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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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A less than exhilarating end to the week with 4/10. Got the first 3 right, knew 1 &2, after that decided to rest on my laurels and only guessed 1 more correctly, Puerto Rico. 4 might just keep me off the bottom.

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Before I post the league table... I was thinking that to cut down on the number of star in the event of equal points .. we should instead go on "goal difference" ... or in other words, if 2 team finishes on equal points .. the team that achieved the highest mark in the quiz is judged to have finished top. 

What does anyone think? (it doesn't affect me, but it would mean we only hand out one silver star instead of two, for the two 2nd placed finishers). It would also affect things at the bottom of the league...


Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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