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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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15 hours ago, dee_62 said:

I reckon I got a 6 for the ride her quiz but no idea who I was meant to be playing. Did I get a point / walkover?

You and Supermik were up against Kincardine. Never got Supermik's score (I think the PM system broke) but Kincardine jammed a 7.

11 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

6/10 for Thur

Edit:  The answer to Q5 about states of matter is fucking bollocks.  I'm claiming a moral 7.

There was an episode of QI where they stated the answer was 6. These were:

  • Solid
  • Gas
  • Liquid
  • Plasma
  • Bose-Einstein condensate
  • Fermionic condensate

I'm sure anyone who watched the show were screaming at the screen "WHAT ABOUT FUCKING QUARK-GLUON PLASMA?????" .. and indeed there are other candidates for inclusion.

But anyway, I got the question right so I'm no caring. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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1 hour ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

You and Supermik were up against Kincardine. Never got Supermik's score (I think the PM system broke) but Kincardine jammed a 7.

There was an episode of QI where they stated the answer was 6. These were:

  • Solid
  • Gas
  • Liquid
  • Plasma
  • Bose-Einstein condensate
  • Fermionic condensate

I'm sure anyone who watched the show were screaming at the screen "WHAT ABOUT FUCKING QUARK-GLUON PLASMA?????" .. and indeed there are other candidates for inclusion.

But anyway, I got the question right so I'm no caring. 

A "needing to get out more" type post.

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50 minutes ago, Audaces Fortuna Juvat said:

A "needing to get out more" type post.

I'm getting out tonight, thank you very much, and I shall regale you and Tynieness with tales of some of the other states of the matter that didn't quite pass muster. Honestly, once I've had a couple of pints, I can't stop talking about neutron-degenerate matter. I'll even bring along and show you my "magical flashing light device" that lets you take the quiz when you're not on your PC.

Anyway, time for a league table or 3. 

Still a couple of RotWorlders sleeping off their hangovers I feel. WRK is in front, although Frankie might have something to say about that when he logs in. 


An eye-pleasing complete SWL league sees a certain lang certain to return to the top shop. BWV is still dining out on tales of his Ride Her Haggard Cup exploits and sits bottom.


Another full roll-call in the BHL, and possibly some of the highest scores we've seen in this league. Supermik and Ross are edging at the moment, but effectively, there are 4 teams chasing 3 places. 


Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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7 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Right lads, it's tomorrow in Australialand which means you can now legally do the quiz without having to get it on the darknet.

5/10 for Friday.

Bad luck to you all...


Sportingly put, Sir. And in honour of the sentiment, I recorded a relegation inducing 6.  You don't get away with two sub-optimal scores in the top league.

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7/10. Knew none. The way my guessometer has went this week then might be time for a trip to the bookies.

eta. Scratch me from any cup quiz from now on. I'll just stick to the daily one.

Edited by supermik
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