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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Oh yeah, saw it yesterday. It's awesome. One question though;

How does the guy who has the death mark on 12 planets and his pal (who's arm Obi Wan lightsabers off in the Mos Eisley cantina) make it off Jedha before the Death Star blows up the city and much of the planet?

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I really enjoyed the film.  But thought it really dragged in the first part of the movie, then once it clicked into gear it was gripping and didn't feel like it lasted long at all.  Hopefully I will get to see it again over Christmas.


DA Baracus they had plenty of time to leave the planet, since they met in the market and that was before the initial battle or travelling to meet Idi Amin.

That Darth Vader cameo was pretty cool.  I didn't mind Grand Moff Trakin and thought they did that pretty well.  The other people interspliced through out the film was well done as well.  Red Five dying was nice.  Although I think Princess Leia at the end would have been better like Nizzy suggested as a reflection as it didn't quite look as impressive as Grand Moff Tarkin.  Probably something to do with the age of the skin they are trying to render.

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Went to see it tonight. Similar to The Force Awakens in some ways: a couple of missteps but every time it regained its balance and went on to be a thoroughly enjoyable Star Wars film.

I'm a big fan of Ben Mendelsohn so it was great to see him have a proper, starring, role in a big blockbuster.


What I liked:

Donnie Yen. The space battles. James Earl Jones. Bail Organa! That frightening Darth Vader scene at the end (who, despite my initial concerns, wasn't overused) gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. The little nods to the original trilogy, all of which felt more natural than those in VII. K2-SO. The variety of Stormtroopers. The whole Jedha/"Guardian of the Whills" concept, combined with the Death Star - the Empire's ultimate weapon, existing by destroying the power of the Jedi - was well crafted.

What I didn't like:

CGI Tarkin looked a bit ropey, I liked the idea of him being there and the tension between Tarkin/Krennic (a preview to the Tarkin/Vader tension?) was a good point but the CGI looked poor. In contrast to everyone else ever, I preferred the CGI Leia. On to Leia, not entirely sure the final scene was necessary because we know what happens next - seeing her taking hold of the plans and the jump to hyperspace was a bit needless. I didn't like Darth Vader's suit, it looked a bit too bulky but at the same it looked too flimsy. The first act felt a bit too stretched out.

The complaints were minor things though.

A decent watch. I was initially sceptical about the whole "anthology" thing (and I remain so) but this was a good start.

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Saw it Saturday with my son. We were both chuffed afterwards. CGI Tarkin was ok but Leai I thought was poor. Other than that no real complaints. Some great characters, Chirrut imwe, baze melbus, K2S0, plus others. Did feel James Earl Jones age could be heard making Vader slightly less real but that's just nit-picking. Looking forward already to episode VIII and next anthology film

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8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

How could it end any differently given that

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It leads directly in to the very first scene of A New Hope?


The trailer shows Jyn being confronted by a hovering TIE fighter when on the tower trying to upload the plans for the Death Star. That wasn't in the final version.

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There could have created a bit of tension in the Krennic and Jyn's final confrontation despite the fact you knew she was going to successfully transmit the plans, but it was obvious that Cassian Andor was going to recover in time to kill the big bad from the moment he fell down the shaft. Opportunity missed, imo.


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Saw it last night, loved it. My thoughts


I am a massive star wars fan and this was the 'modern' film to take me back to the original trilogy times.

I don't really have many complaints. The CGI wasn't great but I've seen much worse elsewhere. I read the prequel novel that builds the story of Galen Erso and Krennic, from Erso's initial research on power generation through to the beginnings of weaponising the technology. I don't think Krennic's character was fully conveyed in the film, particularly his ability to manipulate people and manage large operations. His desire for power and control was obvious, as was his tendency to speak out of turn to superiors, but in the end he came across as your typical, limited imperial officer.

I have to say, I came out feeling like I'd watched a film of the old N64 Rogue Squadron games and I love that. There were nice nods to the overall star wars story and it's characters but the focus was on the rebel's grunts. Moving from planet to planet, assaulting imperial installations and being pretty cold and callous to show the darker side of the rebellion.

Cassius killing his informer set the tone, too much nicey nicey stuff across the films and Rogue One removes that aspect. These people feel oppressed and will do whatever they have to do to change things.

Vadar finally showing on film what he is capable of, causing absolute mayhem with his use of the force at the end was pleasing.


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Probably put it third best films, behind New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.

I was happy that Tarkin was it it, but I hoped for more of his ruthless streak and his ability to control Vadar. But that's minor.

Quite happy about characters from latter films being in the background especially Red and Gold leader being CGI from New Hope.

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Thought it was OK overall, but all the way through characters seemed to accept death way too easily and I thought the blind Asian character veered dangerously close to being a stereotype. I get that the prequels were ruined by having too many long discussions of politics, but the council meeting thing towards the end flew by way too quickly. A bit more exploration of the theme that was in there about whether the Rebs are really so different from the Empire in moral terms wouldn't have gone amiss, but I guess that would have got in the way of shooting more inept stormtroopers and turning everything into a shoot em up video game.

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