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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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There really are some sick Bears about. No wonder they can't agree amongst themselves. Earlier today I found posted on RM a thread with a naame like "This Guy Needs To Be Sacked". The OP was some silly cow who took umbrage at a photo, unavailable as I am not a member there, and asked fellow Bears to do something about this guy who had posted the photo (and no doubt accompanying remarks on Facebook and FF).

All well and good but she then went on to give the guy's name, his place of work and phone number of the company and asked others to inundate the employer with calls demanding that the guy get sacked. A number of others replied that they would phone in.

I'm glad to see that this thread has apparently been removed but it remains to ask what goes on inside the mind of rabid creatures like this. The replies given contained almost every description possible about rank, mhanky, t***g b*****ds which is the norm over there but the idea that these cretins think they have the right to hound someone out of a job, no matter what his crime, is beyond belief. Maybe it's about time everyone forgot the famous Bill Shankly quote about football being about more important than life or death.

....and the chances are that the Sevcunts who are hounding the guy at his work are probably unemployed, workshy b@st@rds.

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Earlier today I found posted on RM a thread with a naame like "This Guy Needs To Be Sacked". The OP was some silly cow who took umbrage at a photo, unavailable as I am not a member there

You didn't 'find it'. You deliberately logged on to RM and read it. Are the Ps&Ds getting more stupid by the day?

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There really are some sick Bears about. No wonder they can't agree amongst themselves. Earlier today I found posted on RM a thread with a naame like "This Guy Needs To Be Sacked". The OP was some silly cow who took umbrage at a photo, unavailable as I am not a member there, and asked fellow Bears to do something about this guy who had posted the photo (and no doubt accompanying remarks on Facebook and FF).

All well and good but she then went on to give the guy's name, his place of work and phone number of the company and asked others to inundate the employer with calls demanding that the guy get sacked. A number of others replied that they would phone in.

I'm glad to see that this thread has apparently been removed but it remains to ask what goes on inside the mind of rabid creatures like this. The replies given contained almost every description possible about rank, mhanky, t***g b*****ds which is the norm over there but the idea that these cretins think they have the right to hound someone out of a job, no matter what his crime, is beyond belief. Maybe it's about time everyone forgot the famous Bill Shankly quote about football being about more important than life or death.

You do seem to completely avoid the fact that the tweet in question was a slur and joke about the the ibrox disaster. Making your use of the shankly quote extremely ironic.

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No and I don't really care what some roaster does on Twitter.

I certainly wouldn't be getting in a such a state over it I was hunting them down and/or indulging sectarian abuse over it.

But you carry on defending the lunatic "fringe".

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No and I don't really care what some roaster does on Twitter.

I certainly wouldn't be getting in a such a state over it I was hunting them down and/or indulging sectarian abuse over it.

But you carry on defending the lunatic "fringe".

You should have a look at it and then judge for yourself, but using the picture of dead bodies at the trackside of a football pitch after a major disaster is not my idea of humour. Plus I was hunting no one down, and defending no one. however if the guy gets any custodial sentence, loses his employment or even gets a sore face over it I won't lose any sleep , if he feels he is big enough and ugly enough to post the shite he did then he should understand the reaction it will receive and the consequences of that especially in today's modern world where these things are easily viewable in the public eye and can be spread around very easily. Edited by forever_blue
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You should have a look at it and then judge for yourself, but using the picture of dead bodies at the trackside of a football pitch after a major disaster is not my idea of humour. Plus I was hunting no one down, and defending no one. however if the guy gets any custodial sentence, loses his employment or even gets a sore face over it I won't lose any sleep , if he feels he is big enough and ugly enough to post the shite he did then he should understand the reaction it will receive and the consequences of that especially in today's modern world where these things are easily viewable in the public eye and can be spread around very easily.

That is what the police are there for and apparently they are looking into the matter. If Sevco fans wanted to do the right thing, they should have contacted the Bill, not handed out information about where he worked and incited people to get him the sack. You lot seem totally happy to have a bunch of brain-dead vigilantes amongs your support. But then, what else can one expect from a zombie club?

