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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Knew 2, got 2. Great.

I didn't have time to field my colts yesterday but they will get a run out after school today. I'm going to enter a boys under-14 side and a girls under-10s.

I'm considering impregnating the missus to see if a 2 week old foetus could do better than me in the quiz. I wouldn't be fucking surprised.

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18 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

This might represent a break in convention, but cast a gaze over the current leader of the Premiership (not the SWL or BWL mind). Just look at how beautiful it is. Should have said but that 8 out of 10 was some of the finest guesswork in Christendom. 


In other news, the beaks have announced this is going to be 1 match season. 

I knew things like this were going to happen since you were made a mod...... The question is, will you treat us with more disgust and disdain since you were made a mod? Will you ban anyone who out scores you? ( that's a lot of people to be fair ) Uncertain times for the Cup and League thread..... ( joking. please don't ban me :( ) Oh, I nearly forgot. Monday 5/10 Tuesday 7/10 

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Five of the first six on Monday's became a disappointing five out of ten. Borrox!


ETA: On second looks, that was for Tuesday's quiz. Not any happier, mind.

Monday's actual score was, however, a nice big nine. That's better! Aussie sport again, although I reckon I'm morally due half a point for knowing what a Brumby is...


So, Monday nine, Tuesday five. 

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Let's take a peek at Tuesday's league tables. 

Jagfox99 is yet again in pole position... can he snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again?


AFJ and MSU are looking for a swift return to the top shop. Blackislekillie looking for a swift return to the bottom shop. 


And it's close at the top of the BHL. It may be even closer once Dee_62 and Dyl make an appearance. 


And in the Colt's league, it's all about Dundee, with Dee Man controversially entering two teams. Both of which are beating their senior team :lol:


Not too late for any new Colt entrants... the only rules are they must be under 18, they must have emerged from the womb and they can't be imaginary. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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4 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Five of the first six on Monday's became a disappointing five out of ten. Borrox!


ETA: On second looks, that was for Tuesday's quiz. Not any happier, mind.

Monday's actual score was, however, a nice big nine. That's better! Aussie sport again, although I reckon I'm morally due half a point for knowing what a Brumby is...


So, Monday nine, Tuesday five. 

@Cardinal Richelieu


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