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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Welcome Madwullie! 

After two weeks of struggling to get double-figures by Thursday - romped an 8. Thanks to the Saudi debate, I knew to increment my guess. And the desert one is definitely correct cos that's the one I went for. 

Still not top of the league thanks to SlipperyP's efforts, but happy enough to be second. 

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Welcome Madwullie! 
After two weeks of struggling to get double-figures by Thursday - romped an 8. Thanks to the Saudi debate, I knew to increment my guess. And the desert one is definitely correct cos that's the one I went for. 
Still not top of the league thanks to SlipperyP's efforts, but happy enough to be second. 

Eh, joint second,i believe...[emoji6]
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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Eh, joint second,i believe...emoji6.png

Stop stealing my thunder! As League Administrator, rest assured that I'll be the highest-placed equal second placed team. 

And while we're on the subject, where in the blue blazers are the cup results? I had another rare romping on Friday.

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Just now, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Stop stealing my thunder! As League Administrator, rest assured that I'll be the highest-placed equal second placed team. 

And while we're on the subject, where in the blue blazers are the cup results? I had another rare romping on Friday.

Time for 3 leagues yet Mr Cockwomble ^_^

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17 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Time for 3 leagues yet Mr Cockwomble ^_^

Ah, league reconstruction. Time for the big teams with their bigger budgets to peer out their ivory towers and sneer at all the ghastly little oiks scrambling for relevance in the lower league. 

Cockwomble indeed :) ... if my platinum subscription wouldn't keep lapsing (despite me fronting up the cash) I'd actually change my name (temporarily). 

Edit. Open to suggestions re: another reconstruction. But what are the arguments for a middle league? And what would we call it?



Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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7 hours ago, eckthearab said:

Afternoon folks, hope you're all well. Just a wee update in the cup. Am awaiting one more score to complete the set. The_Kincardine being the guilty culprit. Seeing as his team have just pumped the Dons I'm not expecting a response too soon emoji23.png. A wee reminder to him just in case he post his scores on a previous conversation with myself, start a new message dude.

Missed the game due to important egg-chasing in Bracknell...and I half thought about seeking out the offices of the British Dyslexia Assoc and taking a pic.  But I had two weary teens in the car and they had suffered enough on the pitch.  Anyway, you have my (dismal) cup scores.

On the league?  A 7 for today   I got the Saudi question wrong because I missed out Jordan.  If Bahrain has a border with Saudi then Sweden and Denmark have one too, as do Britain and France.

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14 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Ah, league reconstruction. Time for the big teams with their bigger budgets to peer out their ivory towers and sneer at all the ghastly little oiks scrambling for relevance in the lower league. 

Cockwomble indeed :) ... if my platinum subscription wouldn't keep lapsing (despite me fronting up the cash) I'd actually change my name (temporarily). 

Edit. Open to suggestions re: another reconstruction. But what are the arguments for a middle league? And what would we call it?

The Stealers Wheel League?


Edited by Audaces Fortuna Juvat
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