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1 hour ago, sons'r'us said:


I agree with this. Of the bottom 4 we have the best recent result and are playing the best football. Perhaps St.Mirren aside but they still have a bit of catching up to do. Fingers crossed.

Something from Saturday's game would be massive.


I'm looking for a victory this weekend. Having picked up single points in the last 3 and the circumstances in which we have done so - Ayr speaks for itself and a well deserved draw at Falkirk - I think we should be confident and looking to go one better against a team who are the closest to us in many ways this season.

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2 hours ago, sonsism said:

We now find ourselves only 2 points ahead of Ayr instead of the 5 it should be.  Anyone else starting to feel the heat a little bit? :unsure2:

Not really.

Ayr could only score one goal against a Midfielder.

Raith couldn't score against a part-time team.

Sounds like it was a great game - not.

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17 minutes ago, ThirdrockfromtheSon said:

Not really.

Ayr could only score one goal against a Midfielder.

Raith couldn't score against a part-time team.

Sounds like it was a great game - not.

1 goal = 3 points. 

Thats more than you have had off us all season mind.  

Does Michael Portilo have a traveling companion?

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I presume from the lack of the response to this that either no one has bothered really reading this or that very few of us who post on here have any interest in donating to a managers fund.

The reason I have bumped this again is that I am genuinely interested in exploring this option if I can gauge interest.

I wouldn't donate. Unless it was a desperate situation and the club needed funds to survive.

The season ticket price is already inflated for what it is, that's no fault of the clubs, just the way of it with modern football unfortunately. With folk paying over 200 quid for a season ticket I'm not sure the uptake would be that great either. Fair play to anyone who does wish to do it, but I'd imagine you'd be in the minority.

As Moonster says, anyone can donate whenever they wish.
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I wouldn't donate. Unless it was a desperate situation and the club needed funds to survive.

The season ticket price is already inflated for what it is, that's no fault of the clubs, just the way of it with modern football unfortunately. With folk paying over 200 quid for a season ticket I'm not sure the uptake would be that great either. Fair play to anyone who does wish to do it, but I'd imagine you'd be in the minority.

As Moonster says, anyone can donate whenever they wish.

Yes this is true but the point of a managers fund is that it's ring fenced for the manager to spend and could be the difference between a couple of quality signings or not.

With respect to the season ticket prices. I wouldn't say they are inflated considering the league and standard of football on show.

Of course if fans want cheaper season tickets we could always go down a division or 2.

I don't like the look of what's happened to Cowdenbeath. We were nearly there just 10 short years ago. Albeit you couldn't drop out the league then.

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Yes this is true but the point of a managers fund is that it's ring fenced for the manager to spend and could be the difference between a couple of quality signings or not.


With respect to the season ticket prices. I wouldn't say they are inflated considering the league and standard of football on show.


Of course if fans want cheaper season tickets we could always go down a division or 2.


I don't like the look of what's happened to Cowdenbeath. We were nearly there just 10 short years ago. Albeit you couldn't drop out the league then.



If we drop out of league football, or even get relegated, because we don't have a ring fenced managers fund we deserve it. Funnily enough I believe Cowden did have one a year or two ago, not sure if this is still the case.


250 quid is a lot for this level, and almost certainly puts people off. This is not a complaint aimed at the club, in terms of the league ours respresents decent value for money. It's the price of football in this country in general that's inflated, particularly walk up gate prices. Everyone's opinion will differ on this based on what they consider good value.


No one is asking for cheaper season ticket prices but when folk are already forking out over 200 quid for one you can't expect many to then donate to a managers fund. If you have the spare cash to do it then wire in, I don't envisage that many will though.


I most certainly wont be flinging in an extra 30 quid or the likes to a managers fund when I already pay over 200 for a season ticket and travel to numerous away games throughout the season.


I'd probably rather see folk invest in the Trust, especially with what is currently going down.


Edited to add: a quality signing at this level is upwards of 4 or 500 quid a week. I'd be surprised if a managers fund could come close to even paying for 1 quality signing nevermind 2.


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22 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:

There's no legal block on that. People can give money to football clubs if they want. We've had the half time draw winner return his prize to the club twice this season already for a start.

We have a "500 Club" which i pay an amount into every month with others.  This goes towards the wage budget. 

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8 minutes ago, sons'r'us said:


Yes this is true but the point of a managers fund is that it's ring fenced for the manager to spend and could be the difference between a couple of quality signings or not.


Our revenue is spent on the team and staff, that's it. Usually some of that revenue would go towards stadium maintenance but it's been plain to see that we've been blatantly ignoring that for a number of seasons now. I genuinely don't see the need for a managers fund as all of our revenue goes there anyway. 

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Anyhow objective achieved. I now have indication that there is very little interest from a number of sons posters on this forum in contributing to any sort of managers fund.

That said there are a large number of other fans that do not post on here that may be interested.

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Anyhow objective achieved. I now have indication that there is very little interest from a number of sons posters on this forum in contributing to any sort of managers fund.

That said there are a large number of other fans that do not post on here that may be interested.

I think the issue is that many people, regardless of how much they support their team, have very little spare cash these days. I gave up my season ticket a few years ago as I was struggling to get to games due to work and I couldn't justify the cost. The same thing happened to my golf club membership last year. These things are affecting more and more people in the current climate. Does that make these people, like myself, any less of a fan? I'd love to pump money into the club if I had some spare, unfortunately I don't. If I win the lottery I'll buy it off brabco!
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Jeez right here goes. The club has limited income revenue. Match admission, sponsorship and match hospitailty are the main income streams.


They have tried various lottery things that haven't really yielded much to date as far I am aware. Interestingly the original Sons lotto probably did but for reasons that I'll not go into it became defunct.


I was thinking that perhaps a managers fund may be a way to bridge the gap and was trying gauge interest on here amongst the regular posters.


Now this was my idea that was prompted by the current cut price season ticket sale.


At no time did I suggest anyone not interested in contributing was not a fan. I fully understand many fans will not have the means to contribute to a fund.


For those of you who have picked holes in the idea fair enough that's your opinion.


I will however try to pursue this as I still think there's an untapped decent amount of fans who could afford a bit extra and given a wee steer perhaps this could be a goer to try and help improve income streams.


An extra say ÂŁ5- ÂŁ10k per year towards a wage bill is better than sod all. Especially if there is minimal administration involved.


I appreciate that there are other improvements the club could make which could also yield some extra money. E.g the all ticket game issues that have been discussed widely on here. Add to that the distrust that exists where the new stadium proposals are concerned.


Anyway I have a spare ÂŁ45 that I wish to start the fund off with.



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Please do this through the trust.

From what I understand of the club board they'd love to take money from punters without releasing any responsibility/duties/shares.

The trust board are keen I think to have more influence and to help with the running of dfc both financially and practically, but are trying to do so in exchange for more respect/shares.

Perhaps this scheme/suggestion is something dfc and the trust could benefit from.

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