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North Korea ...again

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18 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

The same could be said for South Korea but they are not seeking nuclear weapons.

Yes, the Japanese were total shits in the Second World War but back then it was not North Korea and South Korea - it was just Korea.

Where is the evidence that Japanese is likely to attack them?  Their postwar constitution prevents them adopting a military stance on anything.

Where is the evidence that China would not intervene if anyone threatened North Korea.

North Korea does concern me because it is a dictatorship and a paranoid one at that.

I would be pretty paranoid too. If my enemies with previous surrounded my house with there big bully friend with all the fire and fury that goes with.


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46 minutes ago, MarkoRaj said:

I was in Hiroshima when the test was announced. It's such an amazing place and their dedication to world peace and nuclear disarmament is really infectious.

Pretty disheartening for this shite to be back on the agenda before I even left the place

It's just pathetic how it escalates the way it does. Absolute moon-units in charge of countries threatening to kill millions for no reason



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21 minutes ago, TrebleTwenty said:

I would be pretty paranoid too. If my enemies with previous surrounded my house with there big bully friend with all the fire and fury that goes with.

Wary of your neighbours maybe, but would you dispose of your own family members because you no longer trusted them

Kim had his uncle put in front of a firing squad and they used an anti-aircraft missile to get the job done.  What a lovely family - eh.  

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13 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Wary of your neighbours maybe, but would you dispose of your own family members because you no longer trusted them

Kim had his uncle put in front of a firing squad and they used an anti-aircraft missile to get the job done.  What a lovely family - eh.  

Wonder if they will do that to Trump 

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35 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Wary of your neighbours maybe, but would you dispose of your own family members because you no longer trusted them

Kim had his uncle put in front of a firing squad and they used an anti-aircraft missile to get the job done.  What a lovely family - eh.  

Never mind the estimated 200.000 North Koreans in "re-education" camps.

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42 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Wary of your neighbours maybe, but would you dispose of your own family members because you no longer trusted them

Kim had his uncle put in front of a firing squad and they used an anti-aircraft missile to get the job done.  What a lovely family - eh.  

Which of us wouldn't do something similar if we had the resources?


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28 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Which of us wouldn't do something similar if we had the resources?


Which makes me wonder if the hydrogen bomb is to get rid of that horrible bully who picked on young Kim when he was at school.

Look out Switzerland - I would say.

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3 hours ago, TrebleTwenty said:

Well if I'm not mistaken. Japan decided to go on a rampage around Asia many moons ago, which included slaughtering NK. There has been no peace agreement after the Korean wars? It just fizzled out. What's to say that they still think they are at war, due to this? They simply don't like Japan, SK and it's allies. And nor would I, if my country was slaughtered in the past by such nations in pretty much recent history. They have the right to defend them self's. To say NK are the bad guys in all of this is naive, I don't agree with many things that NK do in terms of the way they treat there citizens, but this really is not about that, the western media use that to make them more hated, but they do have a right to defend them self's, and if they see that as having the best bombs they can develop then whatever. They are getting help from somebody, probably the errr Chinese(is that better?)  The yanks are on the usual ego trip, fire and fury and all that nonsense. Do as we say, not as we do, and it's about money for them. War makes money, and they will quite happily drag us along with them.

I'm no expert, and nobody really knows why NK feel the need to have nukes and what they intend to do with them, it's all speculation, stirred up by the media. But it's not the North Koreans that concern me. It's the Americans....

Definitely the vibe I'm getting.

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If that were true, why wait a few years?  Why not do it now?  In fact, why did they not do it years ago?
The living standards in most of North Korea (outside of Pyongyang) are really poor - even compared to China and Russia.  Why would China want a few million North Koreans to make their stuff when they have a population of more than a billion people.  Even if China had fifty million millionaires that would still leave a lot of other Chinese to do the dirty work. 

Chinese companies have been breaching UN sanctions over the years by manufacturing in NK and it's probably still going on today. Sanctions make it difficult and mostly the Chinese government won't particularly want it. The coastal regions of China eg: Guangdong, Jiangsu, Xiamen and even Zheijiang are getting too expensive for manufacturing and the government has been actively promoting interior regions lile Chengdu as new manufacturing hubs. However these places create logistical issues due to their distance from the coast.

China has a lot of labour to utilise and internal problems to solve before manufacturing in NK is of interest to them.
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And you think South Korea want's to reunify with a place like North Korea? South Korea is one of the powerhouses of asia while north korea is a barren shithole that can't even feed its people.

I'm quite sure South Korea would bite your hand off for reunification on their terms. A massive low cost (possibly lowest cost) workforce on their doorstep with easy distribution via sea. Space for agricultural and economic development.

They have plenty of work to bring home from overseas low cost manufacturing regions (Philippines / Vietnam, etc) to put North Koreans in employment.
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Kim Jong-Un doesn't strike me as an evil Dictator madly dedicated to achieving World domination. He inherited a thing that he feels obligated to protect. All it would take to sort it out is saying "We won't fire shit at you if you don't fire shit at us, or our friends. And we'll drop all the sanctions and make you and your country immensely rich, and we'll get the UN to guarantee your sovereignty." Worth a try anyway. Then nick the nukes while he's off his head with Swedish prostitutes and pure cocaine. Peace!

Edited by welshbairn
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Kim Jong-Un doesn't strike me as an evil Dictator madly dedicated to achieving World domination. He inherited a thing that he feels obligated to protect. All it would take to sort it out is saying "We won't fire shit at you if you don't fire shit at us, or our friends. And we'll drop all the sanctions and make you and your country immensely rich."

Its maybe not so far fetched but reunification, I'm sure, would come into the equation and then on whose terms. Asians never want to lose face and unification would become the ultimate 'face' stand-off. What really is needed is a reunification plan that allows the South to take control with terms for the NK government involvement at the highest level and the departure of the US.

However, the drawback is the interference of outside powers, namely US and China. A unified Korea does no economic benefit to China. A US backed state on Chinas doorstep is not an option and I doubt the US really want to pack up and leave.

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