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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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8 hours ago, LiviLion said:


Knew there was a reason I stopped playing :thumbsdown

6/10 for Friday, knew 2. Doon I go. 

Nooooo. If I told you at worst you were in the play-offs would you stay?

Can't wait for Tynieness's wizardly wheeze for this week's Ride Her Haggard Cup. 

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Big league last season, middle one this season and just as well I didn't throw out my bucket and spade as seaside for me next. 2/10. Word thing and Aussie PMs.

Hiya Cowdenbeath, hiya pal
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Just waiting for scores from @Audaces Fortuna Juvat @gkneil (two days), @dee_62 and @madwullie (2 days) so we can decide on play-offs, champions etc. 

In the absence of any brainwaves from Tynieness, the 4th round of the Ride Her Haggard cup will be singles ... I'll draw one member of each team against each other ... there are 17 RotW players, so 17 members of Team Scotland will take part. DHD said he was taking a week off the quiz so I'll take him, and another random name - Madwullie - out. 

Of course, 17 ties means 17 points up for grabs. Is everyone cool with that? Silence constitutes tacit approval!

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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38 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Just waiting for scores from @Audaces Fortuna Juvat @gkneil (two days), @dee_62 and @madwullie (2 days) so we can decide on play-offs, champions etc. 

In the absence of any brainwaves from Tynieness, the 4th round of the Ride Her Haggard cup will be singles ... I'll draw one member of each team against each other ... there are 17 RotW players, so 17 members of Team Scotland will take part. DHD said he was taking a week off the quiz so I'll take him, and the other two random names out the hat were WILLIEA (shit, bad news for Team Scotland) and madwullie (Team Scotland shrugs its shoulders). 

Of course, 17 ties means 17 points up for grabs. Is everyone cool with that? Silence constitutes tacit approval!

I thought this was a knock out comp and since i was pumped in the first week I have not played again, is this the case?

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20 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

I thought this was a knock out comp and since i was pumped in the first week I have not played again, is this the case?

No . Everyone is in for every round! (except we have to randomly remove a couple of people to even up the numbers)

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It's time for the Ride Her Haggard Cup ... Round 4 - Single Team Thingy

Well, Scotland are in danger of throwing this away. But with the scores sitting at Scotland: 13.5215 vs RotW: 14.56875, there's still time to claw back some dignity. And in Round 4, there are 17 (SEVENTEEN) points up for grabs. So 17 singles matches - Tynieness, Madwullie and Die Hard Doonhamer missing out this week... and G_man is in it!!!!!! (and he even gets mentioned in one of the questions)

And here are the ties:

  1. alang1993 vs Leeds Saint 
  2. BigBo10    vs Cowden0 
  3. Blackislekillie vs Dee Man 
  4. Dee_62 vs Helpma 
  5. Deej vs The_Kincardine 
  6. Dyl vs Bully Wee Villa 
  7. Frankie S vs Wilkinson1998 
  8. G_Man1985 vs Eednud 
  9. gkneil vs Swarley 
  10. Irvine_buddie vs Welshbairn 
  11. Jagfox99 vs Scotfree 
  12. Livi Lion vs MSU 
  13. Peasy23 vs Jacksgranda 
  14. pleslie99 vs Ross.
  15. Supermik vs WhiteRoseKillie
  16. The Captain vs Slippery P
  17. WILLIEA vs Audaces Fortuna Juvat 

So PM me your score for the quiz below by Tuesday at around 5.30pm


edit: The first people to respond always voice their concern that 1 or 2 people have already scored 9 or 10... fear not - that's just me testing the quiz!

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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