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Evil Neighbours Thread

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14 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Guy was about twice my size and a proper fruit loop. The two occasions he assaulted me I got off with cuts and bruises but didn’t fight back as pretty sure that is what he wanted. He lifted me up off the ground one of the times and tried to throw me over a barbed wire fence. He failed as I am maybe heavier than he expected. Another time he picked up a blue wheelie bin a d launched it at me.

I was scared because he was a cop but the local cops knew he was a madman and in the end were delighted to do him when they had enough. 

His colleagues probably hated him tbf.

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9 hours ago, Adam said:

Not that anyone gives a f**k, but an update.

I had Scottish Water out yesterday to have a look at the Buchan Trap (never knew it was called that, every day is a school day), and between me going inside to make a coffee, my youngest son was outside playing and again the battering on the window began from my neighbour. Apparently my son had the audacity to stray into his half of the shared part of the garden whilst playing football. My girlfriend was down at the time speaking to her Dad (don’t think the neighbour clocked her otherwise I don’t think he would have said anything), and she asked what his problem was. He said he was going to put a washing out (which he does maybe once a year, so not buying that), however she left it.

I got off a work call a little later and went round to tell him what Scottish Water said to me, and he was acting like a complete p***k once again, being dismissive about what they told me, what I was relaying to him, so just asked him outright if he had a problem with me, to which he said yes; my youngest son was the problem. Said that he battered a stick off an old bench in the garden, our bench, that he done up last year. I remember it happening at the time and as he couldn’t pick out which of my kids done it at the time, I took them both to his door to apologise. I told him this and he said along the lines that an apology wasn’t enough, they should have got leathered, leathered for hitting a stick against a bench, doing no damage to it.

Complete heads gone from me, called him all the b*****ds, told him to stick his fucking bench, our fucking bench, up his fucking arse, never come to my door again for help with anything and that I was building a big f**k off fence right up the shared garden so I never have to see his miserable fucking face ever again.

He regaled me of previous owners who he had issues with in the past whilst we were enjoying a beer when we were talking and when he wasn’t a miserable suffering p***k, so I’m fully expecting an old toilet in his part of the shared garden filled with flowers.

Anyone got a spare bath I could have?

Funny you should ask I have just had my bath removed today 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A woman across the square who we thought seemed OK has turned out to be one unhinged individual.  She has dyslexia, and a year or so ago the wife helped her draft up emails to the council about getting work done in her garden.  They were getting on fine, a week later she got a new car, the wife asked her what kind, the wife got accused of being a nosy cow and not to speak to her again.  Monday afternoon,  the wife was sitting downstairs  and the daft woman came in the gate, came to the door screaming "YOU YA FUCKING BITCH , I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART, YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING TO MY DAD AND MY SON!!!".  Wife has seen  her dad once, never spoke to him, same with her son. Thankfully the wife had the door locked.  Wife phoned the police,  they spoke to the daft cow and she stood screaming and shouting at the police,  insisting my wife had "done something" to her son. My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, suffers from anxiety and this hasn't helped at all. The daft boot has been cautioned and told not to come near the house or Me or the wife or she'll get lifted. WTF???

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A woman across the square who we thought seemed OK has turned out to be one unhinged individual.  She has dyslexia, and a year or so ago the wife helped her draft up emails to the council about getting work done in her garden.  They were getting on fine, a week later she got a new car, the wife asked her what kind, the wife got accused of being a nosy cow and not to speak to her again.  Monday afternoon,  the wife was sitting downstairs  and the daft woman came in the gate, came to the door screaming "YOU YA FUCKING BITCH , I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART, YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING TO MY DAD AND MY SON!!!".  Wife has seen  her dad once, never spoke to him, same with her son. Thankfully the wife had the door locked.  Wife phoned the police,  they spoke to the daft cow and she stood screaming and shouting at the police,  insisting my wife had "done something" to her son. My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, suffers from anxiety and this hasn't helped at all. The daft boot has been cautioned and told not to come near the house or Me or the wife or she'll get lifted. WTF???
Sounds like she's got more than just dyslexia unfortunately and needs some serious help. No surprise the police just brushed it off, instead of being any real help.
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5 minutes ago, Empty It said:
24 minutes ago, philpy said:
A woman across the square who we thought seemed OK has turned out to be one unhinged individual.  She has dyslexia, and a year or so ago the wife helped her draft up emails to the council about getting work done in her garden.  They were getting on fine, a week later she got a new car, the wife asked her what kind, the wife got accused of being a nosy cow and not to speak to her again.  Monday afternoon,  the wife was sitting downstairs  and the daft woman came in the gate, came to the door screaming "YOU YA FUCKING BITCH , I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART, YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING TO MY DAD AND MY SON!!!".  Wife has seen  her dad once, never spoke to him, same with her son. Thankfully the wife had the door locked.  Wife phoned the police,  they spoke to the daft cow and she stood screaming and shouting at the police,  insisting my wife had "done something" to her son. My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, suffers from anxiety and this hasn't helped at all. The daft boot has been cautioned and told not to come near the house or Me or the wife or she'll get lifted. WTF???

Sounds like she's got more than just dyslexia unfortunately and needs some serious help. No surprise the police just brushed it off, instead of being any real help.

