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Sons' sorrow

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I was shocked and saddened when a mutual friend phoned with the tragic news today. Gilbert was a thoroughly decent man who never quite got over the passing of his wife Fiona on New Year's Eve 2008.

Dumbarton FC were in his heart and soul. I know he secured the club's future on more than one occasion. Sincere condolences to Gilbert's parents and to Peter and Jane his brother in law and sister in law - and his nieces Rachel and Nicola.

"But pleasures are like poppies spread, you seize the flower its bloom is shed. Or like the snow falls in the river, a moment white then gone forever. Or like the Borealis Race, that flit ere you can point their place. Or like the rainbow's lovely form - evanishing amidst the storm."


Edited by Howlin' Wilf
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Gilbert was one of the nicest, kindest and most generous people it has ever been my privilege to call a friend, and suffice to say this has become a desperately sad day.

And the loss is not just personal. Football clubs like Dumbarton invariably rely on people who go above and beyond the call of duty, very special supporters who invest time, devotion and effort in equal measure.

Bert was a big man in every sense, and his untimely loss is grievous in every way.

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Such sad news indeed. Gilbert truly was a gentleman and such an important part of DFC.

I only knew Gilbert through his DFC involvement but felt i knew him well as he would always have the time to chat to you about anything DFC. If ever he answered the phone when i was making a general enquiry to the club, we'd always have a blether.

Like all of you i am shocked and extremely saddened by his sudden passing.

RIP big man.

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Couldn't believe the news when I heard it this afternoon. I've been working there for a couple of years now and always got the big chap the one way. Never heard him raise his voice or have a bad word to say about anyone. Will be sorely missed by everyone at the club. RIP Gilbert and condolences at this sad time to all his family and friends.

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