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Really pissed off the now. Fucking women :thumbsdown:(

I tend to just ignore every single thing a woman says, and if I do accidentally listen to it then I try my best to remember the last Saints game I was at to force the memory from my head. Lifes a lot simpler

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I tend to just ignore every single thing a woman says, and if I do accidentally listen to it then I try my best to remember the last Saints game I was at to force the memory from my head. Lifes a lot simpler

Usually i would do that but i support Hibs so i can't :(

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Been looking through photos of me during my travels - makes me sad I'm not there, and that I'll probably never meet anyone in them again. :(

Found one when I was in a hostel with two guys from Copenhagen. They were only there for one night but the three of us went to the strippers. :lol: They never even got a dance, they sat there for half an hour and fucked off leaving me there myself. I didn't mind though ^_^

Best month of my life, Ukraine might be war-torn at the moment but what a great time I had last year :(

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Been looking through photos of me during my travels - makes me sad I'm not there, and that I'll probably never meet anyone in them again. :(

Found one when I was in a hostel with two guys from Copenhagen. They were only there for one night but the three of us went to the strippers. :lol: They never even got a dance, they sat there for half an hour and fucked off leaving me there myself. I didn't mind though ^_^

Best month of my life, Ukraine might be war-torn at the moment but what a great time I had last year :(

Don't try the comedown after three years traveling. Not pretty!

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Just discovered this thread. I'm a little pissed, and I notice there are a few familiar faces that post here, so I'd like to announce that I've been depressed for 24 years and haven't found a solution yet. Still, at least I'm not dead, I suppose.

Goodnight P&B - kisses to all, and I hope you're all doing well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got round to seeing my GP, as I've got a lot worse in the last few weeks. Been prescribed Fluoxetine. Would be interested to know if anyone here has been given this and how they found it, as I understand the side effects can be pretty bad sometimes.

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Finally got round to seeing my GP, as I've got a lot worse in the last few weeks. Been prescribed Fluoxetine. Would be interested to know if anyone here has been given this and how they found it, as I understand the side effects can be pretty bad sometimes.

I do know someone who took Fluoxetine for a while. The main side-effect I noticed in him was really heavy sweating and constant thirst. I couldn't tell you how effective it was for his mood because I don't know. The list of side-effects for any medication would terrify you to read but it's worth bearing in mind they have to list just about everything that's ever happened to someone while they've been on a medication and most of them won't happen to the individual. See how you go with it and if you find the side-effects too difficult to manage, you can always go back and change to something else. All the best with it.

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I do know someone who took Fluoxetine for a while. The main side-effect I noticed in him was really heavy sweating and constant thirst. I couldn't tell you how effective it was for his mood because I don't know. The list of side-effects for any medication would terrify you to read but it's worth bearing in mind they have to list just about everything that's ever happened to someone while they've been on a medication and most of them won't happen to the individual. See how you go with it and if you find the side-effects too difficult to manage, you can always go back and change to something else. All the best with it.

Thanks for the reply!

Aye, my GP covered all the possible side effects - I guess she has to cover every possibility, including the worst case scenarios. The nausea has already kicked in...

I am never sure whether reading up is a good thing or not. You get the facts, but on the other hand you do tend to focus on the worse things.

The thing is, I feel absolutely fine around 70% of the time. I can spend days feeling fine, and then I wake up one morning and it hits me, and that's me done. I am signed off work for the foreseeable future, but when I have a day like today I feel perfectly capable of going in, which makes me feel like a bit of a fraud. It's just that there will be many days where I cannot. I hate being so up and down.

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Finally got round to seeing my GP, as I've got a lot worse in the last few weeks. Been prescribed Fluoxetine. Would be interested to know if anyone here has been given this and how they found it, as I understand the side effects can be pretty bad sometimes.

I have. I found it very mild compared to the other anti-depressants I've taken.

You get a bit of a dry mouth at times but that was about it for me.

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Finally got round to seeing my GP, as I've got a lot worse in the last few weeks. Been prescribed Fluoxetine. Would be interested to know if anyone here has been given this and how they found it, as I understand the side effects can be pretty bad sometimes.

Made me nauseous in the mornings, clench my jaw constantly, and gave me almost perpetual raging horn. Citalopram the same but without the horn. But then at the time neither myself nor my GP/shrink knew that AD's were a completely inappropriate medication for my illness.

