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I found this and thought Id just share it in case anyone is interested. It’s a online course from a top US uni covering basic philosophy and meditation. Things like this can be helpful to people experiencing problems in their life. Help to cut through the fog and think about what is actually important to you.

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I found this and thought Id just share it in case anyone is interested. It’s a online course from a top US uni covering basic philosophy and meditation. Things like this can be helpful to people experiencing problems in their life. Help to cut through the fog and think about what is actually important to you.

Thought it was going to be loopy new age nonsense, but it looks interesting..


Edited by welshbairn
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What's making you depressed?

That's pretty bad what you're going through. You should go see the doctor about you antidepressants. Do your family or friends know you've tried to drown your self? Maybe if you tried exercise that might help. I'm sure I read that when you do exercise the body sends out chemicals that make you feel good. So you would get that plus the weight would fall off and that's another positive. If you need to talk to someone message me if you like. 2 nights ago I was all up for killing myself or my mum but today I feel 100x better. I kind of burnt my anger out and things are looking up on the job front I have a interview next week plus on for college and I might not be homeless for long. 1 day can change alot.

I'm not really sure, I seem to be down because of the littlest thing these days, at first it was due to being bullied at school/college mostly and my parents splitting up I think.

Only my mum knows, even then it was only because she figured it out, I didn't want to tell her. I've wanted to exercise for a while, but can't find the motivation to do anything. Cheers, I might message you at some point!

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The longer and longer I live with intrusive tinnitus, the more and more depressed I get. It's a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Still waiting on a ENT referal. 10 months with this BS. I have forgot what it is like to feel normal again. Christ I could near check every box on that list. The problem is most anti-depressants interfere with the habituation process and are ototoxic, which means they are damaging to the hearing systems and can hence increase tinnitus. It's a fucking nightmare.

Lofarl, I've lived with tinnitus for years so I understand how you feel bud.If you want to discuss it PM me. :)

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I'm not really sure, I seem to be down because of the littlest thing these days, at first it was due to being bullied at school/college mostly and my parents splitting up I think.

Only my mum knows, even then it was only because she figured it out, I didn't want to tell her. I've wanted to exercise for a while, but can't find the motivation to do anything. Cheers, I might message you at some point!

Just go for it. One day, try going out for a run and get out for a bit. It sounds so basic but it can do so much. I was overweight which I'd put on over time. I was never clinically depressed, more just a pessimist. I'd never gone running much before, I'd played a bit of football but was very unfit. One day I decided that I'd go out for a bit for a run. It took a while to be able to run the whole distance I wanted, but after that there was no going back. I shedded the weight and I got a cracking adrenaline buzz off running, constantly trying to beat my time running to a specific point. I'd strongly advise going running outside over the gym, outside you can target different areas and cover a lot more distance, while the gym can get boring after a while.

If you can take the first few steps, you might find something that can be a great release for you. Best of luck!

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I'm not really sure, I seem to be down because of the littlest thing these days, at first it was due to being bullied at school/college mostly and my parents splitting up I think.

Only my mum knows, even then it was only because she figured it out, I didn't want to tell her. I've wanted to exercise for a while, but can't find the motivation to do anything. Cheers, I might message you at some point!

I know what you mean about the motivation but just think in 6months time you could be a completely different person.

Its good to know I ain't the only suicidal c**t on here :) but seriously drowning what a shit way to do it.

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  • 1 month later...

Got diagnosed with depression today and have been given Prozac.

I'm a bit concerned about how I'll react to it but my gp has scheduled fortnightly appointments to make sure I'm responding well to them.

A positive that will definitely come out of it is that I'm finally doing something about it after years of being ashamed of it.

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Got diagnosed with depression today and have been given Prozac.

I'm a bit concerned about how I'll react to it but my gp has scheduled fortnightly appointments to make sure I'm responding well to them.

A positive that will definitely come out of it is that I'm finally doing something about it after years of being ashamed of it.

Good to hear. Make sure you attend the appointments even if you're feeling low, they do help.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I've got to the stage where I seem to always be feeling low. I don't get excited about things I used to and feel isolated. My wife doesn't understand why I feel so low as thinks I should be happy with my current life. I used to be fairly outgoing but hardly see my friends anymore as I moved when I got married last year. I lack belief in myself and have little confidence. I went back to studying this year and even though I'm doing well and got an A in my main exam I still don't think I'm capable of achieving.

