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Are You a Fighter?

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My hairs probably as long as Mays, but instead of growing down it sort of just grew outwards. But somehow its not a complete afro, as the hair sort of hides itself somehow, it only seems to reappear once I wake up and have some insane bed head, a shower sorts it out though. Very strange indeed

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Where to fucking start. I've been hit with a bottle, had my head stamped on, my front two teeth are crooked from a punch that floored me, I walked with a limp for three days after pulling muscles in my foot kicking some bellend in a petrol station forecourt, I've had a blade pulled on me several times, been hit in the spine with a cosh, had double black eyes, split lips, burst nose, sair baws, headbutted a guy at the same time as he headbutted me and a foot on my throat off the top of my head. So, yeah, I've been in a fight. Whether I'm any good in a fight is another question.

2013 was a lively year round my way, with a neighbour dispute spilling over into violence a couple of times, most memorably with 4 a side outside the building.

Say no to violence, kids.

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Where to fucking start. I've been hit with a bottle, had my head stamped on, my front two teeth are crooked from a punch that floored me, I walked with a limp for three days after pulling muscles in my foot kicking some bellend in a petrol station forecourt, I've had a blade pulled on me several times, been hit in the spine with a cosh, had double black eyes, split lips, burst nose, sair baws, headbutted a guy at the same time as he headbutted me and a foot on my throat off the top of my head. So, yeah, I've been in a fight. Whether I'm any good in a fight is another question.

2013 was a lively year round my way, with a neighbour dispute spilling over into violence a couple of times, most memorably with 4 a side outside the building.

Say no to violence, kids.

You sound lovely.
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Where to fucking start. I've been hit with a bottle, had my head stamped on, my front two teeth are crooked from a punch that floored me, I walked with a limp for three days after pulling muscles in my foot kicking some bellend in a petrol station forecourt, I've had a blade pulled on me several times, been hit in the spine with a cosh, had double black eyes, split lips, burst nose, sair baws, headbutted a guy at the same time as he headbutted me and a foot on my throat off the top of my head. So, yeah, I've been in a fight. Whether I'm any good in a fight is another question.

2013 was a lively year round my way, with a neighbour dispute spilling over into violence a couple of times, most memorably with 4 a side outside the building.

Say no to violence, kids.


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You sound lovely.

Whether I sound nice or not wasn't really the point. I was simply being honest. That list was spanning decades from childhood to adulthood and the vast majority of the incidents detailed happened years ago. I grew up in a rough place and went to a rough school, both were places were violence could be visited upon you frequently and without provocation. Several of those incidents were random acts of violence started on me by bawbags while out and about in Glasgow, something which seems all too common sadly. In terms of provocation, the only one of those started by me was the petrol station because some p***k intimidated my wife. Violence isn't big or clever and if you read my post again you'll see it's more or less just a list of injuries I've received, not a glorified list of conquests. I also have brothers and I defy anyone who has brothers never to have been in childhood fights with them.

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Where to fucking start. I've been hit with a bottle, had my head stamped on, my front two teeth are crooked from a punch that floored me, I walked with a limp for three days after pulling muscles in my foot kicking some bellend in a petrol station forecourt, I've had a blade pulled on me several times, been hit in the spine with a cosh, had double black eyes, split lips, burst nose, sair baws, headbutted a guy at the same time as he headbutted me and a foot on my throat off the top of my head. So, yeah, I've been in a fight. Whether I'm any good in a fight is another question.

2013 was a lively year round my way, with a neighbour dispute spilling over into violence a couple of times, most memorably with 4 a side outside the building.

Say no to violence, kids.

Sweet Pete and his burd post-14721-14037691306973_thumb.jpg

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Been involved in one or two scraps in my time, quite often ending up with the silver medal. Talking when I should have been listening was a speciality of mine when younger, as a result receiving a black eye or two over the years. My mates used to have a habit of getting themselves in bother as well, so there was the odd brawl or two. Also been hit by a glass which was rather painful.

Worst kicking I received was from a few bouncers. Two of of them had my mate pinned to the floor beating the living f**k out of him, so I took the opportunity to give one of them a size 8 clean in the dish. The rest of them didn't take kindly and dragged me out the back door and knocked the shit out of me.

As I said, this was all in my younger days and I haven't been involved in a fight for years. One thing I did learn was that if someone is standing in front if you telling you that they're going to smack you, chances are they're wont. If someone genuinely wants to hit you, then they'll hit you without hesitation.

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Most fights are instigated by women.

Scientific fact,

I've never been in a fight but the one time I was close to being involved in a fight involved me standing outside a pub talking to my brother when a woman walked over and threw a full pint in my face. I hadn't a fucking clue what had just happened, I looked at my brother, then at the woman who called me an arsehole. I asked her what the f**k that was for and instantly her boyfriend steps in looking for a square go. I'm a small, skinny guy, if I were to fight I'd be incredibly stupid but my brothers girlfriend wasn't giving such fucks and landed a fair uppercut on the woman. Looking back I think that guy was wanting a scrap and needed something to justify it, picked the wrong guy though and Drew Busby (Hearts legend and said pub owner) saw all of this unfold, walked over and politely (:lol:) "asked" the pair to leave. Haven't seen them again.

So, yes, I can confirm that all fights are instigated by woman and that Drew Busby is a barman that you probably want to stay on the good side of.

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