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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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7/10 for that Ride Her Cup Quiz. Safe to say I don't expect a better one during the event which makes being benched even more galling.

I'd be OK if I hadn't had to read the Paddington Bear question about 6 times to ensure it wasn't a trick double negative one with the extra 'not' included.

Raging noo

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I don't intend to do the results 1 by 1, but one of the matches has been completed already so this will give you an idea of how the scoring works:
Scotland: LiviLion (3) and Supermik (4) vs RoW: Bully Wee Villa (5) and Ross (3)
Therefore, BWV has the highest score and wins the match. 
Scotland 0 - 1 Rest of the World 


I think you should do the results one at a time, more exciting that way, and everyone gets their moment in the spotlight.
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6 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:


I think you should do the results one at a time, more exciting that way, and everyone gets their moment in the spotlight.



I'll try, but I've got a weekend of exercise and drinking planned (at the same time) so I'll try and do that when I'm near a PC. 

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Just now, Tynieness said:

FFS stop being such a selfish c**t.

Sorry lad. Always thinking about me :) ... btw, when I said exercise and drinking (at the same time), I meant of course not at the same time. Perhaps if I combined the two, I'd have more time to devote to league and cup duties. 

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Agree with Tynie. You can sit on an exercise bike next to your laptop and drink cans of Tennent's Super while waiting for the scores to come in.


I don't really see why we should be inconvenienced just so that you can enjoy yourself.





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Right, that's all but 2 of the league scores in, and barring a Lazarus-type reappearance from ADU, or a somewhat unlikely double perfect score from DHD (no offence intended!), all the play-offs and promotion / relegations have been decided. 

It's number 14 for WRK who clung on with 8 (in fact, all top 5 people got 5). WILLIEA will still be as pleased as punch to pick up his first 2nd place medal. Jagfox99's last day of the season heroics help him climb to safety, at the expense of Helpma and Leeds Saint who are down, with Kincy in the play-offs. 


Edmund also has reason to cheers, picking up his first ever silver medal, and promotion to the Premiership alongside gkneil. Peasy23 is in the play-offs. Deej's last gasp flurry was not enough to save him, and he's relegated along with Gman. Pleslie99  - another previous goldie - is also in the play-offs. 


The Captain has bounced straight back to the SWL (and nabs his first ever medal), along with BigBo10. Ross snatches the play-off on QD. 


So, a play-off question for @The_Kincardine vs @peasy23 and @pleslie99 vs @Ross.

The Cambodian alphabet is generally regarded to be the longest. How many letters does it have?

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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1 hour ago, deej said:

My score is in. 


Over to @The Captain to give it tight to these b*****ds. 


@Eednud @Audaces Fortuna Juvat 


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The pressure is on.. I'm cribbing up on crop rotation in the 13th centuary and medieval Japonese poets - so hope to do Scotland proud. To my opponents I'll show affibility and respect , whilst I hope to dispatch you with my trusty lance. 

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3 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I don't intend to do the results 1 by 1, but one of the matches has been completed already so this will give you an idea of how the scoring works:

Scotland: LiviLion (3) and Supermik (4) vs RoW: Bully Wee Villa (5) and Ross (3)

Therefore, BWV has the highest score and wins the match. 

Scotland 0 - 1 Rest of the World 

News of the result has filtered through to myself




And gkneil


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No complaints about relegation, a disappointingly average season from me.  I'm not saying that the poor form has carried on into the Ride her cup, but at the end of the quiz in the "Recommended for You" section, all it said was "How about a nice game of Snakes and Ladders".

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I did my best but I fear a repeat of Flodden.

The ride her cup proved a mistress who did not succumb to my sweet talking and promises of all the gold in the known world.

I fear a quiz too far.

Are you on the treadmill ? Gassed on 8 ace or near the computer ?

Off to cricket practice with the lad.

Fate is in your hands.

Won`t be able to look Audaces Fortuna Juvat - the shame of it.

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I was enjoying a drink with a lassie (9/10) who whispered into my ear that she wanted to take me back to hers. I enquired whether she had a PC. She replied "No... why?" ... and I told her. I hope she's still in the pub when I get back after my one and a half hour round trip. 

Anyway, another result is in...

ScotlandThe Captain (6) and deej (5) vs RoW: Eednud (6) and Audaces Fortuna Juvat (8)

Scotland 0 - 2 Rest of the World 

Btw, the Qzzr site seems to be down for the moment, so maybe I'll not need to keep getting the bus home every time I need to update the scores. 

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47 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I was enjoying a drink with a lassie (9/10) who whispered into my ear that she wanted to take me back to hers. I enquired whether she had a PC. She replied "No... why?" ... and I told her. I hope she's still in the pub when I get back after my one and a half hour round trip. 

Anyway, another result is in...

ScotlandThe Captain (6) and deej (5) vs RoW: Eednud (6) and Audaces Fortuna Juvat (8)

Scotland 0 - 2 Rest of the World 

Btw, the Qzzr site seems to be down for the moment, so maybe I'll not need to keep getting the bus home every time I need to update the scores. 

angry panda office hate destroy GIF

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1 hour ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I was enjoying a drink with a lassie (9/10) who whispered into my ear that she wanted to take me back to hers. I enquired whether she had a PC. She replied "No... why?" ... and I told her. I hope she's still in the pub when I get back after my one and a half hour round trip. 

Anyway, another result is in...

ScotlandThe Captain (6) and deej (5) vs RoW: Eednud (6) and Audaces Fortuna Juvat (8)

Scotland 0 - 2 Rest of the World 

Btw, the Qzzr site seems to be down for the moment, so maybe I'll not need to keep getting the bus home every time I need to update the scores. 

My worst fears realised - deej and myself gave a good account of ourselves but fell short. Congratulations to Eednud and my Ulster chum Audaces Fortuna Juvat. But in all honesty a seventies education in Cumbernauld High didn't prepare me for this. I can only suggest that the Belfast seminary prepared Audaces well.:blink:

To the Cardinal I say there is satisfaction when the job is done so I thank you for your public spiritidness in leaving your lassie in the lurch, so does she....:whistle


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9 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

And here’s the groups...Blackislekillie and pleslie99 vs WhiteRoseKillie and The_Kincardine (play nice boys, remember you’re in a team now)

Within the cordon sanitaire of the quiz thread, and in golfing parlance, the pairing of one who tends to hook and another with a hefty slice is an ideal pairing.  Plus, as a lazy b*****d, I ken my partner will carry me through!

Anyway, I've PM'd you my score, not that it matters!.

BTW calling it the RIDE HER CUP! is juvenile in the extreme, not to say misogynistic.  In the interests of good taste, acknowledging that a few of us are bookworms and recognising that an element of PC is not a bad thing I suggest a change from that tawdry title to "The Rider Haggard Cup".

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