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11 hours ago, ICTFCwife said:

Eye opening tinder match story. I matched with this guy on tinder a few years ago now.The usual pleasantries were exchanged and then we moved the conversation to Snapchat as you do. The first thing he sent was a picture of him in a robe saying hi sitting in bed which was fine however,that was followed by multiple videos of him masturbating,calling out my name.At the time I had very little sexual experience so asked my sister was this normal?most people would’ve ended it there and then however I did not,I ended up in a relationship with this guy.The first time we had sex(my first time as I was a virgin,him apparently not)he asked me to “slot it in” in a sheer panic on top of me becoming very apparent he wasn’t the sex machine he made out. That wasn’t the worst part when I was on my knees,between his legs he turns to me “you got any pictures of your cousin or friends nudes?” Mortified and raging I stopped what I was doing he turns to me “you can’t stop what you’re doing you need to finish” stupidly and naively he got his “happy ending” but I left abruptly on the next 

Mrs SA pointed out this stand (with accompanying Video display) in a shop that could best be described as Tokyo's B&M.  It took a good few seconds for me to figure out what it was as I thought there were water bottles/food thermos' as it was between the kids/toy section and the luggage section.


Looks like a lot of men in Tokyo need to be getting on Tinder.

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10 hours ago, Sugar_Army said:

Mrs SA pointed out this stand (with accompanying Video display) in a shop that could best be described as Tokyo's B&M.  It took a good few seconds for me to figure out what it was as I thought there were water bottles/food thermos' as it was between the kids/toy section and the luggage section.


Looks like a lot of men in Tokyo need to be getting on Tinder.


Never heard of this until I saw a guy doing a livestream from Toyko at Halloween dressed as one.

Seems it's very popular and pretty mainstream in Japan.



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I’ve expanded my fairly limited scope of people I’m attracted to and have been seeing this Asian/Malaysian bird for a couple of months from Tinder. Lovely girl, smart, going to be a doctor, very “housewife-y” in that she insists on doing things for me, always does the dishes, that sort of thing. Great ride as well. 

However, she is diabetic. This in of itself is not an issue, my grandfather was diabetic and he was the love of my life. She goes on about it…quite a lot though. Like, probably more than a regular diabetic would. Like she defines herself by it. Yes, diabetes is awful, it’s a pain in the arse and especially when you’re not a typical fat person who gets it cause they eat too much sugary shite. It must be hard for her to balance medicine and being diabetic but I know there is support in place for NHS staff with diabetes. 

It might be new to me but she checks her sugars with that wee arm monitor thing and a phone app during sex, and depending she might need to go get a biscuit or a dextrose tablet. What am I supposed to do? 

Ach, I’m being a moan. I’m very lucky, I’m actually going through a tough time in my life and she’s been a light in it. She does like a whinge though. 

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3 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

It might be new to me but she checks her sugars with that wee arm monitor thing and a phone app during sex,

This app isn't called Tik Tok, by any chance?

"Honestly, it's OK. Just checking my sugar levels...."

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1 minute ago, scottsdad said:

This app isn't called Tik Tok, by any chance?

"Honestly, it's OK. Just checking my sugar levels...."

Only Fans, SweeperDee isn't aware yet but he's an Internet superstar.

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8 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

I’ve expanded my fairly limited scope of people I’m attracted to and have been seeing this Asian/Malaysian bird for a couple of months from Tinder. Lovely girl, smart, going to be a doctor, very “housewife-y” in that she insists on doing things for me, always does the dishes, that sort of thing. Great ride as well. 

However, she is diabetic. This in of itself is not an issue, my grandfather was diabetic and he was the love of my life. She goes on about it…quite a lot though. Like, probably more than a regular diabetic would. Like she defines herself by it. Yes, diabetes is awful, it’s a pain in the arse and especially when you’re not a typical fat person who gets it cause they eat too much sugary shite. It must be hard for her to balance medicine and being diabetic but I know there is support in place for NHS staff with diabetes. 

It might be new to me but she checks her sugars with that wee arm monitor thing and a phone app during sex, and depending she might need to go get a biscuit or a dextrose tablet. What am I supposed to do? 

Ach, I’m being a moan. I’m very lucky, I’m actually going through a tough time in my life and she’s been a light in it. She does like a whinge though. 

Keep a tin of biscuits handy would seem the plan. If you wanted to spice things up, have 3 tins of Danish butter cookies next to the bed, but with 2 of them being full of washers and a sewing kit. 

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Just now, Stellaboz said:

Best with something less crumbly. Imagine all the bits a Hobnob would leave in the bed 

Would be like being at the beach!

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