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That is what the police are there for and apparently they are looking into the matter. If Sevco fans wanted to do the right thing, they should have contacted the Bill, not handed out information about where he worked and incited people to get him the sack. You lot seem totally happy to have a bunch of brain-dead vigilantes amongs your support. But then, what else can one expect from a zombie club?

What do you want me to do ? If he is going to post the pish he did on a public profile which contains information such as where he lives , his name and his employment then that is own fault for being so stupid. Surely he was aware of the dangers of this post falling into the wrong hands and therefor people will look into his information, not much I can do about his post or peoples reactions but it seems some sensible rangers fans have headed to the police who are now investigating the matter so I guess it is best to let them get on with their work and deal with the matter.

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The guy really only has himself to blame, I have seen the offending tweet and it really is sick, bottom of the barrel stuff, I am absolutely astounded that anyone would have sympathy for him, cretins will defend other cretins I guess.

the only reason people are defending him is because in doing so they are trying to make the rangers support look bad, defending cretins like that is real bottom of the barrel stuff.

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the only reason people are defending him is because in doing so they are trying to make the rangers support look bad, defending cretins like that is real bottom of the barrel stuff.

Nobody is trying to defend the c**t but it is not the to take the law into one's own hands and try to get someone sacked by posting his details on the internet. How would you feel if someone posted your picture on KDS or RM or any such sh*th*le and accused you of being a kiddy-fiddler because you were hugging a child, posted your employer's phone number and your home address only to find out afterwards that it was your own son or daughter? Shit sticks even when proved to be wrong. Just look at recent story of the guy who was arrested, bailed, banned from seeing his daughter and suffered a heart attack because some pal sent him a "bestiality" video on his phone which turned out to be a guy wearing a tiger suit. You just can't take other people's lives into your hands just because you are upset by something idiotic they did. It's not as though he actually killed the 66 in question.

Get f*cking real and stop being a dead-brain. And get a f*cking life! Spending too much time on here is having a negative effect on your thought processes.

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Nobody is trying to defend the c**t but it is not the to take the law into one's own hands and try to get someone sacked by posting his details on the internet. How would you feel if someone posted your picture on KDS or RM or any such sh*th*le and accused you of being a kiddy-fiddler because you were hugging a child, posted your employer's phone number and your home address only to find out afterwards that it was your own son or daughter? Shit sticks even when proved to be wrong. Just look at recent story of the guy who was arrested, bailed, banned from seeing his daughter and suffered a heart attack because some pal sent him a "bestiality" video on his phone which turned out to be a guy wearing a tiger suit. You just can't take other people's lives into your hands just because you are upset by something idiotic they did. It's not as though he actually killed the 66 in question.

Get f*cking real and stop being a dead-brain. And get a f*cking life! Spending too much time on here is having a negative effect on your thought processes.

what the f**k ?are you being genuinley serious. false accusations of being a pedophile are completeley different from being a brain dead bigot who uses a social network site to use pictures of football disasters to point score. the point is there is no denying his account posted the picture. also he posted this on a social network site where all his details such as name, age , location and employment will already be online and not hard to get hold of, of he is stupid enough to do something like this withour reliasing the potential problems it could cause then that problem is his to deal with.I am not defending anyones actions but I am also not surprised . A boy in my old work last year faced a disciplinary and was almost sacked for tweeting lyrics to a ricksen song on his facebook, I believe the story also made the news?

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You have a point about posting the guys personal details (even though he makes no attempt to hide his identity), however the examples you give above are of content being misinterpreted, nobody could misinterpret that tweet, basically the guy said that the reason Rangers fans did not turn up for the Saints game was down to trouble with a staircase 'again', then used a picture of the ibrox disaster, the fact you are going down this misinterpret the message route makes me doubt your sincerity.

he has obviously not seen the tweet, their is no way what the guy put up could be misinterpreted whatsoever.

wee hector par= headsgone.

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You do seem to completely avoid the fact that the tweet in question was a slur and joke about the the ibrox disaster. Making your use of the shankly quote extremely ironic.

Is that what Hector was ranting about, imagine defending someone who thinks that is acceptable.

Says a lot about Hector and several others on here.

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