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Sadly I think giving 16 and 17 year old's the vote could come back to bite them on the arse. I'm 17 and this will be my first vote and I'm voting yes, sadly a lot of my friends do not hold the same view as me. The same old "it's fine as it is" or they decide to believe the scaremongering of the better together campaign and don't research it to find out the facts.

I think it's right that 16 and 17 year olds were given the vote regardless of how they use it. More so in a referendum like this than in any other election.

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I think it's right that 16 and 17 year olds were given the vote regardless of how they use it. More so in a referendum like this than in any other election.

I completely agree, I'm quite happy my generation have a say as this decision will have a greater impact on us than it will the older generation . I was just saying it could be a negative for the Yes campaign.

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Some of them were total fannies but between that Big Debate thingy and the wee C4 news Youzef/Marra segment, it struck me that the 16 year olds were no less knowledgable or articulate than the people you get on any political audience participation thing. If anything they came across much better than your average old, simpleton fucker on Question Time or any of these shows.

Regardless of how they vote next week, I think it's right that they can. Let's face it, young people are amongst the most undeservedly shafted in the fallout of the crash. The fact that seemingly vindictive, entitled old people hold so much power has worked against youngsters massively. A younger vote would be healthy.

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I completely agree, I'm quite happy my generation have a say as this decision will have a greater impact on us than it will the older generation . I was just saying it could be a negative for the Yes campaign.

Not so much after last night, I feel.

Remember, vote No and you won't get to vote in another election for over 5 years!

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Some of them were total fannies but between that Big Debate thingy and the wee C4 news Youzef/Marra segment, it struck me that the 16 year olds were no less knowledgable or articulate than the people you get on any political audience participation thing. If anything they came across much better than your average old, simpleton fucker on Question Time or any of these shows.

Regardless of how they vote next week, I think it's right that they can. Let's face it, young people are amongst the most undeservedly shafted in the fallout of the crash. The fact that seemingly vindictive, entitled old people hold so much power has worked against youngsters massively. A younger vote would be healthy.

It's certainly been a positive for getting younger people interested in politics, you can't help but take an interest once you know you've got a vote.

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Some of them were total fannies but between that Big Debate thingy and the wee C4 news Youzef/Marra segment, it struck me that the 16 year olds were no less knowledgable or articulate than the people you get on any political audience participation thing. If anything they came across much better than your average old, simpleton fucker on Question Time or any of these shows.

Regardless of how they vote next week, I think it's right that they can. Let's face it, young people are amongst the most undeservedly shafted in the fallout of the crash. The fact that seemingly vindictive, entitled old people hold so much power has worked against youngsters massively. A younger vote would be healthy.

Aye they auld gits will be wanting these youngsters out there working to keep their pensions topped up. Would be a pity if they young yins vote NO and end up with the pensions we have now. Inflation, what's that?

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I see, as predicted some months ago, the media are going to get the blame for the No vote.

Anything other than accepting that the democratic process means Yes has lost as people don't want Independence.

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I see, as predicted some months ago, the media are going to get the blame for the No vote.

Anything other than accepting that the democratic process means Yes has lost as people don't want Independence.

If the media were on our side we'd have cruised to victory.

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I see, as predicted some months ago, the media are going to get the blame for the No vote.

Anything other than accepting that the democratic process means Yes has lost as people don't want Independence.

I don't think anyone is saying that, I think there is a general sense of relief/surprise that the Yes vote has held up after a week where Westminster has clearly pushed what it believes are the consequences of a No vote very hard, not a case of 'blaming the media' more that there has been no discernable drift away frm yes after a concentrated drive by the No campaign.

Edited by renton
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I see, as predicted some months ago, the media are going to get the blame for the No vote.

Anything other than accepting that the democratic process means Yes has lost as people don't want Independence.

You have to admit that they have been just a tad more vocal in reporting anything that promotes the status quo as a favourable outcome. The influence of mass media in things like this cannot be understated, although with new media it is maybe a fair bit less influential than it was in the past.

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Even my No voting mates (not many of them now) admit they media have been one sided, especially in the last fortnight.


ICM suggest 42% of 2010 Labour voters are backing Yes - that's a massive 435,000 Labour voters for Yes #indyref


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Even my No voting mates (not many of them now) admit they media have been one sided, especially in the last fortnight.

The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.

Edited by H_B
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The media wont be the reason Yes lose.

Not enough people being interested in Yes will be the reason Yes loses. Yes have enjoyed massive advantages in this referendum. the ability from the start to claim the "positive" side of the issue (how much psychologically easier is it to sell and campaign on "Yes let's do it" than "No - I'd rather not") and the ability to promise a completely undelivered set of "facts" about a new Scotland they absolutely don't have to cost.

Yet, even with these massive advantages Yes are losing. That says a lot about the lack of popularity for secession.


The best effort yet.

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