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Things that annoy or delight you on the telly right now


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Do the shows that Netflix & co burp out for folk to binge-watch at their leisure count as 'TV'? Doesn't feel right for an auld fart used to waiting a week for the next episode, at a time when the schedulers say it's OK.

Anyway, watched The Keepers on Netflix with the wife last night. The real-life story was interesting, although sadly very familiar, but the programme itself was awful. They'd obviously been given seven hour-long episodes and absolutely dragged the arse out of it to fill the time; you could easily edit the whole thing down into a single, effective 90 minute documentary.


We kept watching past the first few episodes in case it was going to finish with some great revelation. It doesn't, just a few hours of turgid speculation involving various folk who claim their uncle/dentist/pet rabbit was the killer, with absolutely no evidence.


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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Anyway, watched The Keepers on Netflix with the wife last night.

Presumably they took the piss out of the Scottish ones and concentrated on people like Banks and Shilton.

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4 hours ago, GordonD said:

Presumably they took the piss out of the Scottish ones and concentrated on people like Banks and Shilton.

They looked for a world-class Scottish keeper, but found nun.


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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Loose Women.

f**k off you seething, evil coven of witches.

A truly horrid, wretched, vile hive of bitter boots who are massively passive aggressive and desperately trying to hide the absolutely monstrous chasm in their souls with visibly forced bonhomie, to the point that you'd think there was a gunman off camera threatening to shoot them and their children unless they all pretended to be having such fun. They are shrieking morons who think gasping about someone famous and saying outrageous things (which are actually in no way outrageous) whilst clucking over one another in a petty, pathetic, desperate scramble for attention is somehow worthwhile and somehow worthy of anyone's time. They seem to believe they are empowering, but they're about as empowering as an episode of 'On The Buses' directed by Bernard Manning and starring Roy Chubby Brown.

They set back any issue they talk about by at least 70 years and seem to have the same grasp of said issues as a toddler who's just heard about them.

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8 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Loose Women.

f**k off you seething, evil coven of witches.

I was going to say that I can't believe it's still going, but then I remembered that the British viewing public voted Mrs brown's Boys the best sitcom ever.

Even Mrs Ranter has stopped watching Loose Women, though Mrs Ranter-in-law still series links it so that she can watch every turgid minute of it.  Jeezo.

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10 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

I was going to say that I can't believe it's still going, but then I remembered that the British viewing public voted Mrs brown's Boys the best sitcom ever.

Even Mrs Ranter has stopped watching Loose Women, though Mrs Ranter-in-law still series links it so that she can watch every turgid minute of it.  Jeezo.


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4 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:


Sorry, my bad. It was this century. Doesn't make it any better a thing though.


I think I'm going to go to B&Q tomorrow in preparation for a murderous rampage.

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I've never heard/watched anything by Roy Chubby Brown - does his act really deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Bernard "thousands of niggers in the jungle" Manning? I'd always figured he was one of those saucy, end of the pier types that old ladies think are dreadfully risque, but basically harmless.

I'd watch one of his routines, but I figure he's probably utter shite too.

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I've never heard/watched anything by Roy Chubby Brown - does his act really deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Bernard "thousands of niggers in the jungle" Manning? I'd always figured he was one of those saucy, end of the pier types that old ladies think are dreadfully risque, but basically harmless.
I'd watch one of his routines, but I figure he's probably utter shite too.

He used to be pure smut but over the last few years he's gone full racist.
The same could be said for a few million people in this country sadly.
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Roy Chubby Brown's video releases have some interesting titles:

  • 1 From Inside the Helmet (1990)
  • 2 The Helmet Rides Again (1991)
  • 3 The Helmet's Last Stand (1992)
  • 4 Roy Chubby Brown: Exposed (1993)
  • 5 U.F.O. (1993)
  • 6 Jingle Bx@!cks (1994)
  • 7 Clitoris Allsorts (1995)
  • 8 Saturday Night Beaver (1996)
  • 9 Obscene and Not Heard (1997)
  • 10 Chubby Goes Down Under and Other Sticky Regions (1998)
  • 11 You Fat b*****d! (1999)
  • 12 Thunder Bollocks (2000)
  • 13 Stocking Filler! (2001)
  • 14 Standing Room Only (2002)
  • 15 Bad Taste (2003)
  • 16 Giggling Lips (2004)
  • 17 King Thong (2005)
  • 18 Kick-Arse Chubbs (2006)
  • 19 The Good, The Bad and The Fat b*****d (2007)
  • 20 Dirty Weekend in Blackpool (2008)
  • 21 Too Fat to be Gay (2009)
  • 22 Pussy and Meatballs (2010)
  • 23 Front Page Boobs (2012)
  • 24 Who Ate All The Pies? (2013)
  • 25 Don't Get Fit! Get Fat! (2014)
  • 26 Hangs Up His Helmet (2015)
  • 27 Great British Jerk Off (2016)

× 28 . the second coming.. (2017)

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Watching some nonsense on Channel 4 about Princess Diana. It's annoying because it's all the old ideas that you get about Diana, and assumes you gave a f**k about her and feel sorry for her rather than just being an interesting program about the Royal Family.

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2 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Watching some nonsense on Channel 4 about Princess Diana. It's annoying because it's all the old ideas that you get about Diana, and assumes you gave a f**k about her and feel sorry for her rather than just being an interesting program about the Royal Family.


Nonsense was the word.

More than a couple of times on that documentary Diana was described as the future Queen of England

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