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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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3 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

"FA Cup runners-up" was a good category. The Scottish Finalist were among the "Pointless" answers.


ETA: I'm pretty sure they've had Scottish Cup Winners, as remember Osman talking about Renton, saying that they beat whoever was FA Cup Winners at the time shortly afterwards and how amazing it was that a team from a small town could claim to be the best team in the World.


I think Clyde scored zero too, cheeky fucks.




Trust me to miss that one then.







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Brilliant 'starter for 10' question, Welshy. IMO the players one would pick for University Challenge aren't quite the same as those on, say The Chase or Pointless.  It'd be fascinating to see groups of us compete, though.

Edit:  Is there a telly quiz we could/should apply for?  Not to be serious but just for a laugh?



I'm a mid table 2nd division quizzer here but watching the telly, I'd say I'm a 30/70 with pointless, (got a George Harrison Beatles song recently).

Probably a better than average chase performer.

Once got to the final telephone knockout question for Millionaire. They asked me what was the area of Iceland, I responded with "the Dundee shop, or Broughty Ferry?" Never got the call back. Bloody no sense of humour.


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39 minutes ago, dee_62 said:

Once got to the final telephone knockout question for Millionaire. They asked me what was the area of Iceland, I responded with "the Dundee shop, or Broughty Ferry?" Never got the call back. Bloody no sense of humour.

:lol: Classy as f**k.  You're better than them ;)

I did win The LBC Saturday quiz in nineteencanteen, "Our last caller is Kinky from Hoxton".  I got a (predictably too small) LBC polo shirt which my then wife wore Antonia de Sancha style to celebrate the victory.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I know at least one member of this thread has been on Millionaire, Countdown and Eggheads but I'll let them out themselves if they so choose. 

Me, I've been on Countdown (lost narrowly), Weakest Link (lost big style with a massive hangover), The Chase (lost narrowly) and a new daytime BBC quiz show that nobody will have heard of (won on the 10th attempt). 

From 20 years of playing quiz machines in pubs, I think I'd do quite well on Millionaire, but sadly they changed the format so that you had to qualify by having a good personality - and then they cancelled the whole shebang altogether. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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7 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Brilliant 'starter for 10' question, Welshy.

IMO the players one would pick for University Challenge aren't quite the same as those on, say The Chase or Pointless.  It'd be fascinating to see groups of us compete, though.

Edit:  Is there a telly quiz we could/should apply for?  Not to be serious but just for a laugh?

Obviously Eggheads would be the TV quiz most suitable, with only 2 drawbacks. 

1. When the presenter asks how we all know each other, we'd have to say "We met on the Internet". 

2. It's fucking bobbins (imo!)

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15 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I know at least one member of this thread has been on Millionaire, Countdown and Eggheads but I'll let them out themselves if they so choose. 

Me, I've been on Countdown (lost narrowly), Weakest Link (lost big style with a massive hangover), The Chase (lost narrowly) and a new daytime BBC quiz show that nobody will have heard of (won on the 10th attempt). 

From 20 years of playing quiz machines in pubs, I think I'd do quite well on Millionaire, but sadly they changed the format so that you had to qualify by having a good personality - and then they cancelled the whole shebang altogether. 

Anywhere we can see some footage of you on one, some or all of these shows?

Yes, I do have that much time on my hands.

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The Chase? Countdown? Eggheads etc? Phttt They don't come close to my teapot won on Tom Morten's afternoon quiz on Radio Scotland. In fairness the guy I was up against wasn't great. I had a grand score of one to beat. Nevertheless a pwoud, pwoud day in my empty shitty life. ;-)

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12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Have you or Whiterosekillie ever been on telly quizzes?

Yeah, been on Eggheads. We won. A disappointing return of £1000 split six ways though, (between 5 players and our sub), as the team before us won too, something like 25k. We were primed by a production assistant when we arrived that 'the pot was building up nicely.' Disappointing. Our pub quiz team must be one of the few to have won Eggheads twice, with two different lineups. 

Have thought about doing Mastermind a few times, but to be honest, can't really be bothered putting in the work to learn three specialist subjects (you need to choose three at the point of application to ensure you have one for each of the heat, semi and final).

Wouldn't be eligible to go on The Chase as I know / have met / have quizzed with a couple of the Chasers. For the sake of integrity, they stipulate that the Chasers shouldn't know the contestants. 

