shifted it in order to be neighbourly and all that but she's never said another word to us so whenever folk are visiting I always tell them to park outside her house.

There is room for 3 cars to park at the front of our terrace of 4 houses (the dwelling to our right has more ground than the other 3 and he can park in his property). Our neighbours to the left have 2 cars, so between them and us there's no space left, fortunately the neighbour at the end hasn'r got a car, although his son and daughter have - his son is disabled - so when they visit it can cause problems parking wise, especially for the son, particularly as the next house down parks his car in his "driveway", which means he needs access so you can't really block him off. It rarely causes an issue, but it is shared space, so anyone can really park anywhere, including members of the public (although why members of the public, other than visitors, would park here is a mystery), and workmen etc.

The estate below us has far too many cars for the parking space available, and people get very proprietary about "their" space, but there are no "their" spaces, it is shared parking. Both these estates were built long before ordinary working people had cars, let alone two cars, I can only see the problem, such as it is, getting worse. I think if our estate was getting built now, it might not get the go ahead, there is barely enough room on the access road for two cars to pass each other.

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Strangely the current approach seems to be to limit the number of parking spaces rather than provide sufficient parking. I recently went to a presentation on proposals for a development adjacent to the estate I live in and they intend to provide one space per house. They argue this will be greener and encourage people to use public transport (very limited). Everyone will be digging up their garden to increase their driveway or parking on the street. Fortunately I won't be living there.

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2 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

Strangely the current approach seems to be to limit the number of parking spaces rather than provide sufficient parking. I recently went to a presentation on proposals for a development adjacent to the estate I live in and they intend to provide one space per house. They argue this will be greener and encourage people to use public transport (very limited). Everyone will be digging up their garden to increase their driveway or parking on the street. Fortunately I won't be living there.

I think there might be planning regulations around these things, as in it wont be approved unless it has a restricted number of spaces. Something to do with council/governmental green policies and encouraging greater use of public transport. Someone more knowledgable than me will be able to confirm that. 

There certainly are such restrictions with public buildings, it's why new hospitals etc have extremely limited parking and why people saying "just build more parking when you build it" don't know what they are talking about. 

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I think there might be planning regulations around these things, as in it wont be approved unless it has a restricted number of spaces. Something to do with council/governmental green policies and encouraging greater use of public transport. Someone more knowledgable than me will be able to confirm that. 
There certainly are such restrictions with public buildings, it's why new hospitals etc have extremely limited parking and why people saying "just build more parking when you build it" don't know what they are talking about. 
Just because they don't agree with the planning department doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about. Plenty of planning restrictions seem to ignore common sense.
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4 minutes ago, Archie McSquackle said:
44 minutes ago, CountyFan said:
I think there might be planning regulations around these things, as in it wont be approved unless it has a restricted number of spaces. Something to do with council/governmental green policies and encouraging greater use of public transport. Someone more knowledgable than me will be able to confirm that. 
There certainly are such restrictions with public buildings, it's why new hospitals etc have extremely limited parking and why people saying "just build more parking when you build it" don't know what they are talking about. 

Just because they don't agree with the planning department doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about. Plenty of planning restrictions seem to ignore common sense.

Yes but they cant get approval to build and therefore they have no choice. It is a bit unfair for folk to criticise developers for a lack of foresight when their hands are tied. 

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Yes, I agree their hands are probably tied by planning conditions. Unfortunately common sense doesn't always play a big part in these planning restrictions. It's one thing wanting people to use more public transport but if it doesn't exist (and the developer can't provide it obviously) then folk are stuck with not enough parking for their new house.

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At our last house it I took great delight in winding up the arsehole across the street.
Each house had 1 parking spot and there was plenty of visitors space. Ours was behind our house but that’s where the living room was so a pain with the shopping.
Across the street was 3 visitors spaces as like us their allotted spaces were at the back but in their type of house that’s where their kitchen was.
So whenever we did the shopping we would leave the other car in our space and when we came back I would park across the street to give easy access to the kitchen.
This one day we were back 10 mins or so and someone is at the door. Guy from across the room demanding we get out his space. Explained it’s not his space and was going mental. He was so red I thought heart attack incoming. His wife had to come and drag him away. About an hour later the wife came back and explained they couldn’t use their space as they had built a fence round their garden but hadn’t put a gate in it!!

I will admit I still kept using the space as I knew it wound him up but it is amazing how mental people go over parking spaces. I’m just happy I have my own drive way now

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There's a pair of right lazy c***s In our street that what have their van and car in the living room if they could. He parks his works van at an angle which effectively takes up two spaces, then moves the van to let the wife park her car up, which is shite for anycunt else needing a space, which could be rectified if he parked normally. There are no allocated spaces either. I quite occasionally have to park further down the street or somewhere else, but it's hardly the end of the world if you have to walk further, unlike the lazy c***s.

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Not so much evil neighbours but just popped into my mums and noticed none of her garden furniture there. Turns out on Saturday night one of the neighbours kids had an empty and his mates nicked the table, chairs and some lights.

Currently waiting for the dad to get back from work, he’s a nice guy but a few telts will be getting handed out about his laddie

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11 minutes ago, YHallSaint said:

Not so much evil neighbours but just popped into my mums and noticed none of her garden furniture there. Turns out on Saturday night one of the neighbours kids had an empty and his mates nicked the table, chairs and some lights.

Currently waiting for the dad to get back from work, he’s a nice guy but a few telts will be getting handed out about his laddie

Easy tiger. Just explain the circumstances and await his response. If he is a reasonable sort he will sort things out...

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Not so much evil neighbours but just popped into my mums and noticed none of her garden furniture there. Turns out on Saturday night one of the neighbours kids had an empty and his mates nicked the table, chairs and some lights.

Currently waiting for the dad to get back from work, he’s a nice guy but a few telts will be getting handed out about his laddie

The logical response would be to burn down his house.
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