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I took this test online and came up 'Very High' for one of the options - http://www.depressedtest.com/

Is that test a load of balls? :unsure2:

That test certainly asks about specific symptomology, demographics, and life events that can worsen depression.

I'd be a bit wary of random tests on the internet - but if you've ticked a lot of boxes here, I think a chat with your GP is needed.

Take care

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Went for works night out this week, first night out in months and got completely hammered.

Felt like shit since, I don't enjoy getting pissed anymore and I don't know if drinking is helping me at all but it seems like in order to be social you need to go and drink as much as possible.

Seriously thinking about stopping drinking completely as I hardly ever do it and when I do I can't stop or control how much as it's usually once or twice a year and I always go mental and hate myself for doing it afterwards.

Bumped into some old 'friends' and got the bumsrush yet again but at least I know where I stand now.

Not sure why I'm saying this on here but it seems like it helps. Actually looking forward to the new year and trying somehow to meet new people who aren't just complete pissheads or arseholes. Guess I've just been unlucky and chose the wrong people or maybe I'm part of the problem? Dwelling on the past is not helping but it's hard to let go of.

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Having read this thread back a little, I can not believe I am on here whinging while raidernation, who has a valid and genuine reason for being depressed, is battling a tragic loss.

Sorry bud and hope you get the support you need.

You can't measure pain, mate - if you've been having thoughts about 'topping yourself', as you mentioned in your earlier post, you should probably speak to someone - some very helpful links were posted on the first few pages of this thread, and are worth looking at - you could maybe also speak to your GP. Lots of people on here (including me) are happy to receive PMs from folk who are toiling. Stick in, bud. :)

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Went for works night out this week, first night out in months and got completely hammered.

Felt like shit since, I don't enjoy getting pissed anymore and I don't know if drinking is helping me at all but it seems like in order to be social you need to go and drink as much as possible.

Seriously thinking about stopping drinking completely as I hardly ever do it and when I do I can't stop or control how much as it's usually once or twice a year and I always go mental and hate myself for doing it afterwards.

Bumped into some old 'friends' and got the bumsrush yet again but at least I know where I stand now.

Not sure why I'm saying this on here but it seems like it helps. Actually looking forward to the new year and trying somehow to meet new people who aren't just complete pissheads or arseholes. Guess I've just been unlucky and chose the wrong people or maybe I'm part of the problem? Dwelling on the past is not helping but it's hard to let go of.

Stopping drinking could well be the best move you ever make.

It can also help to let go of people who bring you down.

Stick in. :)

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Had my works night out and felt like shit. I really dont know what's wrong with me just now. I'm feeling great one minute, shit the next. I had a blazing row with the wife when I got in resulting in me very nearly trashing the bedroom and breaking a few things. Finances are dire just now, which probably isn't helping.

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This time of year always seems like a struggle and think part of it is there is such a massive focus between christmas songs, media and films about everyone being with the one they care about having a great family etc etc where that just makes you feel even more isolated. Most of my mates are coupled off so when I go on nights out etc when its everyone I kinda feel like a 5th wheel, pretty much the same when I go back to see family in Fife

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This time of year always seems like a struggle and think part of it is there is such a massive focus between christmas songs, media and films about everyone being with the one they care about having a great family etc etc where that just makes you feel even more isolated. Most of my mates are coupled off so when I go on nights out etc when its everyone I kinda feel like a 5th wheel, pretty much the same when I go back to see family in Fife

Tell me about it mate, Im currently fighting to see my kids after my ex decided she would kick me out. I'm seeing all this happy famiy stuff the now and its just doing my head in

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Had my works night out and felt like shit. I really dont know what's wrong with me just now. I'm feeling great one minute, shit the next. I had a blazing row with the wife when I got in resulting in me very nearly trashing the bedroom and breaking a few things. Finances are dire just now, which probably isn't helping.

How are you sleeping?

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I have an appointment with my GP booked this week, basically as I said before, I feel bored almost constantly, even when having a laugh with mates, mood swings, nothing violent but one day I'll be really easily wound up or annoyed by the most simple of things, the next I won't give a flying f**k about anything. I lose sleep at night, have trouble keeping a solid sleeping pattern and I'll feel tired quite alot.

I generally feel shitty all the time and I'd love to get rid.

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I have an appointment with my GP booked this week, basically as I said before, I feel bored almost constantly, even when having a laugh with mates, mood swings, nothing violent but one day I'll be really easily wound up or annoyed by the most simple of things, the next I won't give a flying f**k about anything. I lose sleep at night, have trouble keeping a solid sleeping pattern and I'll feel tired quite alot.

I generally feel shitty all the time and I'd love to get rid.

Good stuff, those feelings you're experiencing definitely highlight something isn't right and best to nip in the bud sooner than later.

Prepare what you want to say the night before or bring a list of stuff incase you forget. Any GP worth their salt won't take the situation lightly. They'll ask you questions and refer you to a specialist if they think is neccessary.

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Good stuff, those feelings you're experiencing definitely highlight something isn't right and best to nip in the bud sooner than later.

Prepare what you want to say the night before or bring a list of stuff incase you forget. Any GP worth their salt won't take the situation lightly. They'll ask you questions and refer you to a specialist if they think is neccessary.

You mean to note everything down and take it all with me?

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Tell me about it mate, Im currently fighting to see my kids after my ex decided she would kick me out. I'm seeing all this happy famiy stuff the now and its just doing my head in

Sorry to hear mate. Its really not the time of year for people who are by themselves

Upside is I love my christmas dinner *drools*

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I have an appointment with my GP booked this week, basically as I said before, I feel bored almost constantly, even when having a laugh with mates, mood swings, nothing violent but one day I'll be really easily wound up or annoyed by the most simple of things, the next I won't give a flying f**k about anything. I lose sleep at night, have trouble keeping a solid sleeping pattern and I'll feel tired quite alot.

I generally feel shitty all the time and I'd love to get rid.

Better to go than not mate, plenty people on here have done it. Just tell him exactly what's going on and you'll get help or advice on it

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Had a bad 3 days. Didn't eat, didn't take my diabetes meds, ended up in hospital with severe vomiting (12 hours plus) and discovered that the level of ketones in my urine was way too high and probably the cause of the sickness.

Recommended to talk to someone about the depression, got a name and have called so we'll see what comes of this.

Got meds to help with the nausea and a talking to from the doc about looking after myself, which is fair enough really given the circumstances. The meds are making me very tired and "wobbly" but only have to take them til Friday morning, then just back to my Metformin, and the meds I take for the stroke I had in March.

Fun, fun, fun. Still got to go Christmas shopping and put my tree up.

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I'm having a brutal last 24 hours, don't know if its the meds or what but I'm on a collision course with a bottle of vodka. Only started taking them last week and have barely slept this last week.

I'd be straight to the doctor.

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