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Don't think so. Best let Better Together pay for it, as their polls already show more people in favour of independence than the status quo.

Only the SNP paid for ones stuffed full of nationalists give reasonable results for them. Even then they still cant buy one that has them winning. :lol:

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Or nothing you feel comfortable reading more like.Like most of the happy clappy nationalists in here you are just seeking to have your own views confirmed by each other and your fundaments get puckered when you read something that dares break the groupthink consensus of the handful of posters that haunt this corner of the forum.

hahaha...I'm very comfortable watching yourself and H_B flap about like two fish out of water trying to make those numbers sound like bad news for the Yes camp...what a disastrous poll that was for you :lol::lol::lol:

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hahaha...I'm very comfortable watching yourself and H_B flap about like two fish out of water trying to make those numbers sound like bad news for the Yes camp...what a disastrous poll that was for you :lol::lol::lol:

I know. 30% supporting Independence.

It's a disaster. Don't see how Yes can fail to win now :1eye

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hahaha...I'm very comfortable watching yourself and H_B flap about like two fish out of water trying to make those numbers sound like bad news for the Yes camp...what a disastrous poll that was for you :lol::lol::lol:

I now realise why I called it the nat clown collective

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And 2 people are against Independence for every 1 that is for.

Which bears out pretty much every poll on the topic not paid for by the SNP.

Basically, there's a third for, a third against, and a third who want more devolution, but only one side is offering serious devolution (i.e. devolution of all mechanisms to form a new nation state). Unless Labour and the Tories offer up serious concrete offers for conceding large tracts of domestic policy (and you only have to look at YouGov's September poll to see what scots think should be under Holyrood control) before the referendum, then it's anyone's guess where that other third will land. To simply state it's 2 to 1 against is of course,the correct reading of the headline data but does nothing to bring out the actual subtelties of the situation: i.e. there isn't a snow ball's chance in hell of either of the major parties devolving the kind of powers that Scots want to see devolved, at which point, it's a quesiton of whether the devo-maxer third stick or twist.

Do you think the YouGov polls are impartial?

They are impartial, of course they are. So are TNS, so are Panelbase. However, all pollsters carry certain weighting regimes into their anaylsis that can dramatically alter the outcome. YouGov use Westminster weighting, Panelbase use Holyrood. It's a question of who's the most accurate.

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They are impartial, of course they are. So are TNS, so are Panelbase. However, all pollsters carry certain weighting regimes into their anaylsis that can dramatically alter the outcome. YouGov use Westminster weighting, Panelbase use Holyrood. It's a question of who's the most accurate.

Mmm hmm.

So why were/are the Panelbase polls the SNP don't pay for so radically different from the Panelbase poll the SNP did pay for?

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Mmm hmm.

So why were/are the Panelbase polls the SNP don't pay for so radically different from the Panelbase poll the SNP did pay for?

What's your point caller? It's well known that the infamous SNP payed for poll used a series of run up questions prior to asking the all important question. Both sides have used leading questions over the course to influence the outcome of the polling, the companies are impartial - that's not to suggest that the questions their clients want asked are though. It doesn't mask, however the fact that the time/panelbase polls still give narrower No leads than, say TNS, who use different weightings and polling processes. It's also fair to say that this effect also shows why thr PB polls remain basically static while there has been a much trumpeted 5 point drop in the No vote in the TNS polling, almost certainly due to the fact that their weighting oversamples Labour voters, so any small drift of Labour voters to Yes looks more dramatic than it would in the PB polls that samples more SNP Yes voters.

Edited by renton
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