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The Universe

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  • 3 weeks later...

This image of the Space Shuttle Endeavour, which was over 100ft long, gives me the fear. The size of the actual Universe makes me want to spew




At best guess, the Universe is 96 billion light years across.  Meaning that, travelling at 186,000 miles PER SECOND, it would take you 96 billion light years to traverse it.


And at that speed it would take you 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way galaxy.


Im even worse when people start explaining that when you see a twinkling star, you're actually looking into the past and that particular star could've died before you were even born


Betelgeuse is 642.5 light years away.


Meaning that when you look up at the Orion constellation and see it's orange glow, you're seeing light from around 1374, when Edward III was monarch.  Betelgeuse could have went supernova in 1375 and we wouldn't know about it until next year.

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At best guess, the Universe is 96 billion light years across. Meaning that, travelling at 186,000 miles PER SECOND, it would take you 96 billion light years to traverse it.

And at that speed it would take you 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way galaxy.

Betelgeuse is 642.5 light years away.

Meaning that when you look up at the Orion constellation and see it's orange glow, you're seeing light from around 1374, when Edward III was monarch. Betelgeuse could have went supernova in 1375 and we wouldn't know about it until next year.

How do people factor in the expansion of the universe when calculating this? Surely if it's expanding then by the time you're halfway it'll have increased in size multiple times.

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How do people factor in the expansion of the universe when calculating this? Surely if it's expanding then by the time you're halfway it'll have increased in size multiple times.

Plus some astromers recently said that there may never have been a big bang and there may be no beginning and end. Try thinking about that after a heavy smoke.

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At best guess, the Universe is 96 billion light years across.  Meaning that, travelling at 186,000 miles PER SECOND, it would take you 96 billion light years to traverse it.


And at that speed it would take you 100,000 years to cross our Milky Way galaxy.



Betelgeuse is 642.5 light years away.


Meaning that when you look up at the Orion constellation and see it's orange glow, you're seeing light from around 1374, when Edward III was monarch.  Betelgeuse could have went supernova in 1375 and we wouldn't know about it until next year.

Not sure if I have my figures right but it something like this:


Travel around the world = 40,075 km

Travel 10 times that distance will get you to the moon.

Travel 400 times that distance will get you to the sun

Travel 300 times that distance will get you to Neptune

Travel 100 times that distance will get you to Alpha Centauri

Travel 160 times that distance will get you to Betelguese

Travel 150 times that distance will get you to the centre of the Milky Way

Travel 250 times that distance will get you to the Andromeda Galaxy

Travel 40,000 times that distance will get you to the edge of the universe

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Hmm. My Passat gets about 50mpg - how many gallons will I need to get me to the edge of the universe?


Depends how much of a hurry you're in. You wouldn't need any if you just let a rocket whip you into space at a speed that would release you from the Earth and Sun's gravity. By the time you got there it probably wouldn't exist anymore which would be a bit of a bummer.

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Hmm. My Passat gets about 50mpg - how many gallons will I need to get me to the edge of the universe?


Just enough to get you free of the Earth's atmosphere. You aren't bothered about how long it'll take, are you?


Or whether you can breathe, etc.


Edit: or, what he said ^^^

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Nobody who drives a Passat worries about how long journeys take.


Apparently it can't be done even in souped up Ford Escort.



Stephan Hoyer, Physics Ph.D, UC Berkeley

13.1k Views • Upvoted by Abhijeet Borkar and David Simmons-Duffin, Physicist
There are two issues here. First, the universe is expanding, at a rate given by the Hubble's law. For the visible universe as a whole, the current rate of expansion is faster than the speed of light. The universe has only been around for 13.7 billion years, but the visible universe has a radius of 46 billion light-years. On average, the "other end" of the universe has been receding 4 light-years further away every year. Clearly then there is no hope of actually traversing the visible universe.
So instead, let's suppose we're interested in how long it would take to traverse the current diameter of the visible universe. That's 92 billion light-years, so to an observer on Earth it would take 92 billion years. In the spacecraft, the time interval  t′t′  is given by  t′=t/γt′=t/γ where  tt  in the time elapsed elapsed on Earth and  Î³Î³  is the Lorentz factor,
γ=11−v2/c2√γ=11−v2/c2 .
In the case of a object moving at 0.99999c, this works out to about 410 million years experienced in the space-ship, which is still a rather long time!
Written Jan 13, 2011 • View Upvotes



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  • 2 weeks later...

..and no replies about the universe.


First page all mine.


Do I win a prize!


(In other words, why is nobody entering any reply to anything on this forum - apart from Firhill Road and Granny Danger)

Edited by Fullerene
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Shame that. I worked out a full proof way of harnessing the power of dark energy to fuel faster than light travel and posted it in the wasteland. Totally forgotten what it was now. :(

What happened in The Wasteland stays in The Wasteland.

Also, it's 'foolproof'.

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What happened in The Wasteland stays in The Wasteland.

Also, it's 'foolproof'.


The only thing I remember was it involved the medium of 100% alcohol. At least alcohol was definitely involved somewhere.

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Hmm. My Passat gets about 50mpg - how many gallons will I need to get me to the edge of the universe?

There is no edge of the universe. There is a sphere in space we call the "Surface of Last Scattering" which is the point the universe cooled enough to allow light to exist, this happened at the same instant across the universe, about 380 000 years after the big bang. This is the edge of the visible universe and is the point where it has taken the age of the universe since then for the light emitted in that moment to reach us. As the Universe has expanded that is no longer an incredibly hot mass and has "cooled" to the temperature of the cosmic background radiation.


So the answer is that for an alien looking at us from a point on the Surface of Last Scattering, we are the edge of their visible universe, thus the answer is 0 gallons. 

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The Universe constantly expands to it's limit the utterly contracts in on itself until every single thing and every single place in every single point of time is a single atom. Then it explodes outward again (The Big Bang) and the process repeats again for infinity. For all we know this could have happened 2357733 billion times or 3 times. We'll never know and it's irrelevant as is time to the universe

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