Like the Cardinal, wish I had done WWTBAM. Tried to get on a few times, but on average you needed to invest two or three grand in premium rate phone calls just to get a call back, and even if you got on the show there would be no guarantee of getting past the 'fastest finger first' stage. Nice payday for for many of those who got on it though, including one of my team mates.

We were lined up to go on some John Barrowman hosted quiz show a few years ago, but one of our team couldn't make the filming date due to work, and we were replaced by a standby team at the last minute. Got promised another slot, but it didn't happen.

To be honest, I'm not all that fussed about TV quizzes. There's usually an inverse correlation between quality and prize money. The best quiz shows (UC, Only Connect, Mastermind, BOB) are really just about the prestige, and I'd rather do a decent quiz AND win some cash.

Would do another TV quiz if there was a high level TV quiz with a good prize pot. There was a good show in the States called 500 Questions that ran for a couple of seasons - high quality quizzers and big prizes - but they ruined it when they adapted it for the UK - dumbing the questions down a bit and the contestants down a lot, prioritising luck over skill. The producers clearly thought the Great British Public wanted to see hapless underdogs with 'interesting backstories' flounder embarrassingly out of their depth when confronted with moderately challenging quiz questions, in some ungodly X Factor / Quiz hybrid. Clearly not. It was dropped after one series. Shame as the format had potential. Still waiting for that elusive TV format that would make me want to fill out another twenty page application form and subject myself to the tedious audition process again.

I quiz regularly with, and against, people that have won prestigious TV shows (including several series champions) all the time though. 

Got into pub quizzes about five years ago and enjoyed it, discovered I have a bit of a knack for it. Do one or two pub quizzes a week with my friends, all of whom happen to be, like me, highly competitive. It's a sport substitute I guess. We tend to win quite a lot (on a run of seven wins in a row at the moment, my record is eleven), so we move around, trying not to overstay our welcome in any one pub. We take part in quite a few charity quizzes - have done the Marie Curie Glasgow Brain Game three times, winning twice and finishing runners up once (a good night out for a good cause) and some of our team (supplemented by a few expats) won a similar event in London hosted by Claudia Winkleman a couple of years back, but we were barred from taking part last year on the basis that we were 'professional quizzers'. Sore losers :lol:

There is a highly organised quiz scene, nationally and internationally, with monthly events building up to annual European and World Quizzing Championships, which I take part in. That structure feeds into international quizzing. Have represented Scotland a few times at B and C level, against Ireland and Wales. England are, by some distance, the strongest of the home nations though, and their A team is the best in the world, with Belgium probably second best. The standards at the top level of international quizzing are frightening. I'll never reach that level, but do enjoy my quizzing. 

Edited by Frankie S
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Frankie is right that the most cerebral quiz shows seem to offer little in the way of compensation. Having said that, the most recent one I did was called !mpossible and while the top prize isn't massive (£10k), it's not difficult to win - not least because you have 15 shows (filmed over a week) to win. It's partly multiple choice as well, which we are well used to. They're filming the 2nd series at the moment, but due to the number of contestants they need (30+), they're always in need of contestants. In addition, of all the shows I've done, it was by far the most fun and friendly. 

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Didn't realise there was so many royalties of the quizzing world on this thread! I feel privelidged and chuffed to be scrapping around in the lower half of the big league!
I'd love to go on tv for a quiz but only to win a decent amount of money. I did apply for pointless before-never got in. Did apply and got a call back for the million pound drop but was hungover when I took the call so dont think I impressed the wee woman on the other end.
My pals dad did win mastermind back in the 80s, he's probably the smartest guy Iv ever met, an absolutely legend on a pub quiz team!
My 'claim to fame' is I won beat the pundit on Clyde 1 last year, beat Derek Johnstone. Not sure I should shout about that tho lol

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3 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

The what now? When was this?

It was in Bar Bacchus, in fact I was on team P&B and Div even gave us cash for drink. We finished 9th or something at the second one held at Firhill. @craigkillie did the questions. I'm not sure who officially organised it but there were other P&Bers throughout the other teams.

In fact I'm sure it was P&B who organised, the memories are a bit sketchy as beer was consumed as if it were going out of fashion...

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