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Evil Neighbours Thread

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12 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Boy in the flat directly below is a massive stoner. I have no issue with this, even though at this time of year the reek tends to come in through my open windows. He keeps himself to himself and is generally so quiet that you wouldn't know there was anyone in the flat... except for the days he has his washing machine going.

It's not the machine itself. I can hear it on spin and feel the vibrations, but it isn't overly noisy and doesn't cause any nuisance. What I can't get my head around, is that on any day the machine is going, and only on the days his machine is going, usually just once a week, there are intermittent colossal thumps coming from his flat that sound like he is chucking a small car around and battering it off the walls. It causes the entire building to jump and even though I'm used to it it's seriously fucking annoying. 

I have no idea what he's doing, or why it's intrinsically linked to his washing machine being used, but it was so unnerving the first few times it happened I actually phoned the polis, they went in his flat, but reported back that they could see no obvious explanation for it. It's definitely him, not the flat below or to the side, and it only ever happens on days his washing machine is running. Baffling.

He’s murdering people (maybe prostitutes but more likely other stoners that he’s met on stoner websites) the evening before. He’s freezing their mutilated bodies overnight. The next day, he’s washing his bloodstained clothes while dismembering the evidence with an axe.

Does he often leave with multiple carrier bags and is there a smell of bleach?

They do say it’s always the quiet ones.

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My neighbours are generally good c***s (mainly because they are old and dont bother anyone).  My only minor grumble is the fact that on bin day, the boy next door takes his bins out and leaves them right at the kerb rather than the back of the pavement I need to move them every single time even though I ask him not to do it. He's obviously doing it on purpose to annoy me.

I need to come up with some passive aggressive response.

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3 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

My neighbours are generally good c***s (mainly because they are old and dont bother anyone).  My only minor grumble is the fact that on bin day, the boy next door takes his bins out and leaves them right at the kerb rather than the back of the pavement I need to move them every single time even though I ask him not to do it. He's obviously doing it on purpose to annoy me.

I need to come up with some passive aggressive response.

So you mean he does it the correct way?

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6 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

My neighbours are generally good c***s (mainly because they are old and dont bother anyone).  My only minor grumble is the fact that on bin day, the boy next door takes his bins out and leaves them right at the kerb rather than the back of the pavement I need to move them every single time even though I ask him not to do it. He's obviously doing it on purpose to annoy me.

I need to come up with some passive aggressive response.

Why do you need to move them back? 

While we were getting work done in the house I was throwing out an old oven & microwave, I left it on the pavement right where my garden ends as instructed by the council website, the next door neighbour started messaging me (multiple times in the space of minutes) saying they couldn't get cars in the driveway as they had three cars at this point, shortly after came knocking on the door, the missus answered and they mentioned they'd put them on the grass, the same grass they moan if anything is sat on it for more than 3 seconds. Anyway, I later took great delight when it was pissing down outside responding to the message advising they need to move them back to the original location either tonight or in the morning prior to the council picking them up and then the joy of watching them in the pissing rain lift a grease laden oven. 

I could have parked a significantly larger vehicle than either of them have in the driveway with no fear of an oven being in the way. The day after I fired a few driving lesson jibes at him as I was passing and straight into the house without allowing response. They love a bit of passive aggressive shenanigans so instead of ever getting angry at them I just do stuff like this. 

Another good example was recently neighbours on the diagonal opposite side of the road that are getting an extension done so their cars are parked opposite my driveway (doesn't bother me) but it did bother me when he decided to plow on through parked cars on his side, driving straight at me and then mouthing off at me from the safety of his car. I have a fairly recognisable car he must see everyday so either he thinks I'm a mug or didn't realise I was his neighbour. I got home and before unloading the shopping I parked my other car that's a shit wagon opposite my driveway as awkwardly as possible where they had been parking leaving a big empty space in my driveway. I think he had a bit of look over at me later in the day while I was tidying the garage, but he didn't seem so keen for confrontation then for some reason. 

Follow me for more tips etc... Maybe I'm the evil neighbour? 

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33 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

So you mean he does it the correct way?

No. Why do the bins need to sit next to the kerb? 

5 minutes ago, thistledo said:

Why do you need to move them back? 

Because it’s a street and folk park their cars there. Bins next to the kerb mean folk can’t get out their cars. 

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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

My neighbours are generally good c***s (mainly because they are old and dont bother anyone).  My only minor grumble is the fact that on bin day, the boy next door takes his bins out and leaves them right at the kerb rather than the back of the pavement I need to move them every single time even though I ask him not to do it. He's obviously doing it on purpose to annoy me.

I need to come up with some passive aggressive response.

Cement the wheels.

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Somewhat unrelated.


The management of the factor in my close changed hands in December. The old one keeps emailing and sending me letters chasing an outstanding fee for services rendered upto handover date. I'd really prefer not to pay this, as they were useless fucking clowns. Whats the worse thing they can do if I refuse to pay? Send me more letters? Send the balifs after me? Throw me in jail and throw away the key? its under £100.

Edited by Jives Miguel
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7 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

People who do not have a garage or somewhere that isn't the street to keep their car shouldn't be allowed to own a car IMO.

You wouldn't buy a horse if you didn't have somewhere to keep it.

Not played Red Dead Redemption 2.

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15 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

Somewhat unrelated.


The management of the factor in my close changed hands in December. The old one keeps emailing and sending me letters chasing an outstanding fee for services rendered upto handover date. I'd really prefer not to pay this, as they were useless fucking clowns. Whats the worse thing they can do if I refuse to pay? Send me more letters? Send the balifs after me? Throw me in jail and throw away the key? its under £100.

Pass it onto debt collectors, imagine they'll keep adding late fines to it, although they are limited now to what can reasonably add as a late fee after these types of companies started adding ridiculous amounts to outstanding bills without any reasonable reason why. You'd have been better off advising them in writing that the bill was in dispute due to whatever reason, but it's probably too late now. Worst case is they eventually take you to court over £100+fines, I've no idea how petty your factor is, in between that, threatening letters. I guess you decide if it's all worth the aggro or if you're the type of person that will worry about it. 

I'm in the process of trying to bin the factor in our area, it's slow, painful and I'm beginning to think it's all not actually worth it regardless of how shit they are. A lot of factors are greedy scumbags that have been allowed in by lazy housebuilders selling off land to factors and then the factors charge other people over the odds to maintain land they own, it's a joke and I'm stubborn so I'll fight about it. 

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19 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

Somewhat unrelated.


The management of the factor in my close changed hands in December. The old one keeps emailing and sending me letters chasing an outstanding fee for services rendered upto handover date. I'd really prefer not to pay this, as they were useless fucking clowns. Whats the worse thing they can do if I refuse to pay? Send me more letters? Send the balifs after me? Throw me in jail and throw away the key? its under £100.

In Scotland they could raise a small claim I suppose. As the court fee is £90 I don't think they will.



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