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The Last of Us


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This is a bump and a half. In preparation for the TV show releasing (which has been excellent so far), I thought I would replay both TLOU games as it had many quite a long time. While I had always regarded these games as among my favourites and was aware that a lot of folk that had played them thought the same, I don't think I was prepared for just how fucking good they are (the first one especially). 

Hadn't played the first for a long long time, and assuming there hasn't been many changes for the new remake for PS5, was impressed by how much I was dragged in by the story, setting, soundtrack etc. Has really stood the test of time (10 years can count for a lot in gaming terms). Beyond the story and atmosphere the visuals are just incredible, obviously enhanced by the updated version - would recommend to anyone who hasn't played for a while. I remembered what to expect for most of the major beats but still found it very engaging. Really brilliant storytelling is what sets this game apart from (almost) everything else, it's easy to see why the TV adaptation has come about. The development of Joel and Ellie's relationship was brilliant. Towards the end, the whole thing is a moral mindfuck, I love it.

I remember the 2nd game receiving a lot of hate and negative reviews when it was released. I didn't really understand that at the time as I thought it was an excellent game. On second playthrough recently I've found it to still be a very good game, with incredible visuals / atmosphere - just with a slightly flawed story in points. A lot of the negative opinions seemed to revolve around the major character death near the start of the game, and while I hated seeing it happen, it made sense to me in the context of the story. What had happened at the end of the first was going to come back on them. The pacing was still slightly off in part 2, and they could have made Ellie a bit more likeable, but I still really enjoyed it. The flashback sequence in the museum is probably the best moment of any game I've ever played. Just incredible.

Apparently there is a story written for a 3rd game but it hasn't gone near to development yet. Not sure what I would think of that. There's a part of me that thinks that with the TV show now started (which will hopefully go on for multiple seasons) there isn't much need for another game, and they would be risking damaging the reputation. No idea where the story could go to make the game interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Iminavest said:

Having not played the original game yet would anyone recommend playing or watching the series first?

I would say the game, you spend a lot more time with the characters which leads to being more emotionally invested which also transfer over to the show.

If you can, I would recommend the PS5 version because I think some of the QoL changes from the second one made it into the remake, hopefully someone can confirm that though.

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On 03/02/2023 at 15:02, Mr. Brightside said:

I would say the game, you spend a lot more time with the characters which leads to being more emotionally invested which also transfer over to the show.

If you can, I would recommend the PS5 version because I think some of the QoL changes from the second one made it into the remake, hopefully someone can confirm that though.

Aye, the PS5 version is definitely the way to go.

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  • 1 month later...

Played the Last of Us many years ago, and remember thinking it was a minor masterpiece at the time, but for some reason never went back to it, and never played the sequel. Having thoroughly enjoyed the series, I got the inclination to play them both. Completed the first at the weekend and it remains wonderful, nothing groundbreaking in the gameplay, but the story and character development are astonishing for a game of its kind. RDR2 is probably the only game I can think of that matches (or slightly surpasses) on that front .

Now 4 hours in to popping my TLOU2 cherry, and I've been an emotional wreck multiple times already. Will obviously reserve judgement to the end (and I know next to nothing about the story thankfully), but have a feeling this is going to sink its teeth right in yet again. Ellie's rendition of Take On Me is also one of the best cut scenes I have ever seen in a computer game.

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After watching the show, I played the 2 hour trial of the original on PS5, and amazed at how close they managed to get it to the main story points.  Like you say, nothing particularly groundbreaking in there, but that was never its strength.

Nothing spoiled for Part 2, but you're in for a treat.  If you've managed to avoid the furore around the storyline from absolute neckbeard VLs so far, you'll probably have a brilliant time.  

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After finishing the TV show, I'm now on my 4th attempt at playing this.  I'm further in than I've ever managed before and am finally "getting" it.

It just never clicked (wayhey!) with me before.  

Agree that it's very impressive how they have captured some of the game within the TV show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've not watched the TV show, I think the Part I story was almost perfect. 
I wasn't sure I wanted to see it hashed out on telly, however I hear it is almost a scene for scene remake and done brilliantly. I will probably binge it soon enough.

I replayed the first game last month. The bit with the giraffes is one of the most wholesomely brilliant computer games scenes ever.
I just finished the 2nd game. Had never played it before. I managed to avoid most of the shit show when it came out but the fact the reviews were so negative really set me back from playing the game. Hence why it has taken me nearly 3 years.
Killing Joel was a fucking travesty. I actually smiled every flashback/cut scene he reappeared.


I wanted to kill Abby so bad by the end of the Ellie part. Taking control of her really stuck in my craw to be honest but by the end I was happy to see her progress to help the wee transsexual chib marked face person. I really hated fighting Ellie as Abby, When you switch back for the final showdown I really wanted to kill Abby. What she did to my man Joel wasn't something I was forgetting. It wasn't to be.

I did actually want to see where Dina had fucked off to though (Jackson I assume we all presume) .

I fucking loved the story, the chopping changing, backwards order that folk didn't like I loved. I think it stirred up the emotions in me that were intended.

The Last Of Us as a whole was fucking great. 

The Last of Us 2: Joel's Fate Explained | Den of Geek

My man.