Previously when I felt like this I was single and drinking lots but I don't really drink that much these days.

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I think I had mild depression for about a year and a half up until November last year, after I broke up with my girlfriend I was really low, stopped going out, stopped doing exercise and basically just gave up. I was feeling weighed down by uni and I hated my job, would just lock myself away basically. Thankfully my parents were really helpful and got me back to being myself again and I felt great for a while, but 10 weeks ago I had an operation which was at best going to take two weeks to fully heal and at worst 6 weeks to fully heal. However it has not, and I've been really pissed off about it because seemingly there's nothing that can be done about it. It has already ruined one holiday where I was meant to be snowboarding in France and now it looks set to (at least) hinder another holiday to Tenerife. I had started to get a bit down again, however this week there has been an "apparent" improvement in the condition of my wound which has somewhat cheered me up, thankfully.

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I've got to the stage where I seem to always be feeling low. I don't get excited about things I used to and feel isolated. My wife doesn't understand why I feel so low as thinks I should be happy with my current life. I used to be fairly outgoing but hardly see my friends anymore as I moved when I got married last year. I lack belief in myself and have little confidence. I went back to studying this year and even though I'm doing well and got an A in my main exam I still don't think I'm capable of achieving.

Previously when I felt like this I was single and drinking lots but I don't really drink that much these days.

The fact that you don't get excited about things might be an indicator of depression, as would your feelings of isolation.

As much as your Mrs thinks you ought to be happy with how things are, you're clearly not happy - it might do you good to meet up with your old mates again - moping around the house probably isn't a good thing - even though you've moved, you could arrange weekend meets with your old mates - if you get out and about a bit where you live now, you might meet new mates as well - you can do all sorts - evening classes, five-asides - anything you fancy.

The fact that you got an A in a recent exam means that you're more able than you think - give yourself credit for your achievements.

The course you're doing could lead on to other things - I know a women who has taken a Higher subject a year at evening classes - education for its own sake is a good thing, and it's a good way of meeting new people too.

The fact that you're not drinking so much isn't a bad thing - actually, it's a good thing - it's also a good idea to eat sensibly and excercise - all these things can help.

Maybe have a read through the first few pages of this thread - people have posted links to really good info that can help.

Let us know how it goes - keep on keeping on!

Oh, and erm...eeka peeka pukka po! :lol:

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I've got to the stage where I seem to always be feeling low. I don't get excited about things I used to and feel isolated. My wife doesn't understand why I feel so low as thinks I should be happy with my current life. I used to be fairly outgoing but hardly see my friends anymore as I moved when I got married last year. I lack belief in myself and have little confidence. I went back to studying this year and even though I'm doing well and got an A in my main exam I still don't think I'm capable of achieving.

Previously when I felt like this I was single and drinking lots but I don't really drink that much these days.

The fact that you don't get excited about things might be an indicator of depression, as would your feelings of isolation.

As much as your Mrs thinks you ought to be happy with how things are, you're clearly not happy - it might do you good to meet up with your old mates again - moping around the house probably isn't a good thing - even though you've moved, you could arrange weekend meets with your old mates - if you get out and about a bit where you live now, you might meet new mates as well - you can do all sorts - evening classes, five-asides - anything you fancy.

The fact that you got an A in a recent exam means that you're more able than you think - give yourself credit for your achievements.

The course you're doing could lead on to other things - I know a women who has taken a Higher subject a year at evening classes - education for its own sake is a good thing, and it's a good way of meeting new people too.

The fact that you're not drinking so much isn't a bad thing - actually, it's a good thing - it's also a good idea to eat sensibly and excercise - all these things can help.

Maybe have a read through the first few pages of this thread - people have posted links to really good info that can help.

Let us know how it goes - keep on keeping on!

Oh, and erm...eeka peeka pukka po! :lol:

Thanks PA. how do you know about the eeka peeka pukka po?

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Yep, had it following massive emergency op in hospital. Very, very grim indeed. Later diagnosed with PTSD, but it took over two years to start digging myself out of that dungeon. It's such a deep, dark, hopeless, terrible place that it is very hard to help people out of it, if you haven't been there yourself.

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