I was clinically depressed at the time, but I also have Bipolar II which psychiatric services completely refused to take any notice of for years, then misdiagnosed and sent me for wholly inappropriate treatment. With Bipolar, unless you medicate the Bipolar first of all dishing out AD's is a recipe for disaster. Sent me high as a kite, and despite what most people might think hypomania/mania is much more difficult to deal with and more dangerous than the depressive episodes.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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Made me nauseous in the mornings, clench my jaw constantly, and gave me almost perpetual raging horn. Citalopram the same but without the horn. But then at the time neither myself nor my GP/shrink knew that AD's were a completely inappropriate medication for my illness.

I was clinically depressed at the time, but I also have Bipolar II which psychiatric services completely refused to take any notice of for years, then misdiagnosed and sent me for wholly inappropriate treatment. With Bipolar, unless you medicate the Bipolar first of all dishing out AD's is a recipe for disaster. Sent me high as a kite, and despite what most people might think hypomania/mania is much more difficult to deal with and more dangerous than the depressive episodes.

Thanks. Having taken my first one this morning, have had a bit of dry mouth and nausea. Still waiting for the raging horn to kick in though. ;)

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Finally got round to seeing my GP, as I've got a lot worse in the last few weeks. Been prescribed Fluoxetine. Would be interested to know if anyone here has been given this and how they found it, as I understand the side effects can be pretty bad sometimes.

I loved my Fluox (or Prozac) for years when I started on it about a decade ago. However, it stopped working a couple of years back, and I started having absolutely mental hallucinations, which (pretty much) cleared up when I stopped taking it. I've been switched to a couple of different ones since, but they've made no difference. On Citalopram currently, and I might as well be taking a sugar pill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been having hallucinations again lately.

Hold me, P&B :(


This thread is a bit of a solace for me. I've been doing okay lately, but I go through some really bad phases and as a guy it's very very difficult to convey those feeling to friends in real life, the fact that a group of (almost exclusively) guys are able to do so on here is a credit to the community.

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Not posted in a while (last one was way back in p64) but just want to say to those, keep your head up, get help if you have the opportunity (so many evidence-based treatments) and reach out to friends and family for support (the latter point could not be stressed any highly!). Get your sleep in check too.

Don't be like me and f**k about inconsistently with meds, stick your head in the sand, not claim benefits when it's on offer and just lie in bed, wasting away a year and a half of your life in solitude.

I'm feeling hopeful and just want to let you all know, you can do it!


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It's a year since I last self harmed. This coming on back of swollowing two boxes of paracetamol and whatever sleeping tablets I had left. I had around 200 cuts of differing depths on my legs.. My psychologist put me on a contract of safety. I break it she breaks off working with me. That would be disaterous for me as she provides me with so much support. She's private not NHS. 9 months ago she talked me off a platform edge.

Three weeks ago someone I knew chucked themselves in front of a train. Utterly devistated.

I'm now on my own and have my kids (Sun-Thus) best thing I did. I have an interview in few weeks to start volunteering and I'm in a much better place. In April I literally made a list of basics I had to do every day and from there took baby steps. It's been a long road and alot of work to stay well. I still have meltdowns where the BPD takes hold. But I can manage it better.

Stick in there, suicide isn't the answer, get help and talk.

Edited by Rowan
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Guest The Phoenix
It's a year since I last self harmed. This coming on back of swollowing two boxes of paracetamol and whatever sleeping tablets I had left. I had around 200 cuts of differing depths on my legs.. My psychologist put me on a contract of safety. I break it she breaks off working with me. That would be disaterous for me as she provides me with so much support. She's private not NHS. 9 months ago she talked me off a platform edge.

Three weeks ago someone I knew chucked themselves in front of a train. Utterly devistated.

I'm now on my own and have my kids (Sun-Thus) best thing I did. I have an interview in few weeks to start volunteering and I'm in a much better place. In April I literally made a list of basics I had to do every day and from there took baby steps. It's been a long road and alot of work to stay well. I still have meltdowns where the BPD takes hold. But I can manage it better.

Stick in there, suicide isn't the answer, get help and talk.

Unlike Ross County, you've made some great points.

You stick in there too.



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