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People who have changed from undecided/no to yes


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I do know Scotland will vote no and that will then reduce seats from the SNP's manifesto.

The only way to get rid of the SNP is to vote for independence. The referendum campaign has galvanised the SNPs support whilst many regular voters have became a lot more politicised off the back of it.

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There is one fundamental flaw with your 'perspective' and that is your idea that what happens in Westminster is fundamentally different to what will happen in New Scotland. The bit you are missing is that Scots have had a disproportionately large influence in Westminster for 300 years, as evidenced by the number of PMs who have been Scots or of Scots descent.

The simple notion is this: If you want to see how Scots do politics then look at Westminster because we have dominated it since 1707.

There wa sa great quote in that book by Paton: the Union may have been good for some Scots, but it's not been good for Scotland. The comparative success of a few individuals does not mean the union has benefited the majority who live in Scotland.

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There wa sa great quote in that book by Paton: the Union may have been good for some Scots, but it's not been good for Scotland. The comparative success of a few individuals does not mean the union has benefited the majority who live in Scotland.

Aye but Brown and Darling are millionaires so they are... The union must've been good for them ;)

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scotland has a chance to run things for scotland..a yes vote will do this ,,if you dont like salmond like me .we can get rid of him but i will still vote YES..this will be only the second time in the last 100 years where our vote will count..remember what ever we vote for in scotland, if england vote the other way thats the way it goes..westminster have used scare stories to get a no vote and a lot of scottish voters are falling for it..REMEMBER thatcher miners fired poll tax .even the hated bedroom tax.that scotlands M.Ps voted against but we got that to ..and the real facts about our country when england has took everything out of scotland and left us a nation of food banks and no work ENGLAND will have there own vote on independance and scotland will be told to go it alone..this will happen not in my lifetime but our children when they are mothers and fathers..so dont vote no because you dont like salmond.and stop and think about what england are saying better together better for who not us remember 1 fact scotland pays more into the econamy than we get out LONDON gets more money put into it then the whole of scotland and wales put together..so vote no and say 30 years from now you will look in a mirror and see a person who had the chance to change things but fell for all the lies

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Both parents now YES, Dad was unsure before, Mother definite NO so done well there. Just the wee sis to go now, not spoke to her about it at all though so will need to get her convinced. 2 grandads and 1 grandmother are YES, other granny is a NO. Will get working on it. Done not to bad like!! Every little helps and all that! :)

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Both parents now YES, Dad was unsure before, Mother definite NO so done well there. Just the wee sis to go now, not spoke to her about it at all though so will need to get her convinced. 2 grandads and 1 grandmother are YES, other granny is a NO. Will get working on it. Done not to bad like!! Every little helps and all that! :)

Superb! :thumsup2

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Both parents now YES, Dad was unsure before, Mother definite NO so done well there. Just the wee sis to go now, not spoke to her about it at all though so will need to get her convinced. 2 grandads and 1 grandmother are YES, other granny is a NO. Will get working on it. Done not to bad like!! Every little helps and all that! :)

aye at this rate you could have the poll in 50 years :thumsup2

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I'm knocking on a bit - probably nearly as old as GrannyDanger.

Never a big Salmond fan I was undecided for long enough but with each statement that spewed forth from the likes of Osborne, Brown, Alexander and Darling I very soon became a committed yes man. The more people that come crawling out the woodwork to tell us it can't be done, the more determined I am to prove them wrong.

I actually believe in the short term things might not be all that great for an independent Scotland and I'm inclined to doubt if anyone currently in their 60's will see much benefit. Future generations of Scots however, will have a major say in how their country is to be governed and we (all age groups) should consider what will be better for them - and vote yes.

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Ive converted plenty of morons from yes or undecided to firm no.

Most other people knew exactly how they were voting before any "facts" were presented to them.

Its one of the reasons why yes have catastrophically lost before a ball was kicked in anger.


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So do you consider all Unionists to be morons?

Or just the ones who you "converted"?

No I completely made it up just like most of the conversions on this thread actually.

Id say a large portion of the entire voting population (yoooonyooonust or the cult of Salmond) are complete spangles. You included.

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If all these stories about no to yes are true, but the stories about yes to no aren't true...

How come the polls aren't moving?

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If all these stories about no to yes are true, but the stories about yes to no aren't true...

How come the polls aren't moving?

B b b b but they wil do once the campaign "proper" begins.

Everything to play for. :lol:

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