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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Guest Moomintroll
Never been here before. How do you know someone isn't googling the answers?
Trust m9, something that is lacking in todays society. I would rather cut off a nad than lie about my score.
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17 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Never been here before. How do you know someone isn't googling the answers?

Ultimately we never know for sure, safe to say though that only a sad w****r with nothing better going on in there life would cheat at a quiz where you win nothing financially. Sorry if that seems a bit strong, if you stick around you'll see that's just par for the course for me, I mean no harm.

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11 minutes ago, Silky Si McFly said:

8 for Thursday. Google didn't know the other two either 😄

Shakespeare and Rugby when will ever learn?!




10 for me.  Even the best quizzers on here shite their breeks when faced with a rugby question...

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