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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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I will 100% go and see it as I'm a big Star Wars fan but whether it will be any good or not is another thing.

I have read a few of the books including the next 5 or so set directly after Return of the Jedi. There is a pretty obvious trilogy of books set after ROJ that they could turn into a film series

the thrawn trilogy would be an excellent film trilogy if they do it right, also the legacy of the force series wouldnt be too bad as a short TV series perhaps

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I may change my mind when the time gets closer.

But right now, all I can say is please Disney, f**k off. Leave it alone

We've already had far too many squels, prequels reboots etc.....

Do something new and original

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Every Starwars film apart from Empire Strikes Back is poorly done. However as I loved all three original Starwars films as a kid I find it hard to criticise ROJ and ANH. Of the latest trilogy the only good film was Revenge of the Sith and it was badly let down by the writing and acting. McGregor was okay as ObiWan but Christensen was awful as Anakin. Plus the homage to Frankenstein in Revenge was needless and self indulgent from Lucas.

I have no doubt that Disney will be able to make films that are better than Episode I and II so I will probably end up going to see the film.

DomDom: Attack of the Clones was the worst of all the films. I find it strange that you liked that the best. The scenes with Portman and Pinnochio on Naboo were awful, the Tom and Jerry style cartoon stadium really dates now, and the battle scenes are worse than the cartoon series Clone Wars. But even worse than that was the decrepit Yoda going apeshit on amphetamine as he takes on Dracula.

New films have to be made to get away from how badly George Lucas made the second trilogy. Also hopefully this means that Lucas will now stop butchering the original films in endless re releases on DVD, BlurRay etc

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Every Starwars film apart from Empire Strikes Back is poorly done. However as I loved all three original Starwars films as a kid I find it hard to criticise ROJ and ANH. Of the latest trilogy the only good film was Revenge of the Sith and it was badly let down by the writing and acting. McGregor was okay as ObiWan but Christensen was awful as Anakin. Plus the homage to Frankenstein in Revenge was needless and self indulgent from Lucas.

I have no doubt that Disney will be able to make films that are better than Episode I and II so I will probably end up going to see the film.

DomDom: Attack of the Clones was the worst of all the films. I find it strange that you liked that the best. The scenes with Portman and Pinnochio on Naboo were awful, the Tom and Jerry style cartoon stadium really dates now, and the battle scenes are worse than the cartoon series Clone Wars. But even worse than that was the decrepit Yoda going apeshit on amphetamine as he takes on Dracula.

New films have to be made to get away from how badly George Lucas made the second trilogy. Also hopefully this means that Lucas will now stop butchering the original films in endless re releases on DVD, BlurRay etc

Empire Strikes Back is the best Starwars film,

Return of the Jedi would have been the best if it wasn't the ewoks and the cheesefest last 10 minutes - it took years for vader to develop only for him to turn good again

Revenge of the Sith is better than A New Hope

All are better than the Phantom Menace

all 6 have bad acting - part of the charm

question, if the emperor and vader were so evil would they not be spreading their dirty seeds all over the galaxy?

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