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Sleep has gone to shit in recent weeks and it's affected my attempts to get back to work properly. Culminated in a meeting which didn't go well and I went a bit off the deep end in panic. Had to spend a few days up at my folks and doctor has doubled my citalopram dose.

Everything I do at the moment to try to be productive or to minimise negative thoughts just feels like a concerted act of avoidance. I feel really lonely at times.

Hey Ad Lib. As a long time lurker on wearethistle and on here I've always enjoyed your posts. Just wanted to say I hope you get through this rough patch. You seem like a good guy and I'm sure in time everything will level out - keep the chin up until it does.

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Had a poor week last week. Had to say I was sick on Monday as I couldn't face going in. It's the 5th time I've done it this year and they probably are at least starting to suspect something. Was skint so stupidly took out another Wonga loan to induldge an addiction of sorts to make myself feel better. It did work mostly but doesn't address any of my problems. I just feel trapped in a shit working lifestyle where I do awful boring jobs for shit pay and can't see a way out. I also feel increasingly more panicked and dreadful about how awful the last 10 years of my life have been and feel utter shame and dejection about it. It's a struggle to come to terms with it.

I had a fairly neutral day yesterday and was mostly feeling alright but felt really tired. Over the last couple of weeks I've been having disrupted sleep. Had to take a nap yesterday for an hour and still felt tired after it. Had an alright sleep last night and woke up feeling fairly decent.

However over breakfast I saw that 'The Land Before Time' was on. I loved that film when I was young and haven't seen it in years. For absolutely no reason I can fathom, I started feeling really emotional and started to cry a bit during it. Not huge racking sobs and floods of tears, but 'actual tears' to use a popular P&B ism.

It was fucking weird. Looking back at it just seems bizarre and I even find it quite funny, but it's pretty concerning.

The fucking Land Before Time! :lol:

Still quality by the way

Edited by DA Baracus
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Anyone used NHS 111 before? Was thinking about giving them a call.

I did and thought they were rather off with mental health related issues.

I thought I could come off citalopram on my own, without telling anyone. Bad idea. Ended up with a serotonin crash which involved acting really irrationally and erratically. Ended up eating 3 weeks worth of the tablets and don't remember doing it. My mrs called them and they weren't much help. Couldnt stand or string a sentance together and reluctantly they sent an ambulance. Ended up in the coronary unit in Paisley Hospital for a night with toxicity of the heart. Sent in mental health team and they gave me the all clear. Wasn't a suicide attempt and they gathered that very quickly.

Always speak to a doc if you want to reduce or come off anti depressants is the moral of the story. Get a withdrawal programme in place.

On a side not has anyone experienced like a head rush/buzz electric pulse like feeling when you miss a dose if citalopram?

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I'm 22 and I've never had a girlfriend for more than two weeks or so, which gets me down at times, but I've grown to accept that it's down to bad timing and missed opportunities and just being quite reserved, and I know that at some point I'll meet someone I genuinely like and get on with.

:lol: As true as this still is, it's an absolute killer when after seeing someone for a few weeks they just turn round and say they're not interested any more, without any real reason. I don't know what I have to do.

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:lol: As true as this still is, it's an absolute killer when after seeing someone for a few weeks they just turn round and say they're not interested any more, without any real reason. I don't know what I have to do.

Just bide your time. I truly believe there's somebody for every decent person in the world.

Fair enough it will hurt that the person isn't interested but by the way she acted you don't want to be around that sort of person anyway.

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:lol: As true as this still is, it's an absolute killer when after seeing someone for a few weeks they just turn round and say they're not interested any more, without any real reason. I don't know what I have to do.

I'm same as you mate. Maybe we're not suited to the dating world.

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Remember the bouncy castle is for children so try and stay off it.

Bit cheap to take a dig at Geronimo's maw while he's anxious anyway, no?

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My mum and my wife had a big bust-up on Monday night. The wife was the main instigator, but refuses to accept it. They fell out about something over the phone, so my mum and dad decided to drive over from Fife to sort things out, but my wife wouldn't let them in, so I tried to be the peacemaker, I managed to get the 2 of them in the same room, but it wasn't very civil. I ended up going for a walk for about 3 hours, switched my phone off and when I switched it back on I had umpteen messages from the wife, who was very apologetic. Me and the missus are fine, but now my mum doesn't want to speak to the wife, saying that she won't be back here, and that the wife isn't welcome at my parents' house. They have no issue with me, and it's a very awkward situation that I'm really struggling to deal with. I just can't get my head around the fact that the likes of xmas and new year will hardly be happy family celebrations, and that 2 of the most important people in my life have fallen out.

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My mum and my wife had a big bust-up on Monday night. The wife was the main instigator, but refuses to accept it. They fell out about something over the phone, so my mum and dad decided to drive over from Fife to sort things out, but my wife wouldn't let them in, so I tried to be the peacemaker, I managed to get the 2 of them in the same room, but it wasn't very civil. I ended up going for a walk for about 3 hours, switched my phone off and when I switched it back on I had umpteen messages from the wife, who was very apologetic. Me and the missus are fine, but now my mum doesn't want to speak to the wife, saying that she won't be back here, and that the wife isn't welcome at my parents' house. They have no issue with me, and it's a very awkward situation that I'm really struggling to deal with. I just can't get my head around the fact that the likes of xmas and new year will hardly be happy family celebrations, and that 2 of the most important people in my life have fallen out.

Aye, been there. You can't force people to get along. Either they (or she) will realise the error of her ways and do something to fix it, or it won't happen. My advice would be to keep yourself well out of it, as one or the other might well try and get you involved, and it's amazing how quickly the whole thing can suddenly become your fault <_<

Used to know a laddie who would dump girlfriends if they got along with his parents. Bizarre behaviour IMO.

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I'm on holiday for my 3rd night and have found out so much stuff. I had a breakdown Infront of my family and staff members. Im now back in my room crying eyes out. I really don't want to be here anymore :(.

So called mates can f**k off. Everything has been destroyed.

Edited by David Gray
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I'm on holiday for my 3rd night and have found out so much stuff. I had a breakdown Infront of my family and staff members. Im now back in my room crying eyes out. I really don't want to be here anymore :(.

So called mates can f**k off. Everything has been destroyed.

Well, I never seen that coming.
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