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On 13/04/2023 at 01:43, Busta Nut said:

I've not watched the TV show, I think the Part I story was almost perfect.

I wasn't sure I wanted to see it hashed out on telly, however I hear it is almost a scene for scene remake and done brilliantly. I will probably binge it soon enough.

The TV show is great. Honestly couldn't have been a better adaptation. I'm back replaying the 2nd game now and played the first through while the series was on.

The games are just fucking perfect.

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I think the show could have been slightly better with a couple more episodes.  The standalone episodes with Bill and the Left Behind storyline were absolutely brilliant, but when you've then only got 7 episodes to tell the meat of the story from there, you're going to have a job on.  They definitely could have taken their time with the Church of the Latter Day Cannibal Sex Pests (think there was a huge battle with the infected they left out, remember the infected?), and definitely should have let the finale breathe a bit more.

But that's nitpicking, it's absolutely the best video game adaptation there has ever been.  The actual gameplay in the games isn't particularly revolutionary, but the story in both really raise them far higher.

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Finished the second one, good lord what a game. Every bit as enjoyable as the first, and found it way, way more tense while actually playing it (may have been due to remembering bits of the first so kind of knowing what was coming). Completely shat myself the first time I came across those whistling seraphite fuckers. ETA: Oh, and the fucking Infected Megatron as well. Holy shit, that motherfucker booting down the ambulance door was terrifying. 

The story all the way through was excellent, and I went from absolutely hating Abbey and wishing for her death, to being sympathetic to her and not wanting either her or Ellie to kill each other, and the fact they both got endings (I’d consider the Santa Barbara section to be more of an epilogue with Abbey’s story ending proper in the Theatre) reflecting this. Both realising that revenge and murder was a never ending cycle of misery and letting each other live was perfect. Glad they left it open on where Ellie was going after the house and what happened to her / Dina too.

Said above about Ellie’s take on me being an exceptional cut scene, but the entire flashback at the museum, especially Ellie with her birthday present “lift off” recording, was even better. Was cheesing like a kid on Christmas morning the entire way through. The last cutscene with Joel and Ellie just starting to reconcile was fucking beautiful as well. Just a phenomenal story told through a cracking game. They’ll definitely need two series to do it justice.

Edited by J_Stewart
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  • 4 months later...
On 30/03/2023 at 12:03, KnightswoodBear said:

After finishing the TV show, I'm now on my 4th attempt at playing this.  I'm further in than I've ever managed before and am finally "getting" it.

It just never clicked (wayhey!) with me before.  

Agree that it's very impressive how they have captured some of the game within the TV show.

I'm still on my (very slow) playthrough of Part I, but enjoying it very much.  Had a weird thing happen at the end of the sewers bit when you have Henry and Sam with you.  Ellie and Sam have climbed through a wee window to open the door from outside and you and Henry have to hold off a load of infected and clickers.  I was having an absolute mare trying to do it and would continually get caught by one of the clickers just as Ellie would say that they had managed to open the door.

On the last attempt, I was right up against a wall, and sort of clipped into it for a brief second and all the enemies just disappeared leaving me and Henry standing in an empty room.  Just stood there until Ellie and Sam opened the door and the game carried on.

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  • 7 months later...

Replaying the remake of part 1 on the PS5. Nice upgrade and I’d say worth the purchase. Going to try and get the platinum for this and then turn my attention to part 2 remastered. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally decided to make my way through part 2 now, not sure how far in i am but for those that played it ive just did the "going for guitar strings" flashback

The remake is such a glorious game, the attention to detail is absolutely top notch in terms of environment, the way the grass and trees move etc, even the sounds just seem spot on, other than hogwarts and spiderman, i dont think ive seen a game that grabs you with just its scenery and setting

The story im still not 100% into yet, i like it but dont as well, its hard to explain, maybe its the lack of the companion side of things (dina is good npc, but her and ellie arent a patch on joel and ellie in the first game) and i find myself enjoying the odd flashback more in terms of the characters, as someone said above the museum flashback was utterly fantastic 

If they do make a 3rd game i hope they dont go further on and instead go back to the years between the first and second game so we see the breakdown in joel and ellies relationship

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  • 2 months later...
On 30/03/2023 at 12:03, KnightswoodBear said:

After finishing the TV show, I'm now on my 4th attempt at playing this.  I'm further in than I've ever managed before and am finally "getting" it.

It just never clicked (wayhey!) with me before.  

Agree that it's very impressive how they have captured some of the game within the TV show.


On 15/09/2023 at 11:54, KnightswoodBear said:

I'm still on my (very slow) playthrough of Part I, but enjoying it very much.  Had a weird thing happen at the end of the sewers bit when you have Henry and Sam with you.  Ellie and Sam have climbed through a wee window to open the door from outside and you and Henry have to hold off a load of infected and clickers.  I was having an absolute mare trying to do it and would continually get caught by one of the clickers just as Ellie would say that they had managed to open the door.

On the last attempt, I was right up against a wall, and sort of clipped into it for a brief second and all the enemies just disappeared leaving me and Henry standing in an empty room.  Just stood there until Ellie and Sam opened the door and the game carried on.

And I've finally finished it!

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