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The Simpsons best bits


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Would find it difficult enough to come up with a watchable episode from the fifteen years never mind best..

The recipe for a modern Simpsons episode:

As long a couch gag as possible (to make up for the lack of material in the episode)

At least three musical montages (it means you don't have to have dialogue)

Homer whisper/shouting (people just love it)

Flanders saying something bigoted in rhyme (it's all he does, you see)

Hilarious puns (let's scrap Malibu Stacey and Duff and replace them with "Sparbie" and "Spudweiser", because SPRINGFIELD, get it?!)

Show something from the POV of something pointless and/or inanimate.

Include as many out-of-date pop culture references as possible in a non-ironic way (is Rebecca Black still a thing? Book her. In fact, let's do a whole opening with a Simpsonised version of "Friday"!)

Celebrities playing themselves, always (one line will do, especially if they can't act)

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Was amused at this intro to a race report in this week's Autosport magazine:

"FOR PASCAL WEHRLEIN TO NOT WIN the DTM title at Hockenheim, he probably would have had to suffer a mishap akin to Monty Burns’s crack team of Springfield Powerplant softball ringers. Or, if not spend the weekend clucking like a chicken or dragging possessions out of a burning house, completely forget how to get to Hockenheim."

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I think I would choose Trash of the Titans or Marge vs the Monorail if I had to. I would genuinely have to think long and hard to work out a top 5 or even 10.

"A solar eclipse, the cosmic ballet goes on."


Edited by Bert Raccoon
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