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It's this sort of attitude that stops people coming forward to talk about bullying. Absolute nonsense.

ETA: I guess people over the age of 12, who are cyber bullied and contemplate suicide just should get over it eh?

in your opinion.

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For the 12th? 13th? time now, I raised an issue, made a point, and then got a response I was satisfied with. At that point, I considered the issue resolved, so I no longer needed to keep making my point. Thats when I went from making my point to an interested observer, as I had taken care of my business.


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Purely hypothetical ( and I'm not commenting on the merits of the current mods) but If you could choose 5 moderators, who would you choose ?

My choice:

1. Mr X (going to keep him)

2. Marshmallo

3. Jamaldo

4. Davis Love III

5. Zenbo Archer

itzdrk 4 mod

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You should read. So many SCENES.

I'll maybe try later if I get bored, I've read too many "SCENES" threads in here, and it wears you down

: I guess people over the age of 12, who are cyber bullied and contemplate suicide just should get over it eh?

They should probably just end it all


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For the 12th? 13th? time now, I raised an issue, made a point, and then got a response I was satisfied with. At that point, I considered the issue resolved, so I no longer needed to keep making my point. Thats when I went from making my point to an interested observer, as I had taken care of my business.

No you did not, you laboured your point then went into scooby doo 'what happened?; posts. I personally found when you made your silly point by using the word 'pakies' a bit eye opening.

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 If pie and bov' (standfree) was really getting to KeeperDee so much at the time why didn't he just stop posting? it's an optional forum. It's not like standfree had his email or kept sending him abuse on MSN or was making statuses about him on facebook?

I understand cyber bullying does happen in the ways I've posted above, but if you're getting 'bullied' on an optional internet forum and you let it get to you, you need to have a long hard look at yourself. 

IMO ofcourse.

Why should I be the one who should take a break from the forum? The bully should be banned and kept away, not the person getting bullied.

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vT just Snapchatted me a vid of him and Swampy playing crochet.

I fully anticipate a bit of a French Revolution on here. We'll probably have some rogue mod who'll begin a reign of terror with a guillotine-esque banhammer sweeping away posters like Robespierre! Vive la revolution!

Liam can be one of the old hags with a clay pipe hanging out of the corner of her mouth whilst casually knitting.

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If pie and bov' (standfree) was really getting to KeeperDee so much at the time why didn't he just stop posting? it's an optional forum. It's not like standfree had his email or kept sending him abuse on MSN or was making statuses about him on facebook?

I understand cyber bullying does happen in the ways I've posted above, but if you're getting 'bullied' on an optional internet forum and you let it get to you, you need to have a long hard look at yourself.

IMO ofcourse.

Why on Earth should you stop frequenting a forum if you're the victim though?

Facebook etc is different. There are privacy settings to prevent certain people contacting you. Aside from an ignore function, there is nothing stopping that on here.

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As much as people like to say StandFree is 'bullying' KeeperDee, I don't think KeeperDee cares a whole lot nor do I think StandFree is 'bullying' him. P&B loves a good drama to greet about though.

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