Wife spoke to the daughter of an elderly neighbour today,  and she's been having run-ins with people well before we moved in. This included threatening the elderly neighbour after she politely asked her son to stop kicking his football against her fence 

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No point in phoning plod, they are worse than the mentalists, had to put up with this intimidating shite for about 5 years from pc dimwit. (my car is the polo, and he parked up later) Thankfully him and his stupid wife have fucked off now, it's absolutely the worst thing living beside idiots.,


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Aye my neighbour is a nosey auld cow I have absolutely no time for, constantly shit stirring and gossiping about everyone (most probably us aswell as soon as our back is turned). Just a plain nasty person with nothing better to do than to cause trouble and spread rumours.

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3 hours ago, Empty It said:

Aye my neighbour is a nosey auld cow I have absolutely no time for, constantly shit stirring and gossiping about everyone (most probably us aswell as soon as our back is turned). Just a plain nasty person with nothing better to do than to cause trouble and spread rumours.

Spread a rumour that she's Jimmy Saville's sister. 

That'll teach her.

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5 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

No point in phoning plod, they are worse than the mentalists, had to put up with this intimidating shite for about 5 years from pc dimwit. (my car is the polo, and he parked up later) Thankfully him and his stupid wife have fucked off now, it's absolutely the worst thing living beside idiots.,


The bit I’ve made bold x1000. 

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Guest mr_malcolm

Definitely did not shag, eat or kill the dog.

You make an interesting point about dementia. His second grandchild was born in March, and recently, when talking to my girlfriend, asked his wife when his son’s wife was due. There has been another couple of things that do make you think that the early signs of dementia may be showing.

Anyway, update. He came to the door an hour ago when I was in the shower, but she said he came to apologise for the way he was yesterday and generally been recently, said it was 10 weeks ago yesterday that his dog died and he’s had a lot on his plate.

I went down and spoke to him, just said that he was bang out of order, and I understood how difficult it must be for him, but it’s been difficult for everyone recently and he shouldn’t be taking it out on a nine year old boy.

My neighbour the other side was out chatting to my gf and she had mentioned to her what had happened yesterday, and to previous neighbours. Apparently the last two neighbours have been forced to sell basically due to his antics in the past, they felt too threatened to say anything, which is pretty tragic in itself. I just hope he sticks to his word and it doesn’t escalate again, because I can’t be fucked with the hassle.

Chin him. Show him who’s boss.
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Spread a rumour that she's Jimmy Saville's sister. 
That'll teach her.
Wouldn't work, everyone knows if that was true she'd have told every man and their dug
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On the scheme Facebook page, someone is moaning about dogs peeing on her grass and the communal grass. I love the word salad reply:


I am totally behind you on this one. We are not pet owners. We are fed up watching dog owners walk past our house with their dogs on long leads. Dogs should be walking at heal not being allowed to randomly run in and out of private gardens. I suppose dog owners are just happy to let their animals relieve themselves anywhere else rather than in their own gardens. It is nice to have all this green about but not if it is being misused, In some parts of Spain people have to disinfect the area their animals have pee’d or 💩 on. It is law. They have to carry disinfectant with them. Still not the answer. 

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On 08/07/2021 at 18:11, philpy said:

A woman across the square who we thought seemed OK has turned out to be one unhinged individual.  She has dyslexia, and a year or so ago the wife helped her draft up emails to the council about getting work done in her garden.  They were getting on fine, a week later she got a new car, the wife asked her what kind, the wife got accused of being a nosy cow and not to speak to her again.  Monday afternoon,  the wife was sitting downstairs  and the daft woman came in the gate, came to the door screaming "YOU YA FUCKING BITCH , I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART, YOU'VE DONE SOMETHING TO MY DAD AND MY SON!!!".  Wife has seen  her dad once, never spoke to him, same with her son. Thankfully the wife had the door locked.  Wife phoned the police,  they spoke to the daft cow and she stood screaming and shouting at the police,  insisting my wife had "done something" to her son. My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, suffers from anxiety and this hasn't helped at all. The daft boot has been cautioned and told not to come near the house or Me or the wife or she'll get lifted. WTF???

Take her for a game of pool.

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On 26/06/2021 at 12:41, Adam said:


Definitely did not shag, eat or kill the dog.

You make an interesting point about dementia. His second grandchild was born in March, and recently, when talking to my girlfriend, asked his wife when his son’s wife was due. There has been another couple of things that do make you think that the early signs of dementia may be showing.

Anyway, update. He came to the door an hour ago when I was in the shower, but she said he came to apologise for the way he was yesterday and generally been recently, said it was 10 weeks ago yesterday that his dog died and he’s had a lot on his plate.

I went down and spoke to him, just said that he was bang out of order, and I understood how difficult it must be for him, but it’s been difficult for everyone recently and he shouldn’t be taking it out on a nine year old boy.

My neighbour the other side was out chatting to my gf and she had mentioned to her what had happened yesterday, and to previous neighbours. Apparently the last two neighbours have been forced to sell basically due to his antics in the past, they felt too threatened to say anything, which is pretty tragic in itself. I just hope he sticks to his word and it doesn’t escalate again, because I can’t be fucked with the hassle.

Well, at least the mystery of who ate the dug is solved.

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