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The best bit was when Stewart said that he didn't know Brown had been a player.


Stewart was Hearts captain when Brown and Jefferies came back to Tynecastle


Three weeks later his Hearts career was effectively over and he left "by mutual consent" at the end of the season.

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Billy Brown saying Michael Stewart isn't qualified to be a pundit was interesting. I take it in his mind you can only have an opinion on football if you've been places and done things?

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Dear me. Just had a listen to it. Billy Brown is truly a dribbling cretin. Michael Stewart actually came across as fairly sound and was trying to be patient but it was like he was speaking to a farmyard animal. Brown just wasn't getting it and his insistence on how you had to have been a manager to have an opinion is ludicrous and something morons have said before and most likely will say again. Brown is a fucking dinosaur and should never be involved in Scottish football ever again.



Also sounds like Stewart is disliked in football because he's not an utter simpleton and the thundering thickos who populate football are threatened by it. 



Have a listen (starts at 13.35)





And of course;


Edited by DA Baracus
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Howard Wilkinson tried that line of defence once when he was manager of Sunderland.

It went badly for him.

After yet another defeat during his short reign he addressed the press's concerns about his team's form with lofty disdain. "What do you lot know anyway? How many caps have you won?" he asked. Jimmy Armfield, former Daily Express journalist, Five Live summariser, one of Wilkinson's predecessors at Elland Road and once the England captain, piped up: "Forty-three actually, Howard."

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I caught a bit of this last night and recognised Michael Stewart but didn't realise who the Billy was that he was talking to. It was *inhales through teeth* awkward at times with the drivel they were both coming out with although Brown was decidedly worse. 


His argument that Stewart shouldn't be allowed to voice his opinion was ludicrous. He then went on to say he quite liked Pat Nevin because he just voiced his opinion (or something along those lines) which Stewart pounced on and asked why he shouldn't be allowed to give his opinion like Nevin does? Brown just fumbled around for an answer before they moved on. 


He come across as an absolute fool and whilst Stewart isn't my favourite pundit, and sounded like a bit of an arse at times last night, Brown was embarrassing.

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Stewart is a great pundit. He is clearly of independent mind, and pretty good at spotting things.


There's no doubt though, that he has a monumentally high opinion of himself, and is of reasonable intelligence. These two facts are anathema to the old school "aw lads thegither, nae fancy talk!", of which Broon appears part.

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Dear me. Just had a listen to it. Billy Brown is truly a dribbling cretin. Michael Stewart actually came across as fairly sound and was trying to be patient but it was like he was speaking to a farmyard animal. Brown just wasn't getting it and his insistence on how you had to have been a manager to have an opinion is ludicrous and something morons have said before and most likely will say again. Brown is a fucking dinosaur and should never be involved in Scottish football ever again.



Also sounds like Stewart is disliked in football because he's not an utter simpleton and the thundering thickos who populate football are threatened by it. 



Have a listen (starts at 13.35)





Brilliant. :lol:  What an absolute moron Brown is.  

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Absolute moron. He spent the whole of the second half of the game at the weekend saying Celtic should bring Forrest on and then went in a huff when they brought Rogic on instead. Never mind Stewart, I'd rip him to pieces in a discussion about football.

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One of the main issues that Brown had, apart from the obvious, was it became fairly clear as the discussion progressed that his whole 'show us your medals' argument, despite being weak to start with, was largely propped up by his central issue which seemed to be that he just doesn't like Michael Stewart that much.

Edited by capt_oats
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I reckon at times I give some pretty good insight into Dundees tactics and players and have a pretty good knowledge of the game honed through playing it all my life, watching it all my life, being pretty much obsessed with it all my life - every lunch break at work is an online hour of football news/blogs etc. Every tam kite is a phone based football forum post or news article etc.

Based on the above I feel more than qualified to give my opinion on the game. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong but I call it as I see it.

Could I turn up at Dundees training on Monday morning and effect the changes I think need to happen - no - absolutely not, but that doesn't mean I can't get my comments out there and asking why the people that are capable of effecting that change aren't doing so.

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I reckon at times I give some pretty good insight into Dundees tactics and players and have a pretty good knowledge of the game honed through playing it all my life, watching it all my life, being pretty much obsessed with it all my life - every lunch break at work is an online hour of football news/blogs etc. Every tam kite is a phone based football forum post or news article etc.

Based on the above I feel more than qualified to give my opinion on the game. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong but I call it as I see it.

Could I turn up at Dundees training on Monday morning and effect the changes I think need to happen - no - absolutely not, but that doesn't mean I can't get my comments out there and asking why the people that are capable of effecting that change aren't doing so.

^^^posted while dropping the kids off at the pool.

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Brown failed to grasp the simple fact that some people are knowledgeable about the game, can see things that need changed, why a team is doing well, etc., while on the other hand they are utterly incapable of helping players address these points, or simply get better.


They are two totally different skills, and MS never claimed to be good at the latter, only the former.

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