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I just feel more comfortable in my own company most of the time and I've been like it for as long as I remember. I'm happy to socialise but I'm much happier with a cup of tea, my couch and the telly. There's other people I'm really comfortable with, obviously but they tend to be of the same mind set as me. My best friends are people-haters too.

Probably why we get on so well then. I fucking hate everyone.

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All products of lifestyle often related to depression not depression itself. As I said in my very first post.

There are literally no serious illnesses at all caused by depression, not one.

Can you get cancer from depression? Aids? Leukemia? Can depression make you disabledl?

If you could take your head out of your ass you'd see I'm right.

This realisation that, despite being depressed more than half my life and being on the highest dose allowed of citalopram for over 8 years, I was extremely lucky compared to some other people. I also still had full control over my life and where it goes, whereas a cancer sufferer doesn't.

To me that was an epiphany and allowed me to stop taking meds immediately.

I hoped someone might get something from that same realisation, but all I'm getting is sanctimonious claptrap from a bunch of bellends. Well shove your thread up your arse and don't expect me to offer any help in future.

I can't evade your stupidity since your posts are coming up through quotes.

Are you aware of cortisol toxicity?

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A stress related condition. At best secondary related to depression more likely tertiary.

You are simply demeaning those with serious physical ailments by comparing depression to them.

In the same way depressed people get annoyed when someone compares feeling a little down to depression.

Depression CAN (but doesn't always) cause stress which CAN (but doesn't always) lead to cortisol toxicity if it continues over a very long period of time.

Cancer causes cancer. 100% of the time.

Edited by FuzzyAffro
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Cancer causes cancer. 100% of the time.

Behold this statement, in all of its glory. We truly are blessed to bear witness to such genius.

Mate, if making that comparison helps control your own emotions and mental health then fair play to you and I wish you all the best. To claim your way is 100% correct and anyone who disagrees "has their head up their ass" then you can quite frankly go f**k yourself.

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These past couple of pages...


On the subject of humour and mental illness, it all depends really imo. If I came to you with something seriously bothering me, I wouldn't appreciate a jokey response back.

Suicide thread? Didn't read as it didn't appeal to me. It's a tricky decision though, don't think mods can win either way..

That's great news RN, long may it continue.

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Never read this thread before, and thought I would share a wee bit of what happened to me as some folk are in the same situation as I was.

I basically avoided a breakdown through work during the summer through sheer exhaustion. I was under pressure to expand my service( I was running a MH outreach team), I just about doubled the size of the service, but what the problem was, was that the org didn't give me adequate staff to cover it. I ended up working 12 hour shifts every day, that's not counting the numerous times clients were calling me out of hours as the org pulled the on call cover and I ended up having two days off in July... This was not an unusual month either. It was like this for two years.

The staff team were also a nightmare, continually fighting 'the man' and were openly hostile to change. I was the sixth manager in about 10 years, they just never seemed to get the fact that I was running myself into the ground in order to keep the service going.

So after a care inspectorate visit where they completely slated everything, I quit as there's no point trying to flog a dead horse. Completely burnt out, I walked away from social care for a bit to get my head together, which also helped.

I've started another job, I've dropped £10k in wages but I feel my stress levels are much more manageable and I actually get to see the wife now.

In the end, I'm more happier, no longer on meds and it ended up being the best thing for me....

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Glad To see things are getting better - there's one phrase i use with regards to work related stress - "health before wealth". I admit I was a bit worried about you, but I didn't want to pester you about it as you clearly had enough to worry about it.

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Drinking definitely won't help, although it's easy to say you should stop but harder to actually do it.

Speak to your college and explain your problems and they should be able to give you an extension and depending on what services they have might be able to help you.

Edited by DA Baracus
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