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Dunno why you all listen to this garbage still. Unless it's a last resort type thing because BBC coverage has been woeful for years. So called pundits who don't know the rules, and in turn so many idiots that listen then take their word as their own opinion, spreading the stupidity and ignorance.

What’s the alternative? Clyde Super Scoreboard? There’s your answer. As bad as many of the Sportsound mob are, they’re light years ahead of whichever mouth breathers are on that show.
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I don’t mind him, he starts a sentence then veers off on 3 different tracks.  He works by word association, if his third word reminds him of something else he will start talking about that and so on, the question will never be answered.

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To have such glee at your own ignorance eg Nations League playoffs is so utterly contemptuous of the listeners.

Fair enough if Tam and Stuart were on about it but we pay money for these people to offer no insight or analysis whatever.

Its not like its a one off either. Utterly simple concepts like the league cup group stage seem beyond their ken too.

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1 hour ago, Muzza81 said:

While I agree their lack of knowledge and understanding of pretty basic things is tragic, anyone who tunes in to this show for “insight” or “analysis” is an idiot. 

I think thats a reflection on how conditioned we are in Scotland to accept any old shite in all aspects of the game. 

I think an interest, respect and enjoyment in the game they are paid to cover would be a good start.

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On 13/11/2019 at 09:47, sjh1874 said:

Willie Miller sacked manager and failed chippy owner telling Austin to "get a life" aye ok Willie nae bother mate. Sportsound is prehistoric in nature, old firm pandering and in general guff.

Fair point, but would Austin McPhee regard finishing treble runners-up as failure?   (or has he had Karl Heinz Rummenigge in his back pocket?).

Other than that, I think most dandies would probably agree that Miller can probably overdo it a wee bit - and to an extent was put back in his box by a semi-pished sounding Michael O'Neill on the McPhee thing.



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37 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

They said he was a useless c***. Or words to that effect.

They said that after a 5-2 win?

Apropos of nothing, I liked Willie Miller's guess during Saturday's Scotland game that the traditional stringed Greek musical instrument was called a bazooka, btw.

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For me it is totally a job for the boys club, not just with sportsound but right across BBC Scotland football coverage.  I think the problem is that there is a pool of them and they dont like to criticize each other if they are talking rubbish or being obnoxious. They close ranks too often and dont like any outsiders coming in and getting jobs that they expect one of their pals to get. They openly give anyone outside their clique absolute dogs abuse and it's getting boring. I dont mind pundits, experts and journalists mixing it up and having different opinions as it can be entertaining, but with the majority of the group they have on regularly right now it hardly matters which one of them is actually on as they all say the same things.

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22 minutes ago, paranoid android said:

They said that after a 5-2 win?

Apropos of nothing, I liked Willie Miller's guess during Saturday's Scotland game that the traditional stringed Greek musical instrument was called a bazooka, btw.

They said that before a 5.2 win.

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