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I really hope you can get Things sorted out, soap. I can't Begin to imagine how hard it must be, and kudos to you for speaking about it. I know I'd struggle to cope, my wife has had a few "moments" of late, but after reading your story I feel a bit of a fraud. Chin up mate, I hope to god you get things sorted out.

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Anyone else on Mirtazipine? Dont notice any difference

I have always suffered with sleep problems and this was one of the drugs they gave me . I was on far higher mgs though . It helped me sleep but left me very drowsy in the mornings . Took it for around a year without any side effects apart from drowsiness , dunno if it helps with depression though pal .

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I think it sounds like she needs to go back to the doctor. If the medication is making her worse, common side effect, they can look at getting her onto a different one.

She may be scared about how she feels and wants push you away to protect you. Also, self harm can be a physical way to release the emotional pain she is feeling.

But first, back to the doctor.

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I think it sounds like she needs to go back to the doctor. If the medication is making her worse, common side effect, they can look at getting her onto a different one.

She may be scared about how she feels and wants push you away to protect you. Also, self harm can be a physical way to release the emotional pain she is feeling.

But first, back to the doctor.

This. Any time she has been bad in the past she always questions as to why I love her and why I deal with her when I could go and get "someone who isn't fucked up" a lot easier.


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This. Any time she has been bad in the past she always questions as to why I love her and why I deal with her when I could go and get "someone who isn't fucked up" a lot easier.


My flat mate suffers in much the same way and he doesn't understand why his girlfriend puts up with him. He genuinely cares more about her than he does himself and thought about splitting up with her to "give her a better life". Obviously everyone is different but it took something pretty bad happening for him to realise that having people like his girlfriend around him when he's feeling down is a must and they're closer than ever now. I'd agree with the others saying go back to the doctor and see about the meds being changed. I'd also agree with Mrs M in that getting her to speak with Mind or Breathing Space or the likes could be helpful.

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For anyone else who drinks when they're down- stopping this habit can be done. I have my off days still as much as anyone but where i used to reach for the beers, I've replaced this with either a gym workout or a takeaway. (strange perhaps! But true)

I don't even know how I've managed it. I think the fear of a hangover is enough to stop it when I'm already feeling low. There's been a couple of times recently I've just wanted to get fcked up to numb the low-feeling but I've stopped myself from doing so.

If you can stop yourself once, you can to stop yourself drinking for the wrong reasons continously. It'll help your health, physically and mentally.

Perhaps random, but hope it helps someone

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Any useful resources for relatives of people coping with depression? My girlfriend has been struggling dealing with everything and she made a valid point in saying i get help from the docs, what does she get?

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Any useful resources for relatives of people coping with depression? My girlfriend has been struggling dealing with everything and she made a valid point in saying i get help from the docs, what does she get?

I'd suggest looking at websites like Mind, Breathing Space and See Me. There'll be others too. Unfortunately, support for those living with someone with depression isn't always easy to find but it is there. She can of course speak to the doctor as well if she feels she needs more help to understand and a shoulder to cry on, but GPs are constantly overstretched as it is. I'm not suggesting she'd be wasting their time (she very obviously isn't as she wants to help you and help herself) but the other sources are instantly accessible via their websites and phone numbers whereas going to the GP might involve a longer wait for something that is "non-urgent".

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Any useful resources for relatives of people coping with depression? My girlfriend has been struggling dealing with everything and she made a valid point in saying i get help from the docs, what does she get?

Sent you a pm.

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Any useful resources for relatives of people coping with depression? My girlfriend has been struggling dealing with everything and she made a valid point in saying i get help from the docs, what does she get?

Can't recommend this series highly enough -


Specifically 'Living With a Black Dog' for relatives/partners/carers. Ok, I realise you're probably talking about support, but these books are a fantastic representation of what life is like for someone suffering with a depression, and as such can be useful insight for people who live with a sufferer.

There are also organisations geared toward support for Carers. Now I understand why you or your girlfriend might not consider her a 'Carer', but that's not really the point. These organisations are best equipped to offer appropriate advice and support to people living with someone who has a mental health condition.

Presumably you're in Fife?. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with resources over there, but in Edinburgh we have http://www.edinburghcarerscouncil.co.uk/

Maybe you could contact http://www.fifecarerscentre.org/and ask them what sort of services are available? I'm sure they'll be happy to help.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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Maybe not the right place for this but I think I suffer from a Social Anxiety Disorder and its been getting worse over the years and I never used to be like this. It might seem strange for a guy well over 6 foot, just under 15 stone and in his mid forties but today I just came back from the town center a bag of nerves, not the first time this has happened, but at least now I can put a name to it.

Sometimes I try to fight it and it gets me into trouble misunderstandings and such and this makes things worse, I just get eaten up inside, I need a new approach. Thinking about doing something like Tai Chi to help myself relax and I am seriously considering musicianship as someway of expression, I love music and it has been constant throughout my life and helped me through the hard times as much as the people close to me. The difference now is I'm on my own to deal with it.

I'm hoping this is as bad as it gets and I find the right balance, I need the sleep and I would really like to see friends again especially those I haven't seen for years, I also miss watching football I haven't been for months because I haven't been in the right mind.

A good bit of advice I got from a work colleague is just to do the things you like doing things that make you happy, maybe this is it but its also about gaining back ground lost and being able to control the anxiety.

All the best to the folks on here with their own battles. :)

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At the moment I'm feeling pretty decent.

I went to the uni counselling service before Christmas as I was having some shite periods. I was told that as they only offer 6 sessions they couldn't help me as I apparently need something more long term.

Had some issues not long ago that have mostly been resolved but still get days or parts of days where I feel shite. I called Breathing Space who recommended a service called Living Life, a phone based CBT service. I got in touch and they sent me out a questionnaire to assess me. I sent it back and got a letter on Thursday saying that they feel couldn't help me as they think a longer term, face to face service is what I need.

Fucking great. I just feel I need the ability to head off or deal with the shite periods, but have no idea how to go about that now. I'm going to see my GP in a couple of weeks (first available appointment) to see what I can do but it'll mean waiting months probably.

Edited by DA Baracus
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